Monday 1 July 2024

 ....and what's new this monday evening, dazzlenation?...well, tards who are too cowardly to even attempt an alias 'in comments' - are threatening me again....looks like i upset whoever-it-was on the tannoy - doesn't what else, dazzlenation?...well, it's back to politics and farage....regarding the reform UK party....remember - he's part of the mossad alma doll brigade.....up to his eyeballs in it....additionally, remember how he had once got 'pink-fluffy-handcuffs-michael' formerly a pupil at all saints, blackheath to do his radio desk, for him - in clacton and in relation to carswell gettiing in?....and so yes, it makes sense that he would have involved another pupil i.e. mcgowan to handle his own etc etc....and what else?...well, i've had two letters through the mail, from ann widdecombe does one put it...clearly had a good education and knows how to write an appropriate letter pleading her case to the general electorate....and the second?...more laughter...apparently it is from 'dr david bull'...oh and MI5 malcolm and any other ex-EFL teachers should have a look at it because etc shall i put it...well, if somebody had written it in israeli-biznez-speak and then put it through google translate, to then get jeremy clayton to skim through it as an amateur 'editor'..."everybody knows that reform UK is the only..." etc etc and yes, he was fond of stating 'everybody knows' regarding making friends and influencing people short, despite having that deeply english surname....a bit 'john bull'...the original author or ghost author was clearly not a native speaker, let us say....."would he pass CAE?" replies BI online....hmmm...on letter-writing? scrape a pass - would definitely fail proficiency CPE...oh and there is an immortal line in it "In the words of an eminent cancer doctor, Reform Uk offers a sharp, concise, radical alternative"....hmmm....ingabot had loved that bit..."leave it in!"...why?....if you are going to offer a quote, then you need to give a name...otherwise it looks like some dodgy etc etc....oh and in relation to editing, we have that point underlined i.e. somebody..."mcgowan" replies BI online...and yes, mcgowan had inserted in small font 'medical doctor' inside of the word 'where' in the first paragraph...apparently unnoticed by jeremy et al before it went to print....'wmedicaldoctorhere' in "We now have a crazy situation wmedicaldoctorhere the NHS receives more funding than ever before - over £180 billion last year."...funny, how they didn't bother to ask ingabot to do the editing, isn't it....and eventually mcgowan had to step in to etc etc.......see previous posts....go figure:

anyway, having watched a bit of the following video on youtube, dazzlenation....well, english appears to be his first language and he's clearly fluent....and so what has bobby's mob gone and done, to queer his pitch (or shouldn't i say that?) yes, i haven't watched TV for so many years that....this all comes as a bit of a surprise etc etc..."the israeli umbrella" replies BI mean that they have to get under that before they can get voted in - regarding a rather hidden dimension, let us say?....go figure:
anyway, who can you vote for, in clacton?...let me see...and er....what is the heritage party etc etc...hmmm...i wonder if rowling might just go and vote for 'that' instead of labour etc etc...sovereignty, eh?....reminds me of that international politics lecturer at warwick, late 90s...and let me see - off the top of my the tory party splintering now and trying to find a direction that works, within breakaway parties etc etc...anyway, the heritage party appears to have something to please almost everybody, here - as i skim down the page...until i got to the part where....apparently they would like to make abortion illegal - all over the UK..."trump supporters" replies BI online...hmmm...and so even if you have been raped - you wouldn't be able to...?...apart from that - there is a quite a bit that i agree with, here and so on balance - given a choice between say reform UK and this party etc etc........go figure:
....oh and bobby's mob had left a note upon the timer system....."it'll be curtains for you" and so yes, reform UK - obviously see this party as a threat to their etc etc....anyway, with their stance upon abortion - looks like they might lose nearly half of their prospective votes etc etc:

let me see...and so there's more than a bit of rivalry going on, here - then....heritage vs reform UK....oh, i'm so see 'social conservatism' has always appealed to me....given my basic character 'conservative-with-a-small-c'...coupled with voting labour e.g. labour=work/employment...the whole movement had been started off to protect workers, their rights and pay, safety in the workplace....burgeoning out into women's rights and then etc etc....and of course, throughout my entire earnings have been stolen by that horrific satanic cult and so naturally etc etc...go figure:

...anyway, i'm not knocking this, dazzlenation....well, not as'm just fascinated...that's all...people thinking outside of the box etc etc...what is that hungarian style law, then etc short, this is an 'intelligent' party...."no robotniks"....and yet, my mind drifts back to a certain 'closed seminar' at warwick....remember susan bassnett's 'secret government' corridor, at warwick....hmmm...something around her views upon abortion - at odds with what that international politics lecturer had come up with etc etc....go figure:
and let's have a look at comments now....ah, i see...that's the real 'rub' - isn't it?...the difference between farage's mossad alma doll job and 'heritage'....go figure:

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