Thursday, 2 September 2010

This morning I had my 69th and 70th swim and felt much better...I also sent TOMLINSON's laptop to the graveyard...cursing every name/symbolic file upon it as I did so...the evil bastards had all decided upon the name of a corrupting file in the virus to represent themselves and I had remembered every one...anyway, I then took the lithium battery to COMET to safely dispose of it and that was that...oh yes, I had also put out GILL's father's computer chair outside BELLE COURT 'FREE! PLEASE TAKE AWAY' - no takers this morning...who would want it with that satanic history? So I put it into the cage room with the sign still upon it, having remembered RIMINGTON saying that nobody would touch it and it would only get wet outside...making it even less likely that I would get rid of it...

Yes, I was trying to get rid of all satanic influences this morning...having remembered two things...firstly agreeing with COLLIE that it would be better to kill GILL off before the ISLAMICS got to him - yes he had been CHEMIC ALI but the SAUDIS for example, have a death contract out on him, as do many others...CHAKRABHATI and CO might not realise it but there are quite a few Islamics around who hate them for what they have done as islamic nwo satanists, not good PR for their religion is it? (satanic islamic princes with their balls and penises sewn back on and insane 'princesses' who are useless, valueless women to society at large) - and there are already contracts out on them...also the JOOS...obviously they would kill GILL in a second...for what he has done...

I also remembered having a conversation about NARCISSISTIC PERSONALITIES with the PRINCE OF MONACO and how these people simply cannot make a loving relationship work...they are incapable of it...and those who try to make that connection with them...either have to realise it and build up a thick skin to the extreme selfishness and thoughtless cruelty of these people - not to mention psychopathic behaviour and accompanying horrors...or leave quietly and that point with COLLIE...the two coincided and I made the break, emotionally so to speak.

I remembered the silliest of things...such as GILL only paying for a cinema ticket for me once, as a teenager...most young men who had earned their first pay packet would be proud of paying for their girl - it would make them feel a 'man'...not him...he begrudged every penny...the years passed...not a card, a gift, present, flowers or 'thoughtful act' living with somebody suffering from severe autism but in fact it was the pig-ignorance of satanic islamic culture...narcissistic personality disorder might have been the least of his problems but it was to make my life an utter hellhole...

...and THEN i had to put up with MARTINE...the most self-obsessed of his narcissistic alters of the lot...and this morning...I realised that I simply had to 'get a life' more of that putrid narcissism which had enslaved me - I was the brains and the talent of our 'connection' and I had been, from the word go - bullied, forced to accept crumbs from the tables of others and I had accepted it because of the appalling abuse from my own family and own background which GILL, MARK R and TOMLINSON had capitalised upon...manipulated...made me feel grateful for being 'kept alive' - that was all.

I had made the break in the past...but I had to wake up and remember it - and now I have done.

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