Monday, 3 June 2024

.....and what's this - dazzlenation....the annual white 'secret' dinner - held in the courtyard of the louvre?....see previous posts....go figure:

 the following what daldry had actually been referencing, somewhat obliquely? that a 'horse'?....and if so - a bit of a 'whitewash'?...oh i remember now...helen browne had turned up at raymond blanc 'quatre saisons' restaurant in order to have part of her brain removed and a 'pin plug' put into the back of her head....see previous notes upon 'all of that':


oh and there was somebody looking a bit like that etc etc....if i could be bothered to watch the etc etc again....hmmm...let me try and remember...something around tomlinson having told daldry about his idea for a 'white service' etc etc:
.....and now we're really getting into your subterannean 'japanese line' - eh, MI6 younger...what had they seen etc etc:

off on a tangent now but still upon the same sort of 'agit prop' number....go figure:
and now let's return to something closer to home -'turbulence for the tories' according to the BBC....hmmm....remember ed and 'radio waves' etc etc...oh and let us not forget michael-ex-pupil-all-saints-primary-late-60s....the stredwick connection and the 'pink fluffy handcuffs' etc etc...who used to do farage's radio work etc etc....go figure:

oh and daldry might like to have a look at 'drone awards' they kept their legs together - they could attempt to pass themselves off as overly large goldfish/koi carp...or what about starfish?....see previous posts:

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