Sunday 16 June 2024

 ....and what's new this monday morning, dazzlenation?...a couple of videos - that evans probably needs reminding of....go figure:

and so let me see...what had evans been up to - regarding the differences between etc me hazard a wild guess...the french telling german joos (like sylvia, for example) to shut up?...and in german, i might yes, the young woman, concerned - who looks a bit like 'rodway' - had chosen that precise clothing..."a rapid decision" replies BI online....yes, not much time before etc order to find something that might remind me of 'raspberry stitch' aka obama's daughter 'sue walker' and her hand-knitted bedsocks etc etc...a stitch that she had wanted to learn - from grandma clayton etc etc..isn't this all so bizarre?....but true, within a very alternate 'universe'....and  yes, it's not exactly 'raspberry' stitch but it was the best, that she could do, at the time - as a 'pointer'...and yes, that poor young woman, had been upon rodway's mossad list etc 'one of them'...."but i'm not even a joo!" she was to counter....and yet, the 'counter' on her chip, had been showing up as etc etc..and so she had then decided to 'talk', eh - evans?....go figure:

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