Monday 17 June 2024

....and what else,?...well, sue whalley could remember an incident that might have formed the basis of or at least contributed to sylvia 'ongoing pyscho-is' every christmas...and that had begun and ended with whalley's father - 'dr tony smith' with a fallen-branch-in-the-snow, regarding a certain 60s christmas - when blackheath had been covered in snow - christmas day....."it's my grindel stick!" etc then find out, that all of the other 'mummies' and 'daddies' gathered...had been 'joos'....hmmm....remember the mendel family who had been horrified by ruthie stredwick claiming to be a 'joo' not having a clue about the religion, culture or language, attached to judaism etc etc....anyway, a 'fight between mummies' ensued....on the ground, at 'the dip' as we used to call it......i.e. the part of blackheath, nearest to st austell road etc etc....anyway, after a confrontation between 'molly richardson' and 'sylvia'....resulting in - the 'mummies' deciding to 'do in' molly richardson (molly - who had been a sworn satanist "because that is what our religion is all about" - i.e. judaism) but not to include sylvia in it...lest she be blamed for it...hmmm...funny, that...because afterwards....after molly's death...the gyde family then decided to do a 'moonlight flit' etc etc...despite 'sylvia' not having been 'party' to what the rest of that 'mummies' mob, had decided to exact upon 'molly richardson'....see previous notes upon 'all of that'...and er....i've got a bit more to add, to the whole caboodle - it had been prince andrew 'on the desk' mucking it all up....because he hadn't known how to work a certain colour factors program, resulting in absolute failure of etc a relief that it is now all finally 'out in the open'....go figure.

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