...anyway, yes - what is nutritious...and what is not...coupled with having a bit too much....or too little....and er...is bread good for ducks - dazzlenation?....lol....according to the RSPB....not particularly good for them but it is a great british pastime...along with loads of other cultural etc etc....hmmm...off on a tangent now...remember cameron's KGB 'cruising on the beach' pic etc etc...lol..now in MI5 evans' personal collection, let us say....just how many card carrying members of the communist party, whilst at university - to then 'see the light' after leaving etc etc...all seen as 'perfectly normal' adolescent behaviour, in this country....but perhaps not in the USA - regarding mcarthyism etc etc..and nowadays, the americans might see it as being a bit 'naive', perhaps?...oh and let's not go near to the whole 'artichoke' number - evans...see previous posts....go figure:

"tom cruise and the ducks" replies BI online.... okay, seeing as we're still on that wide angle lens number etc etc....i'm surprised that evans had needed 'that one' explaining - perhaps somebody else had taken over his desk, by that point?...in short, having spent so many years in eastern europe - he would have known that if you wanted to get anything done, in the 90s - then you had to pay off a whole raft of bent public officials - seeing as the old communist system was still in place...now, cruise's people didn't appear to know that..prague mid-1990s..and so having paid to film there - to then find out that they would hae to pay pretty much the same amount again - 'under the table' - filming was then halted as a result of those bent officials blocking upon technicalities and in every possible way....until a furore erupted behind the scenes....which spilled out into the newspapers....in brief, those concerned, had realised that they were damned if they did and damned if they didn't - seeing as they could be prosecuted for paying off corrupt officials if they did - unable to film if they didn't etc etc...so that is when the mob had stepped in, later on - to offer assistance, within particular field of expertise, let us say....lol...as it goes, eh?
oh and there's a bit more to cover, regarding that wide-angle lens, let us say....remember ed gyde laughing about how during the time of blair's government etc etc....that many politicians used to use the phrase 'singing from the same song sheet'...."peter mandelson".....a templar number, as far as i am aware.....anyway, compare 'n' contrast the 'choir' with the'army/military' metaphor going on with sylvia's NHS CEO...."we'll hit the ground running!" during their NHS board meetings....before they talked to the press etc etc....anyway, the basic idea is this....remember sylvia's CEO, along with his cronies, who had been after sylvia...ever since rodway 'n' williams had set them up - regarding that 'blackmail photo', let us say....see previous notes upon 'all of that'....in brief, they were to...."haul her over the coals"....regarding her reports....to the point where seated at one of those meetings, she had exclaimed exasperatedly "i can't remember everything that i have written!"....hmmm....a bit like rowling, eh?....additionally, relating to the aftermath of that christmas-from-hell....remember the raw-turkey/salty-christmas-pudding...along with sylvia threatening the family dog, outside - with a carving knife..."i'll cut your vocal cords!"...for barking - when it had been her bawling 'n' raving antics which had set him off, in the first place etc etc....and well, there's more....in short, ramsay then turned up with a sedative...an ambulance arrived later on.....sylvia was put into a straightjacket and stretchered off the back lawn....whilst a vet attended to the injured dog....and yes, none of that made it onto the 'funny anecdote' agenda, at the memorial - did it?....obviously not....anyway, jenny ramsay was to say, at the time - that she would only have sylvia detained for 3/4 days.....and so after that biznez as usual...."cover-up"...and so sylvia's sacking was turned into a handsome 'redundancy' package..."they had to pay her off"...hmmm...sectioning coupled with redundancy because i am beginning to suspect that her 'munchausen's by proxy' might well have resulted in etc etc .....and what else?....well, there was the question of that organ music at the end of that memorial video.....something that those 'on stage' didn't appear to have been forewarned about....."ed's desk"....oh i see....so that even though he was apparently 'sick' and quarantined with ulcerative COVID to the point where he could only take liquid nourishment...he could still manage to etc etc....and yes, i hadn't been sent a 'live link' as oscar had promised upon the phone.....hmmm...on the video, we have ingabot reassuring the others that ed will be watching it on 'live link'...."he'll be watching!"...and there's more - as evans had known...after having made excuses for the absence of ed and myself...to those congregated 'incognito' upon the video etc etc....one of the congregation was to laugh to ingabot - about my supposed laryngitis...along the lines of "well, we don't want her talking...hur hur hur" etc etc....anyway, evans et al, had been interested to note...those who had left immediately - after finding out that i would not be attending and in relation to the frequency program being set, at the time...."the top of the tree"...as in those 'in the know'....who didn't want to be involved if there wasn't a mathematician on board etc etc....hmmm....and so who might they have been....evans had originally inferred 'kgb' but what about rodway 'n' mark r's mossad....not to mention that aston univ. 'jet-setting duo' who had been running harari et al, who in turn - had run the mossad, from behind the scenes etc etc....and there's more....evans had found out about an early 'volumnia' future script...with the emphasis upon 'volume'..."noise machine"...lol....which had been based upon grandpa clayton's funeral....and so yes, she was supposed to have been still around....and playing the organ - a bit like that midnight organ 'dare' at st felix anecdote, perhaps?...."horror story"....and so yes, luckily 'none of that' happened....hmmm.....anyway, that jet-setting duo had ended up 'templars' and so now i'm wondering about who ed gyde had been in touch with....because of that note upon the timer system to talk about his subliminal tannoy, regarding that organ music and hymn, at the end....'singing from the same song sheet' etc etc....oh and one last bit...which might not seem much but anyway, remember bobby's mob at that golden anniversary - pier hotel, harwich 2011?...well, rodway 'n' mark r's mossad had decided to play upon RH's worst fears....and what might they have been?...well, unfortunately - his worst fear appears to have been that his daughter 'beatrice' might take after me...i kid you not....rodway was to use a photograph taken at that event....of myself and beatrice (as a very young child) - with a rather similar expression, in our eyes....to which RH had gone ballistic etc etc...."i knew it!" etc etc....and what did he know?....nothing....we're not genetically related...it was the only time that i have ever met her etc etc....and so i am no influence upon her, at all...for good or for bad....the point here is this....RH in an 'affect' as the jungians call it...which could give his daughter a terrible complex about it all....and so he'd better cut it out, right now....start treating beatrice as being rather like himself, for example....such a strong influence upon her life....and be kind...to both himself and to his daughter....as it goes, eh?....and let me see...what have the 'tards' got to say, to 'all of that'?...let me see...oh God help us all....go figure:
and there's more....dear God:

anyway, if i were to add anything, to the whole thing - then i would refer you to the fishwick family, dazzlenation...along with what had happened to george harrison, in relation to his 'jooish rabbi' instructing his wife to poison him to death....not to mention lisa - who appeared to have been mrs fishwick's daughter, to all intents and purposes....her 'sprog' in other words etc etc....all 'poisoners' of their nearest and dearest.....and so what can one say but that who was behind all of this poisonous hatred, upon the networks....remember - the fishwick family had always protected Ann - for fear that she might be 'locked up' etc etc....because they had all loved her that much and they 'knew' that something was wrong but what?....and so put up with 'family meals' - regarding 'starvation' because of the consistent threat of poisoning - at all of those daily family meals (without a 'guest' to disrupt things, let us say), to then work their way around it etc etc.....and yes, the same had been true of sylvia, to an extent with the gyde family..."ingabot had admitted as such - it was a choice between you and her" replies BI online....and i hadn't wanted that choice to be made but obviously 'volumnia' had, in her madness etc etc....and so i was quite happy, with it - that extricated me from her 'happy family' domain etc etc....and in order to expiate my 'guilt' - i used to take round large bags of christmas 'goodies' as a hamper, before christmas etc etc...in short, a 'pay-off' - in order to....not have attend her 'happy families' christmas event...which used to go rather well, according to ed gyde - apart from one, where edna weale etc etc....anyway, once i had decided to cut the link, once and for all....i was 'free' of all of sylvia's christmases, let us say...lol....anyway, the fishwicks then got in touch with mcgowan - regarding 'ann'...and in retrospect, probably the wrong person to deal with it - regarding his conclusion that none of them could do anything about it because it was by british royal command etc etc....and so were these just isolated cases or 'the tip of the iceberg'?....were we, as families - just 'unlucky' to have excited that much hatred and venom....or was there something more to it etc etc....oh and the latest 'comments' from the 'tards' - to my blog have made me laugh, again....from pathos to bathos...path-oz according to google pronunciation....and also 'bath-oz' according to google......when tragedy tips to comedy etc etc.....anyway, the following might help - norwegian intelligence, let us say - but not the third sister of the holliday family , as in 'jo' or 'joanie' - aka a rabid dog, upon the system, whilst the other two had been 'cats'....'jo' had been an evil dachshund, let us say....lol....'jo holliday' with her addiction to a bottle of whiskey-a-day......go figure:
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