Tuesday 18 June 2024

 ....and what else, dazzlenation?...well, a couple of things...firstly - remember glaswegian 'clare' in at that british council DTO prague - 1993/4 ....who had laughed about the 'top brass' at 'prague gas' HQ....in short, she had set a memory aid to something else, let us say...."and so i told them 'look boys - you can't have both! you have to decide...." etc etc...their english had been so elementary, that according to her - they just grinned and nodded...to every question she asked etc etc...no idea what she was asking them and no idea of what 'choice' was being offered...next up, we have RH and in relation to a duo-system....regarding that 'special relationship' between the US and UK....and so let me guess....something around hog-warts and rhino-warts?...lol..with a sidelong glance at a prague connection - regarding something that caroline hughes could remember...."barking mad" replies BI online....hmmm...not caroline but what she could remember of that special-in-the-head man in his rather grand totnes house with that 'archway' onto the road-on-a-hill...somewhat outside of the main town....i've touched upon 'that one' before now, in a previous post...anyway, he had had us all in, one evening...in front of the fire...to talk about what he figured was 'true alchemy'...having learned a bit about the early days of jung and his followers...to then tell us all that he was trusting the brain-damaged 'lisa' to lead the operation....which would continue in prague, with 'taschmann' back-up....nota bene that lisa was dangerously insane...psychotic, by that point in time...not only trying to poison those who visited her totnes flat but something even more terrible...remember CF's baby...lisa had taken what she called 'dragon's blood' out of its heart, for one of her so-called alchemy experiments....with a syringe....it had then died....and CF was to lose it completely, as a result...go on a drink 'n' drugs binge like no other etc etc...oh and remember it was caroline, who had told us....seeing as she had once worked as a psychiatric nurse...that it was possible to section lisa but it probably wouldn't do any good....because the powers that be, would overturn it immedately....hmmm....reminds me of mcgowan telling the fishwick family that ann fishwick was under 'royal guarantee' and that therefore, 'sectioning' was not possible...despite her repeated attempts over the years - to poison members of her family and anybody else who annoyed her, for that matter - including the bin men etc etc.....see previous notes upon 'all of that'....go figure:


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