Saturday, 8 June 2024

 ....and what's new upon the BBC site, this saturday evening - dazzlenation?...well, all i'm interested in is 'tiny bloodsuckers'....having been bitten recently upon the back of both legs but not whilst walking through the long grasses, that day.....just walking down to the supermarket and back....looked like a multiple bite in both cases....a bit like a multi-jab red patch, in a way...although not as big as a lyme disease 'bullseye' number....anyway, i've never had anything like that, before etc etc....but seeing as i didn't develop any noticeable symptoms as a consequence, as far as i know....but still - a little bit worrying....what insect could have caused it etc etc...anyway, 'tiny bloodsuckers' - reminds me of gill 'n' CF et al.....thank God neither of them are around, nowadays etc etc...any of them, for that and that reminds me....i have walked past the long grasses, upon those crumbling tarmac paths, just above the sea front....mainly because the summer flowers/plants/bushes growing amonst the grasses have such a wonderful then remember hughes et al...taking those paths....not to mention rimington, all of those years ago now....."i'm allowed but you're not" etc etc....hmmmm....puts me in mind of that initial frequency program set by mcgowan's father 'n' hanni gloor upon a similar entropic path of crumbling concrete and weeds pushing up through the cracks etc etc.....alongside lewisham railway....remember that overgrown apple tree and the flies upon fallen rotten relation to an applemac 'eden'?...."KGB" replies BI online...exactly that.....anyway, i won't walk along those clacton paths in future, without socks 'n' shoes etc etc....oh and oscar has bought me a belated birthday present of a new bike...and so i'm happy....summer is beginning....the sun is shining, the sky is blue etc etc...and where better to live than 'by the sea'?...go figure:

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