Wednesday, 5 June 2024

 .....and what's new this wednesday evening, dazzlenation?...well, the sick 'n' the stupid have decided to change gear, let us say....remember the ticking/clicking sound of a bike wheel? all the good it will do them....for example, after that meeting with younger, moore et al....i was then to meet up with caroline hughes and her asian prostitution network....they had been using 'kantar' as a front....anyway, their main aim had been to find out if the pentagon had a copy of my work and if so etc etc....well, that's easily answered: they don't....more think that i wouldn't have covered every etc etc....still all 'earning it by being evil' etc etc? very 'sad'....oh and from the macro to the micro - no reply from O2 which is an obvious indicator that the 'tards' are still attempting to bluff their way through etc etc whilst causing maximum annoyance to myself - just how 'tardy' is that?....see previous posts....go figure:

and what's more - they'd coded themselves in as the typical of this satanic cult, to do something like that etc etc....go figure:

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