Tuesday 18 June 2024

 .....and what's on the timer system, this evening - dazzlenation?...well, i have little idea what this is all about and upon any level...islam and the eucharist etc etc....other than the following....remember rodway et al attending classes at SEES (school of slavonic and eastern european studies)....whilst obama's contingent had gone to SOAS (school of oriental and african studies), london university?...hmmm...rodway had also attended hebrew language classes....and yes, she had learned the language very quickly indeed....hmmm...remember campestre at hotelu asystencki  - remarking upon how 'brilliant' she was, to have learned french....and fluently, i might add...in just a year of living in belgium as a 'nanny'....not having spoken a word before....see previous notes upon little gill at langley juniors - joining huntingdon's class of 'tards' because he had desperately wanted to learn french 'the easy way' in order to communicate with his mother..."language microchip" replies BI online....easily hacked, too - i might add....and so what had campestre thought so 'brilliant' about rodway, then?..."just like him - a microchipped zionist"...and last but not least....remember the british royal princes acting like retarded 'apes' at that south of france, templar castle horrorshow - cagnes sur mer?...and yes, they had been programmed with the following text...a dispute about the 'quails' was to follow etc etc...with the taschmanns leading the pack....anyway, if we minus from this discussion - any historical/political/religious considerations etc etc...lol....we're left with 'language chip = on microchipped retarded ape hacked network?...oh and i might add that sylvia was to tell me that uncle bobby 'in retirement' had learned german fluently, within a year or two of studying at the local adult education etc etc...whilst not having shown any 'flair' for language learning, beforehand - let us say...lol....and all because jeremy and bobby had started to holiday, in germany - frequently...skiing, apparently....hmmm...marr had too...stating upon his guardian column, at the time..."doesn't everybody holiday in germany, now?" etc etc...oh and let us not go near, the prague rothschild team who had learned to speak french, fluently - almost overnight....along with all of those doctors and bobby's mob - at one of sylvia's pre-christmas 'do's...all exulting in their 'brilliance' at suddenly being able to speak fluent french etc etc..."added to the network"...whilst certain members of MI5, stood away from the exultant throng, at no. 8....asking each other....what was going on etc etc...see previous notes upon 'all of that'......go figure:




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