Wednesday 29 September 2010


A working class house-wife with little education, broke the ENIGMA code…

How was she rewarded for doing so?

She lost her job - she had no idea why…she was given a’pay-off’ the equivalent of half a WEEK’s low wage and sent home. She returned home, depressed and non-the-wiser…her husband couldn’t believe what had happened. Where else would she get another (very low paid) women’s job in WWII?

An MI6 bastard took ‘all of the glory’ for her INTELLIGENT MIND in terms of working it all out.

So WHO is going to make a film about that one then?

Not ‘romantic’ at all, is it?

PISS on that HOLLYWOOD movie - it pretended that it was…you LIARS…ill cult liars.

Okay - what medal did that guy pin on his CHEST afterwards? How did he dare to pretend?

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