Monday 27 September 2010


I watched this film, this morning…noting the WORKING TITLE logo - X in a circle and the NUCLEAR mind control sign…so not good, eh?

A JOEL and ETHAN COEN production.

By the time the film reached the RUSSIAN EMBASSY scene, I remembered telling the REGIMENT that they should study this scene closely - so they had copy of the film - the CIRCLE with a SQUARE inside window, was probably important but the video DATE was the most important thing…

Anyway, after the film had been made - we all watched it in the CIA LAB and MCDONALD said to me ‘don’t you remember being in there’…yes and no…we were ‘on set’ quite a bit for some bizarre reason…if only because the CRAZY COMPANY had written the script…

AMADEUS had only given me a little bit to write…that small scene with GILL sorry, that should be MALKOVITCH’s character ‘OZZIE’ on board the boat with his father, talking about writing his memoirs…

Anyway, all of the actors/actresses appear to have been given tapes of the CRAZY COMPANY to study and so the pisstakes run as follows:

MCDONALD - BRAD PITT’s role - yes, very ‘MCDONALD’…and no he didn’t get murdered by ‘HARRY’ who was based upon HULBRUSCH…the closet scene (RIMINGTON told me ‘you won’t get it because it is about mind control’) was actually quite simple to work out:

MCDONALD and the rest of us had jumped the 3 MONKEYS…HULBRUSCH’s programming had begun to unravel and when that happens, you sometimes get flashes of your programmer instead of yourself, in the mirror…that is what the ‘closet’ scene was all about…NIKOLAS waking up and realising that MCDONALD was now his programmer…after the ‘breaking of the thighs’…

LINDA LITZKE was based upon RIMINGTON…LIT IS THE KEY…MI7 and the SHA…RIMINGTON had dated quite a bit in NY but given up, because basically, she didn’t like men of her own age…and ROZ and I made a faux pas by mentioning the money, in relation to some of these very wealthy businessmen…RIMINGTON wasn’t after money…wrong move.

The HEALTH CLUB has a cameo performance from a TODDY lookalike…SC said that he was the ‘owner’ of it…symbolically, that is…

SWINTON’s character mimicked ROZ…even down to being PINK TEDDY BEAR programmer of children…see scene in her doctor’s surgery.

The LIGHT GREEN computer disk - related to MARK R who told us that his part was that of the divorce court lawyer - whom HARRY lays out…sure.

The OBAMAS told us that their part had been as the couple who were ‘nothing to do with it’ at the party…who asked HARRY’s wife what she did - cue the ‘she writes children’s books’ which appears to be a key point:


I was told that this was a reference to the BIRMINGHAM ROTUNDA…I have no idea what that is about except previous notes upon SIMON KEEPING as part of the West Midlands Police force…who had that extraordinary ‘flying bugs’ video equipment…that TOMLINSON also knew about…

OLIVER is an ORANGE CAT who starts sneezing and presumably ‘wakes up’ at some point…

The TV PRESENTERS talk about a storybook called POINT OF ORDER OLIVER…where he sneezes so loudly that he shocks everybody…what could it mean?

Anyway, the woman presenter who walks off set and then into her private room where she kisses her lover…TOMLINSON told me that this was me and him…although he appeared to be wearing GILL’s jacket at the time…but then whilst in this flat…I had confused him with GILL…although he had left me a sign to get the ‘right channel’ by making a mark by the door to show me his height…well over 6 foot…GILL was below 6 foot…see previous notes upon how I could be hypnotised to see different men as GILL…for example YURI the mafia boss…posed as GILL at the beach-house. You have to get the ‘reality channel’ back in order to break through the illusions…

OZZIE appears to be a pisstake of OZ CIA programming…and that the main body of the CIA wants to close it down…I.e. what was formerly the LOEHRMANN drugging and mind control department…but now known as GREEN TOWER and run by MARK R, OBAMA and AMADEUS.

Other notes:

PRINCETON alumni sing about NASSAU but sing NASA…singing the praises of that ludicrous organisation…why?

HARRY’s surname is PHARRER…this is alternately pronounced as ‘PHARO’ or ‘FER RA’…

Other notes:

The surgeon’s concern over the ‘vaccine scar’ of RIMINGTON…is it possible that this was an early attempt at microchipping…I mean why did we all get that hideous scar upon our arms?

Other notes:

‘HARRY’/HULBRUSCH and OZZIE's wife…talk about being ‘ROCK SOLID’ and how GILL’s character will be hit by the BOOM - a yachting reference…and suddenly I knew what this was all about:

ROCKEFELLERS/ROYALS ganging up together in an uneasy alliance to get the ROTHSCHILDS…so this was all really early on then…before I ‘got’ the ROTHSCHILDS at their conference via tracking GILL…

Other notes:

KRAPOTKIN no guesses as to who this might refer to…

Other notes:

I am not sure that I understand the symbolism of cutting up so many CARROTS but see previous notes upon PRINCE HARRY and his guardsmen…not nice.

Nor do I get the SULTAN OF SALAD reference…see TV presenters’ scene…

Other notes:


…now I get that reference…the RUSSIANS appear to think that the trouble was started with the GRIBBLE family…that aristocratic GERMAN family in Blackheath, for some reason…


OZZIE COX has his house on 180 OLIVE STREET…again it must be symbolic of something…perhaps the HOUSE OF O…who knows…


Finally, the opening anaphylactic reference…in the ‘director’s cut’ of this film…CLOONEY goes into anaphylactic shock…which was really comic…but for some reason, that got taken out…you see, MCDONALD had done that at a party as a ‘gag’ grabbing something off a plate and then saying I‘m allergic to this but what the hell, live dangerously! AAAARGH‘…SC, ROZ and myself fell about laughing but nobody else at the party saw the joke…he was that good an actor, I suppose…and one can cry wolf too much, I suppose…we never ever took him seriously…

RIMINGTON saw MCDONALD as the only ‘can do’ person around and he certainly was…

Anyway, all actors and actresses played their characters to the hilt…FRANCES MCDORMAND was particularly good as RIMINGTON…and MALKOVITCH - ‘BEING MARTIN GILL’ was painful to watch…all very lifelike. The MI5 network are saying 'the temper tantrums of Gilly boy were legendary...'

However, the entire movie didn’t mimic real life events at all apart from the occasional CCTV scene - and the cast had obviously studied quite a bit of CCTV on their ‘targets‘…such as ROZ sitting in the living room and telling HULBRUSCH that he has to BEHAVE and she won’t tolerate such behaviour etc etc…very ROZ…and I can remember the CCTV footage.

So what was this all about then and why did this film get made? I am not sure…




Why does GILL’s character like LIMES so much?

A HARRY LIME reference - the third man?


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