Wednesday 30 March 2011

whilst looking through this page I began to sense GILL's fear that he might have been programmed as the and a whole load of others...set the scene:

TRUTH DRUG administered:

MARK R "What is your greatest fear? Who would you least like to be?"

GILL: "The anti-christ..."

MARK R "Really - why?...." - more information, reasons, 'how do you feel about the anti-christ' etc etc...

...and upon laughing about the above...i realised that it might have happened - because I asked the same question of myself...and the immediate answer was MARK R.

yes, probably the worst insult I could give him...or anybody for that matter:

"well, you actually..."

anyway, if MARK R did try the above on his slaves...did he dare to 'make me him'? I wouldn't have thought so...that would have meant giving away power and trade secrets...

TODDY then said that TOMLINSON had made MARK R 'the way that he was'...yes, I can see that...MR PUTIN finding out how he could run MARK R like a robot in circles around the lawn, using the tannoy system...MARK R experimenting with drugs that reduced his serotonin levels to almost zero in order to approach the abyss...MARK R 'enjoying' the horror ride at CERN, he had been on it 'many times'...yes, I am now beginning to feel pity for the guy now but you can see why I would have chosen him as 'the worst nightmare'...

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