Monday 17 June 2024

 ....and what's new this monday evening, dazzlenation?..a new disgusting and disgraceful 'low' that O2 has fallen to, that's what....i've just had an email back from them - to find out that they are now charging both £20 and £52.27 for that new dongle alias and they want £20 immediately or else they will put in an extra charge of £6...oh and they are also threatening me with 'credit history' i.e. it will be hard for me to get it if i don't pay up, now...what a bunch of criminals....anyway, i've sent back an email asking them how they dare to do any of that when not one of them has replied to a single email and nobody has tried to resolve my complaint - all they've done is play for time - by sending me emails about my mobile number...oh and to make it worse...the email demanding £20 immediately is for the new dongle alias - which is attached to the £52.27 payment and NOT to my old dongle alias which is attached to that £20 payment..."completely fraudulent" replies BI online....absolutely...they hoping that i will think that they've cancelled the £52.27 which i can see that they have not - having just checked their site and my new dongle alias is still demanding £52.27 in payment with a message to set up a payment plan....and my old dongle alias is still demanding £20 per month and demanding that i set up a payment plan...and so a completely fraudulent email - hoping to deceive whilst extorting money.....hmmm....donna says don't pay them at all...just walk away and go to a new provider - they'll set up a new etc etc and not bother about O2....apparently a lot of people do that...but i''m not that sort of person...i want this sorted out can't let this bunch of criminals get away with that sort of fraudulent activity etc etc...oh and having logged onto my O2 homepage to check out those two dongle aliases....i then find out that O2 hasn't registered my emails to them, at all....and there have been so many....not to mention my bank's communique to them - telling them that they have now taken action....and stopped the direct debit...oh and that O2 also need to repay etc etc...regarding those fraudulent £30.13 deductions via direct debit etc homepage has no details of any such short, they are acting in such a criminal way, now - that it would be actively dangerous to supply them with a direct debit facility ever again...a one-off payment for this month, is all that i would now consider agreeing to....anyway, having supplied them with that US O2 call centre's reference code for my case - that has made the sick 'n' the stupid a bit 'jumpy' but only so far as the 'tards' are now repeatedly sending me emails about my 'mobile number' in order to investigate my case - although the 'tards' haven't lifted a finger and about any of it, as yet...go figure.

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