Saturday, 8 June 2024

....and what else is 'new' this saturday morning, dazzlenation?...well, the key to set everybody they investigate the following....and yes, we're back to mobile phones, again....and just look at the imagery..along with a bit of a 'moon' effect...'rabbit-in-the-moon', according to the british royals and their 'royal' gift - how disgusting, eh?...and yes, the following had been used for microchipping - rather than the bestowal of 'royal' gifts...electronic tinnitus etc etc....a screeching/whistling sound...designed to drive you mad - 24/7....and just how many years have i had to bear it?...oh and jeremy clayton had laughed about it, at the time..."bunny rabbit, eh?" as he inputted it into his computer, at his erstwhile residence in combs - remember grandpa clayton's funeral that wasn't?...aged, bent over, hardly able to walk but still managing to do so, whilst laughing like a 'wicked witch'....and why?....well, presumably because he had fooled those at his mock-funeral, at st mary's church....those that were then to go on to a rather 'exclusive' local restaurant, in order to order upon the menu etc etc....go figure: 



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