Sunday 26 September 2010

Yes, somebody from 'intelligence' sent this tract below and of course you have the distractors and then the interesting stuff.

What I am getting here as an image for 'snake' is RIMINGTON and SWINTON's programming in relation to the PENIS. 'lesbian' programming. I have known lesbians programmed by the ill cult who literally shudder at the very thought of a penis - as if it were some disgusting venomous snake and the thought is simply too dreadful.

Of course, with all ill cult texts - there will be 'many layers of the onion' and so what I am getting here most of all is MARTINE's programming in relation to the penis - and how horrified she was, to see that she had one herself.

Next up we get the fascinating concept of spiritual poison which attacks the brain and 'neurotoxins'...this will be some form of brain electricity which the ill cult know about - passed on or generated by microchip...part of the MATRIX/MAY TRICKS system that fed negative energy back to CERN.

SWINTON was one of SCARLETT's we all were...and I am now beginning to glimpse the 'big picture' - he wanted her to allow ROZ and RIK into the ROYAL/ARISTOCRATIC circles of HOLLYWOOD...the aristocratic British abroad and 'on holiday'...those who controlled PARAMOUNT PICTURES for example...this is a BRITISH ROYAL FAMILY owned production company (whatever it might say upon the internet).

Secondly that SCARLETT hadn't let go of his power in 'intelligence' once SAWER had taken over...he was still fighting back...for whatever reasons...maybe the IRAQ DOSSIER is part of this...many different reasons, probably...

Thirdly, I can remember being roughed up by MI5 thuggish officers after I got back to the UK...they wanted to know why that explosion had occurred...they had been put on my case...and I told them what I knew...they were furious RED ANTS protecting the RA CULT but they didn't dare to kill me.

Here is the bit of text that interests me the most:

"Snakes have a venomous bite which they use to kill their prey before eating it. Some other snakes kill their prey by constriction. Venoms Satan disguised and hidden within the serpent in the Garden of Eden, gave a venomous thought. It started a downward spiraling thought process in humanity. Venom is modified saliva. Its primary function is to capture/kill the prey and then it also helps to digest the prey. Snake venom is made up of about 20 different enzymes. Species usually have 6-12 of these enzymes. Satan’s spiritual venoms contain an assortment of deception. These enzymes determine the toxicity of the snake and whether it is hemotoxic or neurotoxic. Venoms referred to as hematoxic means that they primarily affect the blood. A hematoxic venom destroys tissue and is very painful. The Bible says that life is in the blood (Genesis 9:4). This hematoxic type of spiritual venoms adversely affects our spiritual life. These are words that hurt us, offend us, discourage us, dishearten us and demoralize us. There are sarcastic and derogatory remarks made directly to us. These include gossip, back biting and character assassination. Satan uses demonic thoughts directly speaking to our mind, and he uses people. Some people rejected God over one bad remark or one bad incident. Many couldn’t overcome their hurt and bitterness. They are overwhelmed by the pain. They are caught by the process. The issue is so big to them, so much so, that their thoughts are overcrowded and overshadowed. Neurotoxic venoms attack the nervous system and brain. These may cause almost no pain, but shut down the respiratory systems and interfere with heart functions. Good examples of these types of snakes are the cobra and coral snakes. This neurotoxic type of spiritual venoms are deceptive doctrines, philosophies, thoughts which lead us away from God; and defective understanding which leads us to a counterfeit, ineffective, powerless Christian living. Satan plants defective knowledge for our future malfunction and breakdown. It is a spiritual computer virus that last for ages. It is no wonder that the serpent is described as the most cunning species. It is a portrayal of Satan himself (Genesis 3:1)."

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