Sunday 16 June 2024

 ....oh and one last note, regarding 'bridgerton', dazzlenation...and in relation to sue whalley at portishead house....i had realised that the only way to get the link that i had wanted....was to contact a corrupt CIA official....remember the 'rather tall and fat blonde' in the background of those photos of so-called US tv personality chat show host 'katie' along with 'crappy' in jakarta etc etc....didn't really look anything like 'katie', did it)....well, fat-tall-dyed-blonde-in-background had been the corrupt CIA official, who had wanted to 'makka da money', the zionist joo way (and yes, i can remember the mossad transmissions sent to her, at the time - along the lines of 'how easy is it to fool them?' i.e. non-joos, for want of a better 'hyphenated compound'...oh i remember now...the difference between the hyphen and the 'hyphenated'...meaning blown up like barrage balloon or zeppelin if you prefer balloon it all out with hyphens etc etc with a sidelong glance at beth lazroe - who loved putting in hyphens upon the prague rothschild's system....all joined up - under one MKultra black umbrella?.."linkedin" replies BI and remember 'crappy's flag code...PEZ/Z3P - see previous post....remember manningham-buller's 'pez' system?)...anyway, she had wanted a 'good idea'...more than that...a good pitch - to put up, as her own - upon the system i.e. bridgerton, as it turns out - thought up by sue and i, at portishead house...sue then went on to write in all of the basic characters, plot it out in detail etc etc...she didn't need my help, for any of it - after that....and so, let me recap - a basic tit for tat situation...corrupt CIA number then supplied me with the link, that i had needed, let us say...after sue and i, had 'baited the hook', as it order to catch relation to...."you'll have to get onto the system, first" toddy had told me..."i'm sure you'll find a way" he had then laughed etc etc....and regarding what his longterm project had been - to bring the whole colonial slave-driving monarchy MKultra system down....and so many years ago, now - i was to remind him that according to eastern teaching, let us say....a pupil surpasses a teacher...if the teacher is any good, that is...he was to laugh even more, at 'that one'....and that is because he had understood it i.e. a teacher who has passed the test of 'ego' - unlike that 'teacher of french' at solihull sixth form college etc etc....more laughter....if anybody like her were around today and teaching EFL/ESOL, they would have lost their jobs, immediately - as far as i know....and yes, BI online are laughing about 'that one' now...."you're shit, i'm brilliant - volumnia complex" etc etc....toddy...let me think....unlike, potsy - who was more of a 'facilitator' in the early days..."incapable of doing the maths"....and i had been 11-16 years old....and 'potsy' had simply found a place for me to be, in order to study etc etc...all very difficult and dangerous...considering that tard number i.e. moore et al, patrolling the school and its grounds...not to mention rimington in that 'admin block' beside the school etc etc:

oh and there's more to that particular clump etc etc.....'the middleton seal', anybody?.....let's have a look at the fictional history, of that figure:

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