Sunday, 9 June 2024

 ....and what else, dazzlenation?...well, russian intelligence had wanted a reminder of what their 'old friend' i.e. norwegian intelligence - is up to, or not - as the case maybe, short, they had wanted to know what the holliday family had been up to...ditto - the bullard family i.e. pretty much the same thing...."all part of the same bunch" replies BI online....and well, the holliday family had been lying about moving into clacton - upon their secret 'tannoy' etc etc...anyway, russian inteligence has found out that they have recently moved into frinton....hmmmm...shades of marr in between clacton and holland on sea - remember that 'house of 'O' number (with whalley occupying a flat down the corridor - so many years ago now)....along with judy elliot in clacton, more recently etc etc....and then winnie's gang, were to follow - far more recently etc etc...and so the latest addition, has been a holliday number, to constellate 'around these parts', let us - clacton is a 'quiet' place, where people are friendly...i'm glad that it is still seen as 'working class' and 'mad'....seeing as that puts off most of those who would 'mob' the place and make it almost insupportable to live in....look at what has happened to that 'finger town' i.e. manningtree, over the years...remember when i had last visited...horrible....gone downhill and to the nth degree etc etc.....a bit like frinton with 'ghastly' little shops/restaurants selling over-priced goods etc etc.....and what else is upon the timer system - dazzlenation?...well, a film that the holliday mob should be rightly ashamed of...although they hve replied that they have 'no shame' etc etc.....'you and the night' upon MUBI....sarah holliday was to add, that the only important thing to address, within the movie - was the ending music....which had been her faulty memory - regarding something that sounded like the 'cocteau twins' but wasn't....and so why had sarah and the rest of them, needed to remember 'that one' so much i.e a cocteau twins number etc etc......cock and the Taschmanns...and the Eau (water)....cock T O2 etc etc....hmmm....perhaps 'gill-on-a- motorbike' or perhaps tomlinson etc short, the mossad-at-work..."cock tossers" replies BI it goes, eh?

hi-dr-O-gen, eh?...along with a biking reference to the 'nibbles'....anyway, there's a kid outside of belle court, now and then - who is acting like ed gyde used to do, as a child....and this evening...dancing in a brain-damaged way, having set his phone to etc etc:
anyway, you'd be amazed to see what turns up down that alleyway behind travelodge...and yes, one of gill's operatives turns up upon a regular basis - night or day - bawling his tardy head off...whether there is anybody else, there - to bawl at, or not....go figure:

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