Tuesday, 4 June 2024

 .....and what's new this tuesday evening, dazzlenation?...well, guess what....ruth stredwick had once said that her father had told her that the new girl (aka 'sally morgan' in later life) in the 4th form wasn't really called 'sally thomas' because her surname was dutch for 'fisherman'....and when questioned about it...what was her real surname etc etc...all the 10 year old sally could do was to hiss....visser, anybody?....lol...sounds a bit like 'visa' on google translate pronunciation....go figure:



...oh and there's moore....as there usually is - dazzlenation....i went 'ghost-busting' in halford's this morning, let us say....lol....and all because the staff had been rather upset by a visit from moore and a couple of his tards from the 'civil service'....which they had coded in as 'simon'..."look at what simon's done"...."what a mess!"...."it's simon again"...."look at the mess - everywhere" etc etc....moore's real name - at all saints' primary school - late 60s, blackheath....remember that 'simon says' game?....anyway, 'simon' had left lots of programming objects out and about....and so i went round picking up the most salient, let us say....to then drop them off at the desk....simon, eh - what can you do with him etc etc....additionally, there was one item that was too bulky to put onto the desk....a rainbow- coloured scooter.....that moore had coded in as 'kaleidoscope futures'....and yes, moore had wanted to 'out' who had been giving him orders etc etc...go figure:


 ...oh and in relation to the following - visser had joked that the font looked a bit 'runic'...."because we ruin things!"....additionally, having handed in my old bike to halford's this morning - seeing as an assistant had told me previously that they donated old bikes to africa...recycling and sustainability etc etc....nota bene - that old bike had once been cathy waldegrave's...and before that, her aristocratic father's...a bit of a 'vintage' raleigh....lol....the halford's employee was incredulous..."but it's still going"...well, yes but etc etc....more laughter.....nothing works on it and far too expensive to fix...best to buy a new bike, instead....anyway, the basket upon it....had two black, metal hooks....a bit like a couple of 'black swans'....and yes, waldegrave had noted that, about it etc etc....remember the holliday family and their 'black swan' biznez etc etc...because waldegrave had given it to them, to program with etc etc...and there's more - a very sad tale about halford's old boss....who had got on the wrong side of the sick 'n' the stupid and ended up in a coma for a month.......go figure:

....and what do the 'tards' have to say about that 'all of that', then?...disgusting, aren't they etc etc:

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