Monday 17 June 2024

 ....and what else, dazzlenation?...ah, this is funny, yet retrospect, let us say....although at the time etc etc....hmmm....where do i begin?...another of those unfortunate events although thankfully not a 'christmas from hell', i had come back from poland - for the summer....mid-90s....met sue whalley and had a chat about 'quite a bit'....went out with her later on, to share a coffeepot at a country inn (with daldry listening in to our conversation from the other side of the partition - lol  - as she was later on, to admit)....oh and i was also to meet sarah holliday, at number 14 st bernards, that summer......see previous notes upon 'all of that'....anyway, grandma clayton had then told sylvia that she'd like to see me....remember my airmail letter to her, about having been 'got' by the KGB etc etc....more laughter....well, it is funny, in retrospect because this is what happened next....sylvia then decided that we should all go...and so the entire gyde family was to turn up on grandma's doorstep....sylvia was to tell her gruffly that they (the grandparents) had come for christmas (at her house in b'ham) and so now they had to repay the debt....grandma was to exclaim that she was too old....the grandparents were living upon the groundfloor at that point because grandma's heart couldn't take the stairs etc etc (remember how i had helped, in order to get grandpa to see that etc etc which was to result in uncle bobby and his 'workmen' coming round etc etc)....oh and there wasn't enough food in the house - only enough for the grandparents and at a push, somebody else etc etc....anyway, during all of that time - I was busy trying to 'keep it light' by arranging for the family to have a takeaway fish and chips, instead of etc etc....because sylvia had made it quite obvious that she and her 'troop' weren't going to leave - they were going to stay the night etc etc....grandma wasn't too happy, at first....but then agreed to chicken and chips...which she had then loved, i might add..."ooh bob - this is quite nice, actually" etc etc...they ate healthily and mainly from their garden, as most of the villagers used to do, in those days...grandpa used to laugh about stan-down-the-road who didn't need to buy any food from the shops at all (the local poacher) with a incredible fruit/veg garden....i digress....whilst i was trying to recover from the shock of sylvia not having told grandma beforehand, that they were all going to turn up and not just myself....a question that i had immediately put to sylvia, which was then ignored and repeatedly, i might add....and so i was then to think - well, she always hated her parents and there was me, thinking that she was about to bury the hatchet, having been allowed to visit with her 'brood' - to then realise that hadn't been the case etc was then that i saw rodway's car parked in the drive.....rodway entered...followed by gill...."i don't like your friend - i don't trust her" grandma was to whisper to me...meanwhile grandpa clayton was laughing about being a 'joo'...grandma was to reply angrily that she thought that the local pastor (although she had named the local 'vicar' at the time but i cannot remember his name) had saved him from 'all of that'....she then told me to get help...there was a public phone in the PO down the, i had known upon previous visits that it didn't work....but hey, sneaking out and getting help there, wasn't a bad idea....rodway then pursued me down the road....i bolted into the PO and asked the lady for a backway....she replied that the backdoor of the potting shed, attached - let us say - was stuck...i managed to get it open and then put a rag underneath the PO backdoor into that shed....jeremy clayton then smashed one of the small panes of frosted glass within it to try the handle.....he then told rodway that the door was stuck but it didn't matter...he knew that shed i.e. the outside door didn't short, i was trapped...they then decided to set a frequency program....whilst i was leaping over the hedges and running over the neighbouring lawn that grandpa had once told me - a ferocious dog used to patrol etc etc...and whilst hidden by the hedgerows facing the road....i was to spot mrs fishwick...who had just parked her car and rather dangerously i might add...looked like she'd had a 'crash', i might add - in the way that it had been parked, off of the rad....approximately opposite to the PO (although i was to say 'adjacent' to pat - who then told me - "better to say" etc etc) and was speedily making her way into the combs village PO, 'as was' because upon last count, upon google maps - it no longer exists....anyway, after that - i made a run for it, out of the then tell the local butcher, at the bottom of the hill....heading towards stowmarket....oh and then i met up with a couple of ne-er do wells, in the garage, further on....MI5 evans appeared to have known who they were....he was to tell me that they would have taken me to boxted.....really?....near chelmsford, eh?....suffice to say, i got out of their car, early on...and hitched another lift....ended up doing a massive circular walk, around the area....until i eventually came back - via the tannery...once i had deemed the area to be 'safe' then be reprimanded by grandma clayton...."it doesn't take that long to walk back from stowmarket" and "you shouldn't have told him"...i.e. the butcher who had had a long standing rivalry, with grandpa clayton - let us say....grandpa used to think that he was always trying to cheat him etc etc.....oh and the PO mistress had been extremely distressed about the whole thing etc etc....and so what had happened in that PO apart from the obvious....well, after setting the program...rodway et al, had then raided the till as well as the confectionary display.....which is what whalley was to make a brief record, of - regarding rodway's criminal activities...having monitored the entire situation...."one hand in the till and one hand in the confectionary"...grabbing chocolate bars....and taking a bite out of every one of those she had chosen...i.e. grabbing everything she could....a free-for-all, as she was to laugh to jeremy....she could do anything she liked...'grab' anything she liked and get away with it etc etc...chocolate bars left on the counter with the ends bitten off etc etc..."a jealous rage" replies BI online....and yes, i 'know' why that had been - remember lisa, in prague?....'tards' had not learned to 'grow up' and become 'mature' as in an adult frame of mind....i had done so but they hadn't etc etc...and their jealousy 'raged' etc it goes, eh?...and onto the next thing....the addams family at hill house, combs...and yes, rodway had told jeremy that she would 'do' the addams family, with the assembled gydes etc etc....oh and not forgetting the most important point, in relation to proving that the above had actually happened....the masons had told MI5 evans, that he had been wrong about what had happened to me - regarding 'boxted' etc etc...and that their man-in-a-car who had given the second lift to myself....had proved that my 'story' about the whole thing (whilst told, during that second hitch-hiking lift), had been entirely  correct....and yes, he had been ex-military and rather 'high up' within the general scheme of things...with a 'ham radio' network, in his car.....that had picked up 'unusual activity' in the area, that i had been trying to figure:

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