Wednesday 1 September 2010

New blogs of note today - first one by MARK R about 'fandom' and apparently referring to a 'new look CIA' but not under his guidance I am assuming...

The next one is called WAIT IN THE VAN...a VW camper - FISHWICKS still have their old Blackheath one stuck in front of their house...unusable now but still 'useful' as a programming object? ADAM died in that terrible...the ill cult make so many people keep old and disused cars in their front garden/drive...the COUNCIL should put a stop to it.

Secondly, I can remember another thing about MAGNET HOUSE...their GREY BUCKET into which they throw fag ends, packets and cellophane...TODDY had programmed them to see this bucket as the one into which he threw foetuses...'dead babies' the COUNCIL environmental squad has to replace about a proper cigarette 'bin'?

Thirdly - this book:


I had found a diamond in dirt in OXFORD...the best life-drawing teacher ever...her teaching techniques and what she had to teach were incredible...despite having only been a part-time art teacher at a local school and then at the Adult Education Centre in SUMMERTOWN where I was lucky enough to attend her course...

MARK R and MCDONALD picked her brain and ideas...she came in to give classes to the elite programing group: LAING, EMBULLER, DALDRY, MILIBAND,CAMERON as well as GILL, MARK R and MCDONALD...she really caught their attention...a 'real teacher' at last...CAMERON described her lessons as in touch with 'numinosity'...because you came away feeling that you had learnt something brilliant but not quite describable in words...just lifted to a higher plane of understanding and perception about the world around you...

MARK R then got the academics, editors on to it and they produced the above book from her ideas...her research...her teaching techniques...I have no idea if HEATHER SPEARS was her name...I think not...probably the poor woman's ideas were all pinched and given to a higher up ill cult slave...

Anyway, I would like to draw note to p142 'unjamming scan paths' in order to see and draw and 'understand' reality better...this links in with HIGHWAY CODE programming...unblocking your brainwave paths...seeing the whole picture...freeing your brain...a brilliant book with the easiest instructions...she knew the lot...why VAN GOGH painted the way that he he 'saw' reality...why FAUVISTS painted 'blue horses'....fine art and modern art real fantasy or fiction involved...

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