Saturday, 8 June 2024

 ....anyway, dazzlenation...the british royals used to program with the 'chipped tooth'....see previous post....i.e. not 'caviar', as they used to joke...more 'cavity' and no money to afford dental treatment, at all - resulting in extreme dental pain as the chipped tooth deteriorated....into infecting the gum and as a consequence, the entirety of the gums and mouth, with 'gingivitis' along with mouth ulcers etc etc....not that they cared...just another 'disobedent slave' upon their prince phillip's system etc etc...oh and remember that pic of the 'blonde' with what appears to be 'dark glasses' on?...see previous post - regarding snipped images from that 'caviar' website...i.e. those like myself - used and abused...whilst being the best mathematician of the lot, regarding tomlinson's failed sky program for that so-called 'royal' establishment of crooks and rogues (tomlinson, who had pretended to be 'me' and able to the 'maths' - whilst being just another 'tard' etc etc).....and doing it all, for 'free', i might add - or that is what the 'tards' had supposed - as a slave upon their then be cast out as the 'little matchstick girl' etc etc...hmmm...not much to laugh at - there....but believe you me, i'm still laughing....hmmm...although when i look back on it, now - it's been a long year...i.e. having to go back to no.6, the year before - having been blinded in one eye, beforehand and therefore needing to find out etc then have my heart broken by etc etc....and that was after 3 teeth had been one eye blinded...not to mention another attempt at disabling my feet (see previous posts) - resulting in numbness in my left foot and for months - hard rubbing/massage then restored 'feeling', as i had previously known - regarding the last attack etc etc....and the injury?...a mossad/rodway number etc etc....see previous notes upon 'all of that'....and so, let me recap - that 'screaming tinnitus' 24/7 had been the least of it, let us say...hmmm...'control of one's own mind' etc etc - according to eastern philosophies of life....and that is the only thing that has pulled me believing (and against all of the odds) that a good God, was and is in the heavens - opposed to what class A drug addicts of that satanic cult, believed in etc etc but then they would, wouldn't they etc etc....go figure:

and what's new this saturday evening, dazzlenation?....well, it's amazing what pulling the plug on O2 can do, isn't it?....once the banks get involved, that is....and yes, i've seen upon the networks what gill 'n' sharon had set illegal fund to drain etc etc.... "a criminal network" replies BI online....oh and there's more - a new comment talkinng about 'lucy fur' in what that satanic cult believes, that used to be the eldest taschmann's code for prince william - whilst on stage, in his girl child alter - at a templar event, let us say.....and yes, in his youth - prince william had won that particular 'beauty competition' as 'lucy-in-furs....lucifer...along with fisher's code for tomlinson as the fir-king...a norwegian christmas tree affair...lucy-fur-king....or furking lucy, if you figure:

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