Saturday, 25 September 2010

"It would make sense that Pan intends to take Ofelia as his “spouse”. It seems that all the ingredients are in place for a Black Mass. The problem is that Ofelia has tainted herself by eating the grapes. This may have also slightly opened Ofelia’s eyes to Pan’s plan. She refuses to turn over her baby brother to him. All the same, it’s not clear what Pan has in mind at this point because his wedding coronation plans have already been spoiled. Ofelia is seen “naked” by Vidal and he kills her."

Yes, I can remember now...of course the programmers put their own twisted meanings to the film - over-riding the intentions of the film-maker...because this type of imagery can be interpreted in as many ways...well as many ways as there are different perspectives and different people criticising/analysing the movie in question.

Anyway, TODDY and PRINCE WILLIAM had me in a very young alter at a table and I was so hungry that I ate some of the grapes...they then told me that I was 'damned' for doing so...

Shades of PERSEPHONE and DEMETER relation to the pomegranate seeds that PERSEPHONE eats in hell/HADES...6 seeds...for the 6 months of the year that she then has to spend with HADES in the his 'wife' - queen of the dead.

QUEEN OF THE DEAD...that has repercussions...queen of the DELTA GOLEMS?

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