Monday 27 September 2010

Maybe if I had said to OBAMA:

"The energy is telling me that it is LILLITH and that it cometh as a WHITE plague"...I might have got more of a responsive attitude to my summary of what I was picking up...

Grow up OBAMA - and I mean that in the best possible way...your child alter needed to grow up fast at that point...

Look at your OWN SHADOW.


It doesn't matter what 'colour of skin you are' - we all CAST SHADOWS.

When the SUN is intense - we create BLACK SHADOWS.

When it is not so intense - we have 'less dark shadows'.

Do you now understand what I am saying?

BLACK SHADOWS are something that every single human being upon this Earth throws...and any other variation, depending upon the light available...

Also - I have just remembered something...OBAMA - who had been injected with a whole load of drugs - pupils like pinpricks...coming into the CIA LAB and telling MCDONALD to research 'PEOPLE WHO HAVE NO SHADOWS'...MCDONALD took the command from his superior seriously and then after OBAMA had left, shook his head in disbelief..."anybody want to handle that one?"

Everybody shook their head.

I immediately remote-viewed, in order to find out that OBAMA had been hypnotised by MARK R to 'believe in those without shadows' who were the 'worst of all'...and a list of people that he was to 'see' and to not 'see' their shadows...

That is the power of HYPNOTISM, drugging and low brainwave level states.

MARK R had done it to counter my argument...see above...the one which begins 'grow up...'

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