Saturday, 25 September 2010

My brain crumbled at the thought of reading through the 'academic detail' upon GILL's new addition to his site (this wasn't available to BI circa 2003) but I did pick out this piece which appears to be saying:

GRAVITY is a lie...but BI already knows that...they are working on it and have been working on the 'surface tension/accretion theory' for some time now...

Additionally, that if you take away the theory of GRAVITY then NASA becomes a standing joke and all related so-called research centres that chew up billions of tax-payers money...

Here is that extract:

I say let’s hack at the root of Gravity and all its branches will die with it; its Lie stems from Gen 1:3 and ends with Rev 19:7 when the real source of Infinite Energy “Light” arrives to remove impurities from Creation. 13 is the number of Rebellion; Satan becoming the Light God said was Good in Gen 1:3 is described in Rev 13 as the 4th Beast. You don’t suppose 19+7=26 by accident too?
Reading history texts covering the last 4500 years, no mention is made that I can find concerning gravity or any other force resembling it. One can find Ka, the Life Force of the Sun, but nothing about Gravity or a Force moving the Earth. Think what you want, but Akkadian, Babylonian, Persian, and Greek astronomers were pretty smart and made no mention of forces causing what they saw. Here is how Webster’s Dictionary defines Gravity. Force of 2 sufficiently massive bodies, proportional to the product of their masses and inversely proportional to the square of the distance between them. Alternative definition: Importance and serious consequence. Oh, gravity only applies to sufficiently massive objects, great! I’d go with the 2nd definition because if it weren’t for gravity, the Big Bang Theory would have never been proposed, nor would any of our current physics theories like Space-Time fabric being warped by gravity into Black Holes and/or Worm Holes, or Time Travel. Black Holes violate the most basic thermodynamics and physics laws and nobody will ever see one because they suck up any light they would theoretically create; scientists claim they create elements such as carbon, iron and other heavy elements, but even Nuclear Fusion theoretically ends with Lithium and nature only proves the creation of Helium. Don’t you think we should prove the existence of Matter with Infinite Gravity first? If we don’t do that, production of heavy elements by them is a moot point. Gee, scientists might have to admit God created them; I’m sure they shudder at the thought of giving Him credit!
Let’s look at a few more definitions. Graviton: Hypothetical particle having no electric charge and no rest mass. Physicist Peter Higgs calls this the “H” Boson, the cause of gravity, and of course “Higg’s Boson” is supposed to be discovered by the Large Hadron Collider (read big money pit) at CERN near Geneva, Switzerland. Oh, I see, when you accelerate this hypothetical particle with no mass, it acquires some. Since Gravitons are God Particles, does this mean God is also merely hypothetical? Besides being another violation of the most basic physics laws, and how do you prove a hypothetical anything? If it has no mass or charge; good luck accelerating it! It’d be like boxing a ghost, so I’d have to say this must be a Fig Newton of somebody’s imagination! The reason why the Gravitron is called the Higg’s Boson is very simply because without gravity, every scientific theory opposing the bible falls completely apart
Big Bang
Luminous Aether
Warped Space-Time
Black Holes
Worm Holes
Matter production in collapsing stars
Time Travel
Alternative Universes
Magical Material with Atomic Number 137
Without gravity we would have to take God’s Word for Creation; now wouldn’t that be a novel idea?

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