....and what else, dazzlenation?...well, let's just hope that O2 sees reason and that it's all a storm in a teacup etc etc something that i can remember saying to 'crappy' all of those years ago now....hmmm....although he knew at the time, that it would have repercussions, let us say....in a rather alternate universe....lol....anyway, let's get back to your 'lenny' pic....now what could that relate to?....because all i've got so far - are a couple of BBC stories about a certain doctor......hmmm....reminds me somewhat of whalley getting out the search teams, dogs, helicopter etc etc....regarding the disappearance of dr tony smith.....who had said "the leaves of the trees" to mrs fishwick before disappearing from his rest-home in suffolk....and so anyway, what is this about 'flying hellfish' and in what possible way, if any - could the two be connected etc etc.....go figure:
....the 'most watched video' upon the BBC site, this evening?
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