.....and what else, dazzlenation?...lol...somebody that oscar had once described as a really, really 'wicked woman'....and to the nth degree...hmmm...a bit like rimington, eh?....i.e. not just like 'the rest of them (ling/linda's mob etc etc), that he had labelled as such and in relation to those that he had had so much experience of over the years etc etc....in short, a bit more than most...lol...maureen lipman...hmmm...about 10 years younger than sylvia 'n' oscar which would make her about jenny ramsay 'n' guy houghton's age...anyway, sonia fisher had remembered her 'open mouth'....for her then to say "i can't do this anymore!...i can't perform 'magic'?!...what do you want me to do?" etc etc whilst at brooklyn house, all of those years ago now.....oh and the scarlett network, had wanted a reminder of 'scott's porage/po-ridge/po-rage oats' in a cupboard - regarding that mossad number ie. rodway's dad as scarlett's replacement-upon-the-system..."we'll leave that as a clue" etc etc...and yes, i have an apology to make to a certain person, who had made this all possible but i'll leave it at that, for the time being ....and get onto other matters.... and as a consequence of 'all of that'...well, scottish freemasonry was to realise that a 'blue ball' number upon the system wasn't going to work against the mossad horrorshow going on, at that point in time....lol...blue balls...blue pills etc etc...wouldn't work against what they were and are now faced with, at this point in time etc etc....time for a few 'red pills', eh?....hmmm....oh and what about 'green pills' then?....additionally, 'intelligence' and globally, i might add - all know that there are quite a few more colourful 'pills', than that...for my own part, whilst working with them - i knew, for example - the least that you could take in order to achieve etc etc and never to top-up, to achieve the same effect and therefore keep working for longer etc etc...obama used to get me to mix up the formulae, at green tower...the only one with hands that didn't shake etc etc...and so yes, i knew how to handle the 'climb-down' afterwards, in relation to taking such a 'potent substance' in the form of a tiny pill or the like...the mixing of powders etc etc...oh and regarding prince philip's 'caste' system...despite what his norwegian contingent might have thought...in relation to that 'toilet' number of their castle system....the mathematician that holds your whole 'tard' system, in place?....lol...don't make me laugh etc etc....and yes, i can remember now - the computer/desk in an office overlooking mell square, solihull.....let me give you a sample....more laughter...what a 'zoo', eh?...a menagerie of horror etc etc.....oh and you can probably guess what 'brooklyn house' had been all about, now - dazzlenation..."drugs depot"....lol...and the person who i had needed to apologise to...turns out to be no other than the 'nurse'-who-had-stolen-drugs at eaglehurst...because she had then taken control of the situation - syringed up rodway....down the sewers etc etc....and there's more....almost unbelievably but 'crappy' was to confirm it....a long haul russian intelligence project...to find out the location of israeli subs....in the north sea, for example....and yes, that 'sewage' doll's signal via satellite from chip - had been that strong....they were then to try it out with their next 'sewage' doll in another sea, let us say...and yes, there must have been that much 'invaluable' data on those chipped up etc etc...that couldn't be uploaded to 'cloud' etc etc....oh and ramsay had once corrected me about sylvia..."not a sponge, that's not the way it works" etc etc....a mechanism that 'grabs' and then uploads etc etc...."packets of information upon the system"...oh and for the record - sylvia's 'nuffield science scholarship' had been in chemistry and not 'maths'....and yes, she could do the simple O' level stuff quite easily - she would have had problems at A' level..."everything balances" she used to tell me...whilst i was trying to point out the positive and negative etc etc...she wasn't having any of it....only knew the basics etc etc...in the end, i opted for history and french instead of chemistry and physics, at O' level...seeing as you were limited to only taking so many subjects upon the timetable (what did it matter - i hardly ever bothered to turn up to classes, anyway - too busy studying A' level and higher - science subjects on my own - with potsy paying a call, now and then...dividing my time up between that and the radio room) - with sylvia laughingly telling anybody who would listen - that i was hopeless at chemistry, at home....what a good-for-nothing, whilst she was such a hard-working professional mother of four...what an embarrassment to her - how could she put up with etc etc....in short, 'volumnia' was 'victorious' - exulting in her etc etc...and i just had to grin and bear it....hmmm....and in retrospect - the amount that i had had to put up with, over the decades - only made possible by knowing that i would eventually etc etc...which is what is now finally happening...the 'netting' of the lot of them etc etc.....crazy world, eh?....go figure:
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