Saturday, 8 June 2024

 ....and what else, dazzlenation?...well, remember that communal 'thumbprint' painting that pat andrew (therapy coordinator) and myself (as her PA or 'acting therapy coordinator' - regarding my upgraded status, later on - one of the manager tony green's nasty techniques to rattle the staff and their relations) had facilitated, whilst working at acorn villages ltd - 2004?....oh and i had likened the technique to that old fairystory entitled 'nail soup' i.e. all participants started off by putting their thumbprint ID onto the background landscape - i had painted, to then create their own 'character'....and so not exactly 'matchstick people' but anyway - the whole thing then snowballed....with residents and support staff adding their own increasingly inventive, creative and colourful additions etc etc....ending up with tony green putting himself in as a 'saint'...for a resident 'n' support worker to then add a UFO beaming him short, the landscape became marvellously funny....people came in to check who had added what and upon a daily basis etc etc...hmmm....a bit like a massive messageboard, let us say....and there's more....after pat had added a blue pen scribbled cutout 'bomber' to the mix....which then inspired quite a few residents to start to paint in manningtree being bombed, having agreed with pat that...that was going to happen - introducing new aircraft to the skies etc etc....pat was to say, at the time..."that is what i saw" with a puzzled look upon her face etc etc...after i had asked her what was going on....and yes, pat had been a renowned 'psychic' - remember her work for the police etc etc.....that i figured it was time to call it a day...the painting was now 'finished'...because it was all getting a little bit 'out of hand' etc etc...oh and might i add that sue the care-manager had added herself in a 'cavalier's hat and plume' "running off the page" as she was to tell me, at the time - with a laugh, to the far right of the so whilst looking at lowry and 'mr men and little miss' characters' upon the BBC site...i was reminded again of that extraordinary collective painting - which was then hung up in the corridor, outside of tony green's office...hmmm...i used to have a photo of it but rodway was to steal it..."you can't have that!" etc etc...and let me see, had rodway planned on working up there 'on the quiet' to then take credit for etc etc?.....go figure:

and let me see...obviously pat is retired by now and must have been for some years but anyway, gary balls is still in ca change....and er....'tom cox'...looking a bit like tony green might do (done for stealing a laptop from his workplace - according to an employee - so many years ago now and apparently ended up in prison etc etc)....go figure:

and yes, just 'knew' that the above would elicit another 'tard' comment -

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