Some really bizarre and disjointed memories came back last night and so I will start with the most important as far as I can see and that relates to two WHITE DUCKS in GREEN:
Underneath those SAINSBURYS ducks were two objects - I had uncovered by removing them and they were:
I had no idea of what to make of this and went through quite a bit…CHE POLAR TA?…until I finally got to GILL as TREE…let me explain…he had come into the CIA LAB one day, smelling of citrus aftershave and I had sniffed it suspiciously…he asked me if I liked it…and I replied that I didn’t dislike it and that I could therefore still ‘cling to the bough’ - an insider joke about being a KOALA up a TREE and hanging around his neck…which I did quite a bit…
So he was the STICK…and I was CLINGING…
Ill cult symbolism is so insane because it associates and conflates so many things with each other…GILL/TREE/PENIS/CHIPOLATA STICK/WOOD STREET programming/ROBIN HOOD…you see how it goes?
Anyway I ‘knew’ that I had got the above right…and that even worse, it had been a ‘joke test’ put into this ill cult game by GILL and HULBRUSCH who had told me to ‘work it out’…why the stick and the clingfilm - whilst in the CIA lab and I had just got annoyed with them at the time…
So I had to risk a RED ANT attack…by removing the WHITE DUCKS in GREEN….presumably GILL and HULBRUSCH to have a look at what had been placed under them…
What was yesterday about…RED ANT attack…dodgy POLICE who were working for the underworld on the outside…informants on the police…and the CIA. No wonder I was a bit rattled.
After realising the above, I then hit on a sequence ‘run’ of words, by MARK R which I think connect up to MCDONALD’s programming:
BOWLER HAT (and cricketing reference)
HOLA (I know it doesn’t quite rhyme but it was included)
ZOLA (Emile Zola)
I then remembered that TODDY had taken the first two letters of each word and read them backwards to form a mind control code:
This related to JUMPING FROM THE TRAIN (and we still have ‘throw grammar from the train’ as the new blog of note today) and the COHEN BROTHERS movie:
I know that quite a lot of ill cult men were programmed with that one and specifically the sequence where they are all in convicts’ clothing and manacled together…and they manage to escape off the train…
It is the 26th September today and as far as I know, not the solstice…which happened around the 21st as far as I am aware…but GILL contacted me to say that it was a sort of solstice night where they all went out on their broomsticks…well, on their tannoy sets, I suppose…
I was then sent quite a few images…firstly of GILL and his broomstick flying towards the MOON and through grey clouds…and then GOLD snakey linings to these clouds…and then I began to remember things…
Firstly that when DAVID HUMPHREY’s brother sprained his wrists at CAMP…the ill murdered him…and secondly that in 1979 and on that trip to GREECE…when TRUDY sprained her wrists and had to have her leg in plaster…the ill cult then murdered her, in TURKEY…
I remembered being in BUDAPEST with some of the coach party - at that youth hostel, high up in PEST…you can look down upon the river and the whole of BUDAPEST from that view point…and that night was a FULL MOON…like one of those Mediterranean ones - so big it was quite incredible…not seen in the UK as far as I am aware…so I took a photo of TRUDY sitting in the window, we were all in her room…with the MOON behind her…after the holiday and with my snaps back (I had no idea that TRUDY was dead) RIMINGTON had a look at them and went into shock seeing TRUDY in that BUDAPEST youth hostel, with the MOON behind her…and quickly took my snaps away…
TRUDY and her sprained wrists and the MOON…
The ‘wrystio’ codes.
Wrystio and wrists.
I have no idea why but I needed to understand what it was about damaging your wrists in relation to wrystio MOON BASE codes…perhaps you were in danger of regaining memory if you damaged your wrists…perhaps you could access MOON BASE in some way…
I then remembered SCOTTIE’s mate telling me that he had sprained his wrist once and it was the most painful thing that he had ever done…yet he had survived…and he was the one who intuitively ‘knew’ the most…he was the one who took the DRAGON’S EGG from that military base…as well as the ‘invisibility’ material…
I then thought about WRIST-WATCHES…and anything that you could wear upon your wrists…bangles, bracelets, sweatbands…bandages…these would be related to wrystio codes in some way…related to MEMORY.
I then thought about the SATMAR MAGYAR ORTHODOX JOOS…I had read about them not wanting to support ISRAEL because they figured that it had all been manufactured and ‘not by G-d’…and GILL who didn’t know about them…tried to find them…but there were none left in HUNGARY…and for some reason, I relate this jooish stream to the ROMA…’George’ would know about them…the ROMA went to HUNGARY first as far as I am aware…
GILL was showing me GREY IMAGES of VICTORY SQUARE…that main square in BUDAPEST for some reason and ‘golden snakes’…so were these the SATMAR MAGYAR JOOS?
I then realised that BUDAPEST and the castle…had been a ROTHSCHILD territory…and the two PRINCES had turned up there to stage a weird medieval banquet there….see previous notes to them choosing SONIA to be the QUEEN and ROBIN COOK to be the KING…what was it all about? MARK R had filmed it all…he must have arranged it…did that annoy the ROTHSCHILDS?
I then remembered RIMINGTON asking me if I could remember what had happened underneath the CITADEL and I couldn’t…
I remembered MICHAEL RICHARDSON telling me to visit the NY CAFÉ there…..meeting up with TOMLINSON…then the RAILWAY HOTEL where he told me about his terrible experiences in BOSNIA with the SAS…and so on…
I also remembered the pretty currency notes that I had bought from a man just outside the castle…no longer in currency but beautiful designs and colours…I had given them to TOMLINSON…
I then remembered the SPIELBERG lookalike who took me on a ‘walkabout’ at the castle…through a museum with glass cases and told me to look at the objects…they all had ill cult meanings and I cannot remember what they were…because I had no real idea of what he was talking about but one exhibit appeared to be a sort of golden Faberge egg with a ruby…red and gold, at any rate…
MARGARET THATCHER apparently loved BUDAPEST more than any other city…I remember wondering why…
I remembered the CRAZY COMPANY researching BUDAPEST early on…so what did MCDONALD find out?
Is this the real ‘golden city’ and not PRAGUE in relation to that computer game?
There is no longer a ‘golden city ‘under NY…the MOSSAD melted it to avoid ‘embarrassment’.
I had an idea last night…relating to the history of CHURCH AND STATE in EUROPE.
You see, whilst in ISRAEL - I had never been in a country before where ‘CHURCH’ had as much power if not more than the STATE…the same is obviously true of ISLAMIC countries…so the whole idea of going to an office, waiting in a queue to talk to one of the guys in a booth who then called up a BEIT DIN member in order to answer a legal question…was pretty funny to myself…
The way in which RELIGION and the STATE were intertwined and in your ‘local government office’ was really a novel experience…
In EUROPE - the ‘church’ had been defeated and generally took a back place, in relation to the STATE.
In the UK for example, the CHURCH doesn’t decide upon the MORAL ISSUES of the day - the STATE does…and that I found worrying…
Mainly because the UK STATE then decided to BAN the word ‘morality’ in public discourse and then made us all start talking about ‘relativity’ and ‘relative values’ and I saw this as the slippery slope.
I then thought:
RELIGION still has a very important role to play in WESTERN society and without it, we are lost at sea.
I thought about how the USA had started off well, in putting together a CONSTITUTION of citizens’ rights…that was a very good idea.
However, in this century they then began to amend and undermine this bill of rights.
Now, they wouldn’t have been able to do that if it had been the WORD OF G-D would they?
You cannot ‘amend’ the 12 commandments of MOSES, can you?
I then looked at the UK and at the HOUSE OF LORDS.
These people appear to have taken the power and place of the CHURCH in our country.
It used to be a balance of power between CHURCH and STATE….
Now it is a ‘balance of power’ between the HOUSE OF COMMONS and the HOUSE OF LORDS.
I then thought:
What if you got rid of the LORDS and got a representative member of every religion in the UK and put them into the HOUSE OF LORDS to debate every bill - before it became law - that would make fascinating TV - wouldn’t it? Far more interesting to watch than the PUNCH AND JUDY puppet show that the HOUSE OF COMMONS has become…
This country needs to have the morality of RELIGION put back into it as an ‘absolute’…and as the UK is heading towards being a very multi-religion country anyway - let us have it all out in the open…
You see, if you give different religions a motivation to get to know what each other is really about - then what better way than to put them into the HOUSE OF LORDS and give them the power to debate the bills and to vote upon them?
The knock-on effect would be that we would all become a lot more interested in morality/religion and most importantly SPIRITUALITY.
I then began to think pragmatically - firstly you would have to warm people up to the idea with a TV show perhaps…where you stage the above. You could do it like BIG BROTHER - showing the highlights of every week’s debate at the weekend.
The whole show would have to replicate the HOUSE OF LORDS in every way - so that we would all learn a lot more about how it is actually run - the set would have to be similar…that strange GOLD ALTAR at the front…that sort of thing.
I then figured that one shouldn’t go for ‘proportional representation’ - you should tell every religion that only ONE representative could be chosen…it doesn’t matter who…CATHOLIC or PENTECOSTAL…SUNNI or SHIITE…etc…but obviously somebody whom is liked by everybody and knew a massive amount about religion in general, in short the religions would have to vote for their own favourite candidate. I would estimate that there are at least 100 or more different religions in the UK today and so only one candidate allowed.
I then figured that as the SATANISTS claim that they are a ‘religion’ that they should be allowed a candidate.
DAVID ICKE was chosen to be the prophet against the ill cult and he has had such a hard time…and so therefore I would like to see a similar figure represent SATANISM against the ‘organised religions’ of the world.
I then wondered about the SATANIST representative - he/she might become too popular…I mean the DEVIL has the best tunes, doesn’t he?
Here is a list:
I then began to realise, looking at the above list...what an ARSENAL the devil has, in this country...look at RICHARD HAWKINS (no, I got his name wrong but you know who I mean - I can never remember it - a block on that most famous astro-physicist), JONATHAN MILLER...ROCK STARS all over the place...
No I do not think that we can allow a WICCA candidate because we don’t have any temples/mosques/churches etc with WICCA written above them - do we? One has to draw the line somewhere…
So I tapped in RICHARD HAWKINS and the last search brought this guy up at CALGARY UNIVERSITY apparently and called 'HAWKIN'S...and guess what?
Really - no kidding - it is like the time when I first saw MARK ROCKEFELLER's LSE photograph under the name of RICKENBACH...no doubt in my mind...AMADEUS.
I was thinking about how once you have outed these people to the public - that they lose their power as programmers over a massive amount of people...and so by outing this AMADEUS photo...he will lose all power over his slave base.

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