Wednesday, 29 September 2010

I want a MAN WITH GOOD SENSE, MORALITY AND VALUES...not a 'nasty little boy slave-driver' - get it GILL?

The whole 'islamic satanist pray mat idiot' is wearing as thin, as that OLD MAT that I burnt in your garden...yes, it was a shock to your young child alter...and yes, certain networks were laughing about that one...

I know that you were not allowed to grow up with 'good values' but you had them knew right from why not 'get well' and stop being ill?

MCDONALD told me upon his network:

"Call yourself a good 'mother'? Would you douse a child's SNUFFLY (for US readers - this means a 'comfort blanket' or 'piece of rag' that children liked to hold up to their nose - or is this solely a BRITISH phenomenon...i seem to remember that the US had a different term for it but I cannot remember what...)...would you douse a child's 'SNUFFLY' in gasoline and then set fire to it, in the middle of the lawn, whilst the child was watching from his bedroom?

Yes, MCDONALD I can see your point - but this was no ordinary SNUFFLY - was it?

The YOUNG GILL had been put on that mat - and electrified - as a BABY.

It was a 'constant feature' in his life - there on in...

Not so much a 'comfort' eh?

More a SATANIC DEVICE of mind control that had to be got rid of and sometimes, the SHORT, SHARP SHOCK treatment is far more effective...I learnt to swim that way, with my mother throwing me into the deep end of a busy swimming pool and walking away...I learnt to swim in SECONDS and got to the edge...whilst the LIFE GUARD told me to get to the stairs...pulled me out and then 'got' my mother and gave her a real telling off...

I knew that the 'shock' wouldn't kill GILL...I was hoping that the BURNING of that satanic symbol would 'put him on the right course'...a dramatic and symbolic image...

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