Sunday 2 June 2024

 ....and what's new this sunday evening, dazzlenation?...well, you're on the following - whilst i've been having a look at etc figure:,+Blackheath/@51.4683623,0.0076033,3a,90y,20.2h,23.19t/data=!3m8!1e1!3m6!1sAF1QipNjIrlpQ1PYRX8cjLq2GRNaFf5VpJO6Mv5P1XkX!2e10!3e11!!7i8192!8i4096!4m9!3m8!1s0x47d8a9d3db61bbef:0x9328943aea799e8a!8m2!3d51.4682659!4d0.0076524!10e5!14m1!1BCgIgARICCAI!16s%2Fg%2F1tz94_ws?coh=205409&entry=ttu

'a cloud in a box' number...does that give you as a clue as to what had been going on?,_circa_800_CE.jpg


and so what's been going on, dazzlenation?...well, firstly i'd like to refer you back to what MI6 younger 'n' fisher had found out...made them laugh....what had been behind the locked wooden doors of a cabinet, close to the floor - in charlie's family residence dining room?...a bit of a haunted house...and as NSA 'stotty' was to laugh...."ghost-busters" short, inside the cabinet were masonry dishes, let us say - with a no. 10 signature, as it were....and so stott, then decided to put a few acquired 'legal documents' in there....for the masons to find....wiliams was to say "the spade's too big"...stott then decided to leave the masons a note....a hodge-podge of clues....which had included "beansa meansa heinz" so to cut a long story short....after fisher 'n' younger had been informed of the above...they then coded in rodway as 'corie-bean-soup-queen' etc etc....see previous posts regarding 'all of that' let's update our military faiytale a kate holliday and her 'dog' robert webb....telling the milibands what to do with a certain vintage cooler...which wouldn't have looked out of a place in a spy movie - transporting uranium/semtex etc they carried it across blackheath to the church....and all because netanyahu's alma doll.....had been transmitting to their leave it in the church...."like bees to honey" replies BI online....well, yes - the whole lot, were then to 'constellate' as i used to put it.....on and around that heath....ed was to bump into mcgowan..."i've got my badge back"...mcgowan was short of money, at the time...he then arrested a completely innocent citizen...marched him to a cashpoint and told him to pay him off or wonder pat andrew had said "he's a very, very bad man - emily" etc etc....remember what he had done to me, at that HSBC cashpoint in harwich?....and there's more.....lynne-from-the-met on a mountain bike...browne had coded her in as nimble little 'mountain goat' to ask the milibands what was in that large case....they then opened it....full of icecream lollies on top of etc etc...."we didn't have enough ice" they replied..."the skin needs to be kept cool" etc etc...she then took an icelolly - unwrapped it and began to eat it....i kid you not....anything else you need to know about this appalling new  turn of events? any rate - 'crappy' had been very interested - if only because it had all pointed to another attempted hack of US naval tomahawks - via an imagined 'portal' above blackheath, let us say...remember - kate holliday and her sisters (not to mention prince charles et al) who had all chipped themselves up with 'contraband' stolen from the mossad...mistakenly thinking that it was for the elite of their service...whilst in actuality - it had been left for idiotic goyim, that didn't know any better etc then become golems-upon-the-system...oh and there's a little bit more to this whole sordid tale....first up - younger had decided that his japanese line would not be allowed to know etc etc...which is why you have that 'in-a-box' reference - dazzlenation...i.e. they had been remote-viewing inside of the cooler and secondly, the icecream lollies inside, had been of that 'spiral' variety - cylindrical in shape...let me see 'twisters'?...something like that...the cheapest that they could find, according to the millibands and so at some point, they must have stocked up at a supermarket etc etc...although the icecrea lollies had then been coded in as 'lyons maid' orange lollies (retro)...with a reference to simon lyons - RH's erstwhile best friend at langley juniors - who had also had a word with kate 'n' the milibands, at the time - whilst on their way to etc etc........go figure.

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