Tuesday 28 September 2010

Yes DALEKS like GILL were far more entertaining than the CYBORGS...and GILL is quite right...MOSSAD programmers like 'HANS' with their 'MOSHE DAYAN' looks and their robotic 'cleanliness' were really, really scary...far more scary than your average DALEK...even the KHALED of the DALEKS at the TEMPLAR CASTLE...aka programmed RIO FERDINAND...he was a 'nice guy' at base...but a guy programmed to be the 'most excellent robot' in every way...

So one should now turn to the TODDYS of this world...those like TOMLINSON who were the DR WHOs of the piece...

I was taught that as DR WHOs assistant - that I wasn't supposed to be 'against' DR WHO's foes...I was supposed to 'tighten the screws'...as in the case of TODDY taking a spanner and tightening the NUTS upon the miniature DALEK that tiny GILL was seated in and having a whale of a time...pedalling like mad...working the controls...and using the 'voice box'...to sound like a dalek...

I thought it all incredibly stupid and so I was very reticent about having to pretend to 'tighten the screws' upon the outside of GILL's dalek get-up...although he was 'off his head' inside...emitting 'I am a DALEK...I am a DALEK'...and then 'I am a SATANIC ISLAMIC DALEK'...once TODDY had got him 'word perfect'...

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