Saturday 15 June 2024

 .....and what's new this sunday morning, dazzlenation?...well, first up - 'crappy' and sue whalley had got on like a house on fire, at portishead house, manningtree - yes, they could both remember each other from langley juniors....any 'hatchets' buried etc short, he was the one who was to teach her about cross-channel work etc etc....oh and he was also to summon up a 'storm' in his words, above portishead house...MI5 evans was to remark upon it looking like a swarm of hornets....a veritable cloud of them...almost as big as the house etc etc...oh and daldry had caught a glimpse, let us say....which is why he then began his 'camouflage' number - remember agitprop 'flashmob' white-sheep-huddle-together-time?....anyway, 'crappy' had told me to remember the following - in relation to a note to myself, upon the timer system, from ensure that the CIA lines would run smoothly etc early detection of mossad hacks....and as far as i can see - they are now running smoothly.....with all mossad hacking networks being'trashed' upon the system, immediately after detection....oh and 'crappy' had also coded in the relation to a certain book that i had shown him, after rodway's stay, in my flat....remember 'the dangerous book for boys'....a red number....that rodway with her 'bad eyesight' had seen as being 'peachy' and then coded it onto her phone as part of that etc etc....anyway, there is an item within it upon telegraph signals or 'marine vocabulary' as published by sir home popham....a royal navy 1800....a very simple system....just ten flags used to represent all letters of the alphabet....and H-8 is a white flag....'blank' you might say....hmmm....remember DSC0008 and that mossad hack - resulting in SD card photo modification, whilst in camera?....oh and rimington telling me that CIA = 8, whilst in clacton....anyway, 'crappy' had then coded in the following, regarding flag anagram of the word 'finishing' but not 'line' bene, the system has two flags entitled 'preparation' and 'finishing'...FINIS(H)ING......FINIS ING....I SIG FINN....."a port of call" short, he had decided to bounce a signal from a finnish port to one of his own fleet....go figure.

....and there's more...the holliday sisters had been excited about the next stage within this 13th one ill cult game...."rodway will have stolen her chequebook"....and yes, i had caught her in the act, to then warn her that the police would pick her up etc etc...and anyway, it was useless without a card....guess what the holliday sisters had planned to do next?'ll need a bit more information to work 'that one' short, the other day - i was to visit the HSBC cashpoint, in see a large white card notice over it....stating that it would be closed for 3 weeks, for 'refurbishment'....unclear as to whether it meant the whole bank or just that cashpoint but anyway.....i then had a walk down station road and pondered upon whether i should use the next cashpoint available...seeing as barclays has closed, i have used that cashpoint remember kate holliday telling sarah, her sister...that she always used santander cashpoints in the UK....because apparently the layout - reminded her of being on holiday on the continent....and so yes, they had been hoping to get my card....stuck in a santander then use it in conjunction with rodway's supposed theft of my chequebook....and to what end?....seeing as they all had more money than they knew what to do with - well, the holliday family certainly had done....and yes, this was all about 'earning it by being evil' again...."working their way up the system" replies BI online....go figure.

....and er....who used my pen and scribbled lines upon the flags, in my book to then tell whalley that he hoped that i would remember the following?'crappy'....not the first page, mark - you...the second....go figure: 

...and yes, the following flag at number 5 - was supposed to signify 'santander' and what the holliday family were up to:

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