Saturday, 25 September 2010

There then follows a load of crazy quotes from the bible which GILL tells me is bumpf that MARK R told him to put in...then we get the PROPHET JOEL whom GILL tells me is AMADEUS...he also tells me that FRED FLINTSTONE was TOMLINSON and BARNEY RUBBLE was the extract below:

Essenes (King Bees), Johnniters (worshipers of John the Baptist), Knights Templar, Knights of St John of Jerusalem (Hospitallers) are all the same creatures. They make money through “Destruction” (Chaos) what God has made; loan money (Usury) and hire cheap labor for their New World Order “Construction”. “Ordo Ab Chao” (Order out of Chaos) is bringing stability through a single world leader after the world is reduced to Chaos ie Rubble. Fred Flintstone and Barney Rubble introduced us subtly to the Masonic Lodge, and most didn’t even notice they secretly took horned hats with them on bowling night. Ever seen parents keep their child out of school for “Mono”? Most often, it means she was pregnant. You may not remember but Kansas Governor Kathleen Zabelius’ rebuttal to George Bush’s last State of the Union address used the word “Heartland” some 16 times because the NAFTA Superhighway forms a Cross with the Trans-continental Railroad where she was speaking; America is about to be Crucified, or in Qabbalist lingo, America is about to attain the Tipareth level. Some may even recall George Bush Jr. used the same words his father used exactly 11 years to the day before 9/11/2001 “We stand on the threshold of a New World Order” or Bill Clinton’s State of the Union declaring
We force the Spring
on the 666th word. These are examples of the winks and nods occultists see that we do not. Keep your eyes open; Jesus told us to “Be wise as serpents, yet harmless as doves”.

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