Monday, 3 June 2024

 ...oh and cycling enthusiasts might like the following movie - upon the timer system, dazzlenation....'east palace, west palace' opening shots were to remind me firstly of a couple of small 'flaky' pillars at the front of that 'taschmann' house upon marine parade and secondly of old redbrick walls in and around greenwich park...and was that a cuckoo singing, in the background etc etc....more laughter....anyway, i have as yet to view it - having only seen the first minute or two....and let me around 6 minutes - mount herzl came to mind....remember the taschmanns and their 'icecream van' siren - hidden away, lower down, in the bushes....located in one of the carparks, behind and beneath the top of etc etc...and yes, that was the time when i took photos of that line of baby partridges, crossing my path - following their 'silly' has my life been etc etc.....anyway, last but not least - i am reminded of that 'hidden' garden, on shanghai jiao tong campus 2003 - see previous notes upon 'all of that'...not to mention the 'forbidden city' etc etc....see previous post....go figure:

oh and i'd been waiting for the 'tards' to attack, again....and here they do they hate me, so much?..well, it's relatively 'simple' - in short, the MI6' tardy' machine at work, again...i.e. the 'earning it by being evil' mob etc etc..sent by 'moore' via an accomplice...the 'machine' gone crazy again, eh?....whatever dialogue i have with it...the 'machine' has no intention of understanding...incapable of it.....look and see...the same old stuff...extremely violent, sick 'n' stupid:

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