Tuesday, 1 March 2011

"so-called adults"...

i saw the guy - who lives above me today...a friend of PAUL DIBBENS...or maybe DIBBENS was lying and simply talking about a 'slave on his desk'....anyway, I saw him in town, talking to a woman with a child, in a buggy... and I noted how the women (in general) loved him and were possessive over him and his company...I only smiled brightly at him....he said 'hello' and the woman with him 'went into OVERDRIVE' as in 'WHO is THAT'....overheard because it amused me to listen...

A jealous woman.

This guy is a transexual who is happy with the way he/she is...that was his way of dealing with what the ill cult did to him....he now has 'breasts' and dyed blonde hair...but he is the most seductive 'man' out...to women and that is the way that he likes it.

Circa 2003....it wasn't....he was miserable...nobody was attracted to him...DIBBENS had told me what the guy had done for the rebel group...I checked it out...this guy had 'intelligence' off the richter scale, compared to most of BI...and so I had to help him...I knew how to do the 'sign of the cross' and to get in touch with his youngest self...

This is the self of 'pure beauty' and the most attractive part of anyone....the innocent child....

I saw a child of that age, whilst cycling down the promenade...a toddler who was hiding behind a wall from his/her mother and the look in the child's eyes....the mother then looked at me...she was overjoyed....she loved her child...as he/she bobbed up from the wall - she looked at me cycling past and smiled - as if to say 'yes you saw my child - isn't my child absolutely adorable'.....and then I 'knew' what it was all about...the child was irresistable, that 'naughty but INNOCENT look' in his/her eyes...the sweetest thing you ever saw...

...and then I 'knew' how TODDY had felt about HENRY...I was watching another 'HENRY' do his thing, behind a wall...or a CAROLINE...as in HARRY HOUDINI....more likely perhaps...

...and what I had 'released' from DIBBENS's friend's mind...his child alter...and I can remember what I said...touching the CROSS of mind control, in front of him...that this child alter was to blossom like a flower....he was an adult now and he could let her blossom and have the strength to PROTECT HER....and that by doing so, he would get in contact with his REAL SELF...his first self...that beautiful child...who had remained hidden and frightened, for so many decades....he had been a very beautiful child and that is why he had been so hideously sexually abused....but the time was right now - he had enough knowledge about the ill cult to 'keep safe'...and he could let his child alter out, because 'she' was the most attractive part of his personality...why people fell for him....he did so - and didn't look back...

It is funny, looking back upon those years now...the guy 'in the flat above' wanted to be 'attractive'...and it was so easy to do...to release that alter from the 'CROSS'....and give him what I thought were the right guidelines in relation to what I had done...and it worked....he would be immensely popular with both men and women...yet he appears to prefer female company nowadays....despite his transexuality...

If only that could be done to all of us...but not all of us are 'angels' are we?

...and that guy was an ANGEL.

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