Monday, 10 June 2024

 ....and what's new with you, dazzlenation?...ah, i see you appear to be on 'brooklyn house'...remember rodway had eventually gone blind, in clacton - having stupidly believed that her UV shades allowed her to stare directly at the sun...and so yes, i can understand why she had needed to stay in a 'carehome' at that point in time etc etc...even though brooklyn house appears to be for those with dementia - although come to think of it - you can get 'that' at any age etc etc.....oh and regarding that whole mobile/internet company saga.....remember rodway having to pay off mike william's phonebill....about £300 as far as i can stop the bailiffs from marching in....he hadn't told her about it...and so it was only when a notice came through 45 francis road's frontdoor etc, for the record - i am constantly in touch with O2...sending them emails - almost every their complaints dept...but nobody has answered as yet....telling them that if they go back to what i had agreed to - instead of direct debiting anything they feel like taking from my account etc etc....anyway, rodway had had to pay mike's bill off...and then she decided to separate from him...a legal that she wouldn't have to foot his phonebills"she was gaga by that point" replies BI online - whilst in clacton....i wouldn't doubt it - anyway, why that carehome?...judging by the photos - she was a bit 'young' for it?....go figure:

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