Sunday, 26 September 2010

Not knowing the most obvious things in life, such as the PRIME MINISTER’s name used to be part of a psychiatric testing system to see just how ‘mental’ you were…

…and that is probably why I have consistently talked about the 12 LAWS OF MOSES whilst ‘as any fule no’ it is the 10 COMMANDMENTS OF MOSES…I have already made the mistake twice in this blog and rectified it and yet I still cannot get that mind control BLOCK out of my head…

I guess this is all part and parcel of the ill cult trying to make you out to be a DORK if not mentally ill…the DORKEY perhaps…

Nor can I remember the paraplegic astro-physicist’s name…I have to go through the same old palaver every single time…look up associated sites and find his name…because I had been repeatedly electrocuted over a long period of time, to put in these blocks…hopefully once I have remembered the correct thing, enough times…it will eventually stick and my brain will relearn it…for example, I can now remember the HITCHCOCK film SPELLBOUND relatively easily…despite that one having come up in the past as a block many, many times…and despite the fact that I had watched it on video about 20 times…but now I can remember the title easily and so NO, I am not suffering from dementia…I am regaining memories not losing them…

This morning I was watching a police car stop outside MAGNET HOUSE and a policewoman went to check something in the boot…I wondered if it were another emergency and if she were looking for the MEDICAL KIT…which I had seen that policeman do, not so long ago in relation to the ‘mugging’ that went on by that TRINITY METHODIST church…

Either it was slovenly thinking or this was another block because I could only think of the term ‘health box’…and I then remembered talking to SCARLETT’s police and using this term…then when they looked a bit non-plussed, I got the right term, as in MEDICAL KIT and said it…I wonder now, the HB…the HEALTH BOX (which contained bandages/drugs/syringes etc)…was this TODDY’s phrase that he used for his medical kit…as far as I know, it was…and upon the other side of the mirror, I had begun to use TODDY’s mad phrases…

So yes, you had to think a bit laterally now and again…when listening to somebody like me upon the other side of the mirror…and if you were listening to TODDY then you really had to be up on the multi-layered and colour-coded ‘layers of the onion’ regarding ill cult programming.

Remember what SCOTTIE had said about BI when they took offence to each other - witnessed in military offices…they went ‘nutty’ - talking all sorts of nonsensical phrases at each other…the image is of two KEN DODDs engaged in verbal warfare…because that it what it looks like, deadly but funny…the mind control commands being fired out…with the accompanying gestures…

RIMINGTON didn’t need any of that stuff - she could kill with a ‘look’.


This morning I went in search of an ORCHID because I had remembered that RIMINGTON had come back to me, circa 2003 and in this very flat…to tell me ‘NO, you can’t have an ORCHID in this flat - they won’t allow it’ and so that was that…

Naturally I figured that this might be a good idea, then…I had been programmed as an ORC in NY…stood in front of TOMLINSON dressed as one (as far as I know) who was pretending to be my mirror image and mimicking my movements and keeping up via telepathy, he knew what I was going to do next as I thought it - but I was too quick for him…so he got annoyed and attacked me…to the laughter of GILL and MARK R…

Anyway, I looked at the ORCHIDS in MORRISONS…they were almost spent…but cheap at £7 for a small one…I then looked at M&S and remembered the following:

The small orchids aren’t spent and are at £9.99...and as I viewed them…I remembered the PRINCE OF MONACO saying to me “pick that one - it’s me - the one that’s trying to escape from its packet” and sure enough - one of them was…a ‘branch’ of buds had come out of the cellophane…

So one can simply deduce that he had also been roped into the ‘listen to EMILY recount her future for the umpteenth time because she keeps on surviving the other evil stages of the game and so we keep on having to add new ones…and tell her to do something damaging to herself’…

In the above case, it was the resemblance of the middle of ORCHIDS to FOXGLOVES and the association with DIGITALIS and HEART ATTACKS…

After M&S I walked over the bridge in front of the pier and there was one item upon it, in the middle and that was of a RED/WHITE MARLBORO’ empty fag packet…yes, those ‘fags’ are meant to be the very worst for your HEART and your health…the Saltpeter put into them to make them burn faster so you have to smoke more to get that ’buzz’ and get through a packet quicker than other brands - and so the TOBACCO company makes more money out of you…that sort of thing…MARLBORO’ were certainly the most ‘addictive’ cigarettes in my experience…glad I left that one behind, many years ago…
I remember how once I had given up fags…I realised that the most addictive thing was in something other than NICOTINE…the petro-chemical TAR products added…NICOTINE raises your heart-beat a little but not that much…and after a dose in the morning (patches, gum whatever)…it is a good laxative…but apart from that…it isn’t the most dangerous drug in the world…I would guess that the rest of the chemicals that go into a MARLBORO’ cigarette are a lot more dangerous…I once obtained a list of the lot of them and it was truly frightening…

Are TOBACCO companies linked to the OIL CULT - I would assume so - wouldn’t you?

Since when did the early SPANISH/ENGLISH explorers who tried smoking ‘leaves’ get TAR in their lungs?

If you burn leaves…do you get TAR residue on the ground afterwards? No you don’t…

Are tobacco leaves extremely OILY and do they leave TAR after burning them - I wonder…I would have thought not but who knows?


I am reticent about watching BURN AFTER READING because I didn’t find it funny at the time, in the CIA LAB…it was directly taking the piss out of MCDONALD and SC…and they were behaving like cowardly dogs…opining that they found their caricatures ‘funny’…and I wondered what the hell was going on…SWINTON was programming GILL to be her lapdog…he was going around in an ‘altered state’…and I was looking at ROZ for answers, which weren’t forthcoming…

I suppose in retrospect - it won’t be that bad at all…and I will probably find it hilarious, with hindsight…looking back at the dire situation that I was in, at the time…

You see this was all about AMADEUS and his utter wickedness…this morning, somebody had put a torn bit of sweet-wrapper, just inside the door of BELLE COURT…two letters upon the wrapping:


I am assuming it was once a LOCKETS wrapper by the colours.

Yes, this is all about LO an the LOWLY CATTLE SHED, isn’t it?

SHIN BEIT at their worst…that AMADEUS/DAVID ROCKEFELLER run organisation in JERUSALEM with a direct preference for Catholic ritual…

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