....and what's new this friday morning, dazzlenation?....well, first up - i now realise why 'tard-force' has been going on about 'plejaren' stuff...code for pleiadian - MI6 younger's idea.....having had a look at the bottom of that last map....see previous post....in brief - whilst standing upon nelson road - with sonia fisher - after rodway had been exposed, at brooklyn house....she was to tell me that she was being terrorised by the pleiadian network....i told her that it was probably the masons and to remember that it was all about 'radio wars' and not extra-terrestials....she knew that already and so why etc etc....for example, icke had 'outed' the whole royal 'interdimensional space lizard' number - which had had an element of truth to it....i.e. it had been the two young princes - larking around on the buckingham palace system, to then terrorise the whole of BI, decades ago, now...and so more than likely - what we were looking at, was a copycat situation....most probably ham radio...shortwave....and then whalley's desk picked up on mcgowan....lol....the entire lot was then coded in as 'plucking pheasants'...a hanni gloor reference - remember her working with mcgowan's father, in the early days?...and there's more....mcgowan had been using oscar's original 'pleiades' framework....that he had set up on his computer - early on, whilst living at 14 st bernards road etc etc...anyway, mcgowan had gone on to recruit in switzerland - the wyss network etc etc....hmmm....hitler and that prankster 'captain gyde's only known photo etc etc....remember the CIA lab finding out the real history - MI5 evans?...hitler and his cronies had been located in switzerland and taken out, within the first year of WWII....and yes, i can remember now...evans and his german friends had been 'on the ball' about the whole lot, by that point in time...along the lines of WWIII will be fought upon the airways...radio wars....rather than spitfires and the battle of britain etc etc....and it looks like they have the pleiadian network in their sights, eh - dazzlenation?....hmmm....and there's more....mcgowan had immediately recruited ed gyde, as part of his pleiadian network....and yes, ed had been working for the jet-setting duo...."a couple of templars" replies BI online....mcgowan had also recruited the fishwick family....and so yes, you can see the royal connections, there.....fishwicks 'n' prince andrew...and the jet-setting duo?..."prince william"....anyway, sonia fisher isn't a person who is easily scared but what that pleiadian network had been sending out upon the networks - had obviously been so terrifying that she had begun to doubt her own mind - begun to question everything....anyway, whalley's desk was onto it...."stenson had been involved"....anyway, let's now get back to what dr ramsay and dr houghton had been up to....and let's begin with a recap....jenny ramsay had once told me about the 'red baron' that they had met on holiday in italy.....late 70s....the prague rothschild, in short...."he's just like you"...as in on the same telepathic network, let us say....oh and after meeting me in prague, in that BC rented flat (remember how rodway had helped me to move in?)...he was to laugh "you're just like us - except that you don't have any money" - see previous notes upon 'all of that'....turns out, he had grown up in an italian chateau - upon the border of switzerland....hmmm.....not that far from where i had been brought up - early 60s....italian-swiss mountain village etc etc....anyway, ramsay had known all about it...arranged for that 'meeting'....so that i could then be 'used' by his BC DTO team...and there's more....matthew smith laughing about his 'dalek' party....remember how the prague rothschild had once wanted to run both sides....and then we're back to joos vs nazis, along with that paling stake/bucket show - as put together by caroline stokes - for prince phillip....the 'dalek' party who were interested in wheelchair access....presumably for those that couldn't 'fly'....lol....and more importantly - it all appears to have been a skit on the prague rothschild identifying as 'disabled' because of deafness in one ear (coded in as 'def leppard')....to then start up a campaign pressure group, in prague - to get wheelchair access to the council/municipality/governmental buildings etc etc....not something that the erstwhile communist party had been bothered with....anyway, what shall i jump to, next?...let me see....that sylvia memorial....first up - ed gyde had been running a desk for that jet-setting duo, in order to ensure that everything ran smoothly, as ingabot had known....but it didn't run smoothly, did it?....jenny and guy houghton were to have a quick disagreement...."one of us will have to stay" he had told his wife....and in the eventuality - it turned out to be him....see previous notes upon 'all of that'...including oscar telling me, somewhat mysteriously upon the phone - that both had disappeared....and that was after the memorial event....he had been unable to find out anything at all - regarding their whereabouts and also that of their now grown-up children....which is why he had been unable to invite them to the event....and so presumably hadn't known that they had turned up?....another case for the 'whalley' desk, eh?....lol....remember that golden anniversary held at the pier hotel, harwich 2011...."that's not dr craig"...although everybody else present appeared to be treating 'john baker' as 'dr craig' and for no apparent reason....and there's more...what about sylvia's cousins - effie and kathleen regarding that 'HSBC banker' son - a question that evans might like to answer - regarding his considerable experience at that bank...having finished his tenure as MI5 supremo etc etc....e.g. had that HSBC banker attended the memorial service?....and what else?....well, we're back to that christmas from hell....and in relation to how the young ed gyde had reacted....oscar had had to hold him back - otherwise he would have attacked the ambulance crew....he was in 'beast' alter, at the time....red-eyed, fighting and screaming "mummy! mummy! mummy!" at the top of his voice...until dr ramsay had to sedate him, too....and what else?...well, remember how ramsay 'n' her husband houghton - used to lead the children 'two by two' into a backroom at their surgery....doing 'noah's ark' programming etc etc....because that is what appears to be behind the next clump, to come up....and it involves not only sonia fisher but also sarah holliday....who had both had a look at a leaflet put through their respective frontdoors....for 'ambassador cruiseline' holidays....and so yes, we're back to battleships and cruisers....with an NWO/armageddon twist....noah's ark time.....sonia could only afford the holiday marked 'festive'.....hmmm....ed 'n' that jet-setting duo had been behind that company....and 'festive' had been coded in as 'five set'.....on the other hand, sarah could afford something a bit more expensive, let us say...anyway, my only advice to the pair of them is...i wouldn't if i were you....lol....safer in a dinghy, catching your own fish etc etc....remember MI6 john's cruise holidays?....sylvia wood had nearly died - had to be helicoptered off a mountain in the andes....because she had been programmed to drink so little water, that her kidneys had gone into failure....see previous notes upon that man's obsession with 'saving water' etc etc....oh and let's not forget what had happened to cruiseliners during covid....footage of terrified people on board - as the food and water ran out....having not been allowed to disembark at various ports, around the globe etc etc....do you see what i'm getting at here - regarding 'ambassador' cruises?...oh and the 'tom cruise' desk had also been interested in that brochure.....along the lines of the abbreviated capital 'A' logo....is it a bird, is it a plane.....no, it's cruiseliner that might just go down....more laughter...i'm just throwing things out there....along with a sidelong glance at 'swallow hotels' - one of browne's projects....and what else?...well, franco's desk hadn't been particularly, helpful - regarding their handling of my O2 account...and yes, it had been them, who had cut me off of the internet....the week beginning with...oscar telephoning me, to tell me that sylvia had passed away....and yes, i am grateful to them for...how does one put it?..taking away the temptation to 'sound off' upon my blog...without due caution and consideration of so many factors at play etc etc...on the other hand - look at the mess it was to land me in.....upgrading and then etc etc....which has not been sorted out as yet, i might add....no answer back from my bank or O2, regarding the current state of play....and what else?...well, 'franco's desk had also been behind that freebie l'interdit' perfume phial - in my latest amazon purchase....they were then to joke that if i were to meet ed again, in the near future...that i should dab a bit behind my ears and see if it 'works' upon him....how very unamusing.....and if it didn't and he went into 'beast' alter - regarding an imposter, trying to take the place of 'mummy' etc etc....anyway, 'tards' have been at it, again - see below....and they call me 'mad'?...go figure:
Thursday, 13 June 2024
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