Friday, 14 June 2024

 ....and what's new this friday evening, dazzlenation?....a reply from O2....oh dear, that doesn't look 'promising' does it?...they've already asked for it twice and i have already replied with the correct mobile phone number - twice, accordingly...oh and they already have it upon their system - every time i log onto O2's website - there it is...saved upon the menu etc gets the strong feeling that O2 staff in this country, have done a bit like rodway's tards - regarding that O2 clacton shop, closing down without notice etc etc...a bit of a moonlight flit?...anyway, the 'tards' could just be playing for time and so the message below might be deliberate obfuscation of my mobile telephone number and my dongle alias...and so i shall put both, in my reply in order to stop them from asking again etc etc...oh and they have my dongle alias saved upon their site, too - i might add....go figure:

only one 'tard-force' response - today?

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