Friday, 24 September 2010

Is there an underground tunnel from that former BC building (I was told that the BC couldn't afford the overheads anymore and had to move - there was a private sort of bank above it - which just goes to show how wealthy you had to be, in order to rent in that quarter)...which linked to the GOETHE INSTITUTE, then went under the river VLTAVA and came out in and around MALOSTRANKA well as up at the castle...the ALCHEMIST's see, the ill cult love to burrow and they burrow deep underground...

MR ICKE's articles upon 'underground cities' might not seem so the main I have only seen military bases though, underground...apart from one huge cavern which housed a few 'houses'...that was an ongoing project...finding caverns large enough to build a 'village' that sort of thing...also that massive CAVE underground which had a 'runway' upwards and to the surface, for PRINCE PHILIP's ship - the one which had berths for all of his aristocracy...who were going to escape upon it...once the UK had gone under the then 'unfortunately' meet up with MARK R 'sub in an iceberg' around the North Pole...and end up like the is all insane, isn't it?

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