Friday, 7 June 2024

 ....and what else, dazzlenation?...ah, yes - i'd forgotten about that....whilst i was still living in manningtree - i can remember sylvia telling me that regarding her will - she would divide up, equally, between etc etc...and would i like ed gyde to receive my money and he could then give it to me in instalments...i was to laugh and reply along the lines of 'would you trust your own brother' i.e. uncle bobby....she then laughed and replied that she certainly wouldn't....nota bene pat andrew's 'clue' to all of that - regarding her 'tardy' brother and payments....and yes, pat had suffered terribly as a result etc etc..."no power of attorney" replies BI my case, that is - nobody has it at all....i have signed nothing and intend to keep it that way etc etc....anyway, it looks like i won't be hearing anything back upon that account....according to oscar....ed 'n' ingabot are executors of the will...."some time never"...well, i'll just forget about it then...just another 'tardy' insult, that i shall wouldn't have been much, anyway...nevertheless - you know how tards like to steal every penny and congratulate themselves upon having been so very 'clever' in doing so etc etc....remember those russian heirlooms and their sale in oxford...jeremy clayton was to sniff at a couple of thousand pounds as his share (his income being so high, in comparison), within their plot to deceive, cheat and steal etc etc....and yes, i had known about it, at the time.....go figure:

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