yes I can remember the earth moving...a bit like a pendulum...tipping one way and then the other....the above is a PENTAGON/ill cult nobility reference...
by Howard on January 16th, 2011 at 2:08 AM
Posted In: Bible, History, Mythology, Religion, Secret Societies[Translate]
Hat Trick: 3rd Act in the Chaldean Sting and 3rd Goal by the same person. 1st The LORD is rejected. 2nd The Lord is rejected. 3rd A person filling both roles wearing 2 hats, one visible, one hidden will be accepted and spiritually the world will change forever.
Yarmulke is Yiddish not Jewish, it is the Cap of Cybele aka Gaea or Rhea all names of the Earth Goddess. The Masonic phrase “On the Square” refers to Gaea as “Earth Mother”; Yiddish is not Jewish or Hebrew, it is Galatian; the Yiddish man shown is signaling his choice of the Left, Black or Sinistra = Sinister Path. Of what? The Tree, the Crucifixion Tree aka Kabbalah Tree of Life. Kaballah is not Jewish, it is Satanic; the Hexagram is not the Star of David; it is the Seal of Solomon. The World Axis if you will is North; Why? God’s throne is in the north of Heaven; gazing skyward over the World Axis is the constellation “Draco” the Serpent or Dragon; does this mean God is a Serpent? The Serpent, circling the Axis forms a Cone; do people wearing Conical Hats know this? Tip a Cone, draw the cross-section and one sees an Ellipse; does this mean the Earth elliptically orbits the Sun? The Earth axis wobbles, forming 2 Cones meeting in the middle; 13,000 years ago, the “North” world Axis would have been at or near the Southern Cross constellation; does this mean the Cross has something to do with God? The Celtic (Warrior) Cross is a Circled Cross on a Pole; as one Axis circles Draco, the opposing Axis circles the Southern Cross; does this mean the Earth is 13,000 years old or that a return to those days will ever happen? With respect to the Sun, a cross-section of a cone forms an “Ellipse” such as the shape of the Milky Way or Andromeda Galaxy; does this mean planets orbit the sun in ellipses? Spiritual offspring of Gaea/Cybele are called “Earth Dwellers” in Revelation; “Uncover” means to remove one’s hat. In Rev 6:14 “Heaven departs as a scroll when it is rolled together” and everyone not in personal covenant with Jesus Christ will carry this title; their Sins manifested and “Uncovered”. This will be coincident with Daniel “God is my Judge” 9:27 “Covenant with Many”. Hat and Yarmulke means Hood, Cowl or Cover. Compare this article with the lyrics by The Who “We don’t get fooled again” “I tip my Hat to the new Constitution; I’ll bow to the new Revolution; Smile and grin at the Change all around; Then I’ll get on my knees and pray we don’t get fooled again”. Who is “we”? What is under the “hat”? What “new constitution”? What “change”? What “revolution”? Who gets “on their knees and prays”, and to whom? Think the New World Order is Secular? Guess again. Under the hat will be a Kippa; the Constitution will be “Do what thou wilt” (Aleister Crowley’s Book of the Law); the Revolution will fundamentally change the world Spiritually (Physical change comes 3 ½ years later at the 2nd coming) forever. We is the Society of Red Men; Arab means “Trader” it can be anyone on earth willing to trade Jesus Christ for an Alternative Christ and follow the ways of Esau rather than Jacob. There are more than a few reasons to believe that time may be Christ-Mass of 2012.
The Kippa of Cybele is of Galatian (modern Turkey) origin; at least 4000 years old, it serves as a Shield, Veil or Separation from God; being Holy means to Separate from this Gnostic nonsense and become part of Ekklesia, the “Called Out” Church. The Kippa of Cybele is either worn in secret under other headgear or alone as the Yarmulke. Hats go by a variety of names and styles. Phoenician Hennin was a fish cape used by Kahn-Baals “Priests of Baal”. The Phrygian Cap “Sleeping Cap” or “Cap of Mithra”, the Persian “Aryan” sun god found its way into Roman Legions, Prussian and Minutemen Soldiers and on the doors of the Library of Congress; no wonder, Congress “Congredi” is Latin for “To Fight with; Meeting of Armed Forces; Sexual Union”. If not obvious Congress is simply a gang of lawless thieves similar to a Parliament, the term for Owls as totems of Molech who gathered in Druid Groves. Court Jesters wore the same hat Freemason Jesters do; Jester Harry Truman was just Jesting with the Atomic Bombs Little Boy and Fat Man. Kohen Gadol, the chief Samaritan Priest (Samaritans are not Jewish; Jesus replaced the Levite Priesthood with Melchi-Zadok=Melchisedek=King of Salem/Jerusalem) wears a broad flat top Turban “Mitznefet”; Kohens wear the cone shape “Migbahat”. The flame shaped Mitre of Dagan is worn by Catholic Popes and Cardinals (Cardo=Hinge ie Axis, Tree or Pole “Stauros”) as well as Roman Catholic and Orthodox (Syrian, Greek, Russian, Coptic, Ethiopian) Bishops. The Muslim Fez is named after Fez Morocco where 50,000 Christians met up with Sufi inspired Moorish swords, which was dipped in Christian blood; today is used by Muslim Shriners at the top of the Freemasonic ladder many of whom serve in Protestant and Baptist Church leadership positions; the Fez is really a Muslim “Taqiyah or Kufi”; most Muslims have no idea Mecca is home to the Black Meteorite symbolic of the Simulcrum of Cybele or that Mecca means “Adultery” from it’s Koreish Tribe roots or that Al-Allah is simply an extension of the Assyrian god “Sin”. The “Hedjet” White Crown of Upper Egypt; combined with the “Deshret” Red Crown of Lower Egypt formed the “Pschent” symbolic of mortar and pestle or the Sexual Union “Divine Union” of the ancient Mystery Religions; in this case Horus and Isis. Noteworthy is the Red Crown features a curved wire representing the proboscis of a Honey Bee, the epithet of Cybele. The Mitre of Dagan started as Chaldean Fish Capes of the “Fisher King” with gaping jaws; today it is the common 2 sided flame shaped mitre; Benedict XVI wears the Egyptian Was Scepter of Set on his Mitre probably symbolic as his prophetic role stemming from Gen 16:16 “Ishmaels birth” and Rev 16:16 “Armageddon”. Note: This is the last day of the Great Tribulation; his role if he is still Vicar of Christ which is very unlikely is to usher in the False Christ known variously as Mahdi, Krishna, Buddha etc; Jesus has no Vicar on Earth; the Age of Grace is based solely on the Holy Ghost; I say toss the men in funny hats.
The Caprirote is the pointed hat worn by KKK, Druid Priests, Nazarenes of Spain, Japanese “Kazaori Eboshi”, Mardi Gras “Capuchon”, King Arthur’s Magician Merlin (Arth=Branch ie sprig or offspring of Cybele) wore one; if it is used in Witchcraft I don’t know and could care less; Wicked Witch of the East (Orient) was not Green with envy, she was green from copper poisoning and it’s true meaning is “Dunce Cap” named after 13th century Scottish theologian John Duns; by extension Presbyterians I suppose; hey I was one. The Capuchin Cowl was used by Franciscans (Double sided throwing axe Francesca), Dominicans (Dom=Sun=Dominion), Capuchins, Cistercians, Friars, Darth Mol, Darth Sidius and Jedi (Djed Pillar=Pyramidion), Benedictines (Benediction means Bless or Speak well of ) echoed by the US $1 Bill “Novus Ordo Seclorum” (He approves of our undertaking) well folks this He ain’t God. The purpose of this paragraph is not to list all types of hats; it is to emphasize that under 10 Gallon Cowboy “Hathor” hats, Fedoras (Fedoerati were emasculated Lombards), Canadian Mountie hat, Police and Military Helmet, Priest Mitre, Stove pipe hat, Turban “Zuchetti”, triangular shaped Pirate hat (Aleister Crowley even wore one of these), Night cap “Scrooge Cap” (Santa’s hat came from Amanita Muscaria Mushroom gathering Lapland Shaman under the Tree of Attis, Cybele’s son and lover), Aviator hat (this one is really bad, you can figure it out), Viking “6 King” hat, Lil Drummer Boy hat, Beanie Baby, or Smurf stands a good chance of being a Yarmulke “Kippa of Cybele”. In Dan 4:17 God tells us He puts the basest of men in charge so that the living may know He is involved; maybe this helps explain why it’s common for men like Bill Clinton, Vladimir Putin, George Bush Jr. Sen Joe Lieberman, Pope John Paul II, Pope Benedict XVI and Barack Obama to put on a Yarmulke before wailing at Herod’s Wall; Herod was Edomite not Jewish.
“And he that is the high priest among his brethren, upon whose head the anointing oil was poured, and that is consecrated to put on the garments, shall not uncover his head…” Lev 21:10
The short story goes like this; God puts Aaron in charge, Miriam leads a Korahite rebellion, priests are made of the lowest of men who make Groves in the Trees on high places, Amos warns Israel, Jesus replaces the Levite Priesthood with Himself “Melchisedek” via the Holy Ghost. You want it? Ask Him for it.
“Every man praying…having his head covered, dishonoureth his head, but every woman that prayeth… with her head uncovered dishonoureth her head.” 1 Cor 11:4 Folks all this crap of the Tetragammaton being unpronounceable and Priests needing protection from God is simply Taurus excrement; His name is Alpha and Omega, Lord, I Am, I Am He, Jehovah, Melchisedek and KING OF KINGS, AND LORD OF LORDS; call on His name, He listens and responds immediately; don’t call on His name you are SOL. Arab means “Trader or Merchant”; the Arab Turban is the alternative to God’s ordained covering; whether it stems from Cain, Canaan, Joktan, Hagarenes, Ishmaelis or Edomites is a moot point; God did not ordain this covering for anyone other than physical sons of Aaron in the Levitical Priesthood; the Samaritan Kohen Gadol is one such Gnostic fake.
Kippuh=Dome; Capitol means “Dome of Zeus/Jupiter”; Yom Kippur means “Atonement” ie Cover or Hide Sin; with what? Nectar of the gods silly; Blood. The days of our week are all pagan but relative to Saturday, the 6th Day=Sabbath, Jesus would have been in the Sepulchre Friday, Thursday and Wednesday making the Crucifixion on Tuesday. Tiwaz, Tyr, Tiras, Tiw and Ziu all refer to some form of Wotan, Woden, Odin, Thor aka Zeus, Jupiter or Mars. Washington DC, Vatican City, London and the Dome of the Rock all have Domes to protect the wearer from God; in this case the infant in the womb of Cybele. Relax, they all have 7 Hills so Vatican “Divining Priest” is not the only MYSTERY, BABYLON THE GREAT…here. Nikola Tesla said “Future wars will be decided by electricians”. He was referring to the potential energy “V=Voltage” between the Earth “Gaea/Cybele” and the Ionosphere “Zeus/Thor”; this is why Zeus is a weather god who rules the Day “Deus”. Electrician derives from Elect and the Phoenician “Elekron”; Elect are the Illuminati if you wish but the term has more to do with religious warriors such as Jesuits, Knights Templar, Hospitallers (SMOM), or Sufis. Oxygen and Nitrogen “Ions” form from contact with Light; these modern day Priests of On=Osiris=Heliopolis may feel powerful, but in reality are missing something elemental from interaction with “Light”; their Soul. The missing part of Osiris is the phallus; the smallest part of Matter as God created it is the “Electron” but occultists wearing Square Science “Hats” of Master and Doctor Graduation call the smallest particle the “God Particle” or “Graviton”. The highest level soldiers are not flunkies like Bush, Obama, Blair or Putin, they are Mayors of the Palace. Historically the most influential are now and have been their Priests, Rabbis and Imams going by names such as Akkadian “Konn-Tors”, Chaldean “Magi” or Phoenician “Kahn-Baals”.
Cretan “Curetes” and Galatian “Galli” became Eunuchs of Cybele through self emasculation on the Day of Blood “Black Friday” (Thor’s wife Freya’s Day) nearest Mar 25; resurrected again as “Sol Invictus” on Dec 25th. Who are they today? I ain’t checking and really don’t care let’s just call them “Black Nobility” or Aryans (Noble Caste). Cybele changed her lover/son Attis into an evergreen tree which is why diamond shaped Masonic coffins have an evergreen sprig and 555 on them; that’s Christmas and that’s why you really need to get the Christmas Tree out of your house.
Diamond refers to purified carbon from heat, water and pressure; cutting one’s seed vine will tend to do that. 555 refers to 3 Nails (V=Vav=Nail=666 in Hebrew) that fixed Jesus to the Tree. The evergreen sprig is the cutting of Attis the son of Cybele and his seed is symbolized by the Pine Cone most effectively liberated by fire. The Thyrsus, an ivy covered branch of fennel topped by a Pine Cone was ten transported by Baccantes and Dionysiacs, followers of Dionysus, the Rosslyn Chapel “Green Man” and Bacchus the Syrian version whose Temple is at Baalbek. Romans called these Rods “Ferula”; bundles became the “Fasces” aka “Faggot”. Like Gold or Silver, Diamonds have little value; Merchants of Venice have made them that way. Ziu-richi=Ziu Reich=Zurich where Gnomes of Zurich have quietly amassed the world’s physical and debt based “Usury” wealth. Arab nations do not practice Usury for this reason.
The Hat Trick is convincing the world to accept the 3rd Legitimate King. Sargon I and Sargon II came in their own names; WHO the 3rd will be depends on the Was Scepter “Set”, Djed Pillar (Human Spine) and Benben Stone “Pyramidion” but I doubt it will be Pope Benedict XVI. The first truly Legitimate King was the LORD walking with Adam and Eve; rejected in favor of the Tree of Knowledge. 2nd was the Lord nailed to the Tree of Knowledge. 3rd will come in his own name and be accepted, wearing the Yarmulke underneath whatever hat is required of him. Benedict XVI symbolized reconciliation of the 500 year old split between Roman Catholics and Anglicans under Druid Priest and Archbishop of Canterbury Rowan Williams by sitting on the Stone of Scone in Westminster Abbey in 2010; similar overtures have been made to Greek Orthodox and native Shaman leaders as well; I’m not condemning Catholics or Anglicans here, just pointing out the progress of the Unification Church and it’s final Coup de Grace “Hat Trick”. The hat will be something akin to the now 500 year old (since the time Jesuits took control of the Vatican; Ignatius Lie-ola/Giovanni de Medici aka Pope Leo X/Michelangelo or there about) triple decker Gold Circular Beehive “Tiara” with a core of Silver worn by the Supreme Pontiff called the “Triregnum”.
The Triregnum (3rd or Triple King ie Body- Mind- Spirit or Earth-Creatures-Spirits ie all aspects of Creation) is not worn any longer by the Roman Pontifex Maximus “Greatest Bridge Builder”; perhaps 500 years ago Pontiffs actually believed the lies of infallibility and Sovereign rule over all land, creatures and souls on earth, but Jesuit controlled Pontiffs know better. The Flame Shaped Mitre of Dagan represents the Babylonian god of the Earth, as secondary to the Phoenician Creator El; therefore all Priests are Ministers acting at the discretion of the Triregnum “Legitimate King”. The bible makes perfectly clear this is a Man incarnated by Satan. Jesuits are not Catholic in the least bit; they are Knights in the Society of Jesus beholden to the Jesuit General “Black Pope”; Antichrist is simply the last “Alternative Messiah” building the Bridge to Heaven “Tower of Babel”; the bridge is traveled at the 5th Trumpet when Satan is cast to Earth 18 months, 1 day, 1 hour before the arrival of Jesus and His Wrath. Visible figurehead leaders in Governments, Religions, Science take marching orders from hidden “Knights”; Order ab Chao “Order out of Chaos” means the old order on earth will be replaced by a New World Order.
The shape of the Triregnum is a Circular Beehive and 3 dimensional Flame (Mitres are 2 Dimensional representations); the spires on Shrines and Mosques the world over conform to this shape; Moscow’s Red Square being a prime example. Dabar “Bee” is Chaldee for Word, the Heap of Witness which Laban (To make White and Bricks) and Jacob used to separate their flocks in Gen 30 is nearly complete. How does one tell which Witness you are using? If God chose you to rise above your peers Merry Christmas and Happy Easter friend, you are a Chaldean Witness. If you fear God more than the Inquisition and ask forgiveness for just about everything you do in life, you are a Tabernacle and Witness of JEHOVAH.
1st Crown deprives all persons of rights to land. Allodial “Color” Title (Free and Clear means no debt or taxes), Personal and Real Property Tax, Mortgage “Death Pledge/Note”, Municipal, State, Federal Debt, Presidential Executive Orders, Imminent Domain, Valueless Paper Money, and Capital Letters on Birth Certificates, Driver’s License, Social Security, Property Titles etc. ensure this right of the crown. The 2nd Crown confers rights of body/flesh to the central bank “FED” of each nation; George Bush’s “Axis of Evil” referred to nations reluctant to play this rigged Satanic game. Arab nations should realize allegiance to the Beast is universal; their power with this Beast lasting 1 hour. The 3rd Crown condemns the soul via Baptismal certificate. Mormon genealogy records are the #1 source. Bar means Table of Law; Judges officiate as Sovereigns of Maritime Law on the Benches (Money Changers were selling Body, Blood and Holy Spirit, the things Jesus gave “Free” of Burden) Jesus overturned; thank God these 3 Crowns are complete BS eh? God gave you a Soul and a Spirit to communicate with Him; let Him judge your Soul and sit back and watch the Circus Maximus act!
The center of the Beehive is Israel; more specifically the Golden Dome over the Rock of Offense in Jerusalem; the Hexagram is the protective amulet used in Witchcraft. The movie 2012 featured a Flood and a few hundred thousand Billionaires “Saved” in Arks; God promised never to Flood the Earth again, so what’s the deal? If you saw it, did you wonder where all the Water came from or how the Earth including the Himalayas disappeared beneath the waves? Earth has oceans of underground water, not as Austin Powers would say “Liquid hot magma”; weather causes atmospheric drag which in turn causes differential motion of crustal plates with respect to the interior; both have natural magnetic material which produces the primary winding of an electric generator. Solar radiation contacts this magnetic field and is guided through the Earth producing an endless recharging electro-magnet. Less energetic Solar Radiation passes through the Magnetosphere and forms the Ionosphere, forming an endless recharging Capacitor of nearly unlimited energy. Oil “Black Gold”, Diamonds, Gold and Silver are Phoenician Money Changing “Tricks” of the Black Nobility. Black means “Burn, gleam, shine, flash”, not what we have been taught is it? How do “Black Nobility” like Prince Phillip, Maurice Strong, Ted Turner, Henry Kissinger, Zbigniew Brzezinski, Mikhail Gorbachev, King Abdullah, Hamid Karzai, Hosni Mubarak, Mahmoud Ahmadinejad et all ad nauseum kill 97% of humanity and build an Ark knowing full well God will never allow a Flood again? Cold War bomb shelters. So they just nuc the Beehive eh? Sorry, they aren’t that stupid. Starfish Prime was one of many failed attempts to blast a nuclear hole in the Magnetosphere, the electronic cage all of us live under. Money, money, money Manhattan Project, NASA, Cold War, Star Wars; Pledge, Turn, Prestige, the Chaldean Way. Pledge: Atomic, Nuclear, Neutron, EMP bombs are in the hands of Rogue Terrorists; eyes on me please not Sarah Palin’s Going Rogue ghost written best seller. Turn: Safety in exchange for giving up rights. God gave His blood and the Holy Ghost which gave us the right to Heaven; we give up that right to Priests and Lawyers who act on behalf us, the totally depraved is how John Calvin put it. Throw yourself on the mercy of the court? I’d say politely tell the Judge to exchange the US Flag for one without God Braid around it and keep a copy of the Constitution handy. As for your Priest, Imam or Rabbi, have he or she read Mat 23:8. Prestige: Sorry folks, no Star Wars Missile Defense Shield only a ½ billion square mile Big Screen TV, digitally tuned to your EEG and DNA. Receivers? World Cup Soccer, Football, Baseball Stadiums shaped like a Radar Dish. Antennas? Freedom Tower, Tokyo Sky Tree, Incheon Tower, Burj (Burj=Burg and Berg does not mean a person is Jewish) Dubai, Jakarta Tower, CN Toronto Tower, Freedom Tower, Dublin Millennium Spire to name a few. Now for the Cities and Towers.
“Go to, let us build us a city and a tower, whose top may reach unto heaven…now nothing will be restrained from them, which they have imagined to do.” Gen 11:6
So Bricks and Slime mortar (KJV) reached Heaven eh? Sorry “They” aren’t that stupid. “And God said, Let there be light” Gen 1:3 “And God said, Let there be lights in the firmament of heaven…” Gen 1 :14 Lights in the firmament of heaven is Solar Radiation “the greater light to rule the day” Gen 1:16 Deus=Dies=Dyaus=Zeus Ah ha, Zeus rules the day as Sol. “and the lesser light to rule the night” Gen 1:16 Looney? Sure but Al-Allah=Sin=Moon. Prince Bandar is called Bandar Bush and Obama bowed to Abdullah. Full Moon=Good; Dies Solis after a Full Moon=Better; First Light=Best “Happy Easter” Assyrian New Year folks. Sargon “Legitimate King” is made Legitimate by a higher authority. Melchisedek “King of Salem” is Jesus’ title (Gen 14:18; Ps 110; Heb 7). Antichrist will claim descent from Abraham, sit on the throne of King David and proclaim himself god in the Jerusalem; Jesus is his higher Authority. When? “beast rise up out of the sea…the name of blasphemy…power was given unto him to continue forty and two months” Rev 13:5 Sun rising up? Dang I thought the Earth orbited the Sun Oops! Newton was a Rosicrucian; trustworthy he was not. The Sun rises after the Solstice and in this case after rejection of the Son (Jesus Christ=Christ=Messiah; Mass=Sacrifice) review the Phyrgian Attis, son of Cybele the Oriental ie Eastern/Rising Sun “Mother of god” who became the Fir Tree again; same hat as Santa Claus for a reason. “blasphemy of the Holy Ghost shall not be forgiven unto men” Mat 12:31 The Holy Ghost descended as a Dove to Jesus Christ and was given to Man “Free of Burden” at Pentecost; it will be removed in similar fashion and Sol will be all that remains for 42 months.
Hat Trick is the 3rd goal by 1 person. Mayan “Ball Court” games simulated aka Dec 21, 2012 by opposing teams scoring goals in the middle to simulate the Sun passing the Dark Rift of the Milky Way Galaxy “Sacred Tree”. Fast forward 2 years to Dec 13, 2012 and take note; you probably already have that I’m not an astrologer nor interested in this the least bit; the purpose is simply to illustrate why this Solstice is unique. St Lucia is primarily Swedish; a Nordic goddess of light and alleged martyr turned in by her village for being Christian; she allegedly was unharmed in the fire because she found the Light. Yup, just like fish swimming Ignatius Loyola’s ring up to him or Constantine’s mother Helena finding pieces of the True Cross, burial cloth and Mt Sinai in Egypt instead of Arabia; all total nonsense. She is celebrated on the shortest day of the year on the Julian Calendar. The change to the Julian Calendar by Caesar and then to the Gregorian Calendar was not done haphazardly; FDR said “Nothing in politics happens by accident; if it happened it was planned”. This particular Santa Lucy Day will be Friday=Freya=Odin’s wife the 13th uninvited guest at Valhalla and a New Moon=darkest possible night; Moon=Sin rising in Sagittarius. NASA reported Dec 2010, the WISE Infrared Telescope had found Isocyanic Acid (NHCO) in Sagittarius; considered the simplest inorganic building block of organic life (total Big Bang style nonsense on par with a Cyclone creating a 747 out of junk yard). In addition NASA claimed to have found Hydrogen Cyanide (HCN=Cyclone B or Zyklon B Gas) in Orion (Orion=Osiris); Orion holds Aldebaran the Ankh “Star Gate” so the occult meaning here is choose the Ankh or die. Aldebaran is a double star which serves as Alpha Taurus. Recall Zeus was represented by the Bull; children and other sacrifices were incinerated in Bull shaped ovens to Moloch also a Bull. Jesus refers to Jerusalem as “Spiritually Sodom and Egypt” (Rev 11:8) at the 7th Trumpet (2nd Coming) because Egypt worshipped the Apis Bull. When the Age of Aquarius begins it will be represented by Zeus as the Roman Jupiter “King Star” in a symbolic but likely spiritual return to the pre-Flood world. Sodomites use Jupiter-Zeus as code for Pederasty, Pedophilia, Incest and Homosexuality, hidden in the mythical Rape of Ganymede on Mt Olympus. Aldebaran as Star Gate and Ankh held by Orion-Osiris seems representative of the Oroborus Serpent, Zeus coming full circle. NASA also claims Formaldehyde (Embalming Fluid) was found in the Center of the Milky Way (Trunk of the Sacred Tree); communication here is Kaballah “Work upon the Sacred Tree” saves. Aztecs feverishly sacrificed their victims as representatives of the gods of the Sacred Tree; it means the same as Laban, Aztlan (eg Voz de Aztlan) and Lebanon (Lbn) “To make White” ie Sinless. Recall Seth’s Enoch was taken to Heaven; Lebanon is the modern location of Phoenicia, named after “Pa-Hanok” “House of Enoch”, the Egyptian-Arabian Phoenix Bird who resurrects itself by fire after 500 years; just prior to Cortez being accepted as Quetzalcoatl (Feathered Serpent=Phoenix=Alternative Messiah) in 1519, an intentional smallpox plague in 1514 decimated the Aztecs; the point is I wouldn’t write off a return of the Phoenix. 7 days after St Lucia is Freya’s Day, the Dec 21st Solstice “Stand Still”, the waxing moon rises in Aries=Ram=Supreme=Aryan. That day witnessed the Sun passing through the Galactic Center (Formaldehyde=Embalming Fluid=Flesh preservative ie Freya’s Womb in the Sacred Tree) between the Arrow of Sagittarius (Basic building blocks of new life in the East) and the Scorpion “Scorpio” Tail. If this is not separating the flock what is? Monday (Moon’s Day) Christmas Eve, the Moon will rise in Taurus. This replaces the Sun rising in Taurus after the Flood altered the Earth’s Axis; the lesser light is reflected light ie opposite and now replaces the greater light; if this is not the definition of “Opposite Day” what is? Leonardo DaVinci was a Black Nobility Sodomite who wrote and painted left handed in a mirror, believing John the Baptist was the Messiah; his lover Giacomo Capriotti went by the title “Salaino meaning “Little Devil”; perhaps he is Mona Lisa, but this is an example of reversing Good and Evil just the same. From Christ-Mass Day until the end of the week on the Full Moon of Dec 28th the Moon will rise in Gemini; the symbolic battle of Remus-Romulus; Castor-Pollux; Horus-Set and Jesus-Lucifer will be at an end when the Moon=Sin has Waxed Full. Folks, I have nothing to gain by getting you into a covenant with Jesus Christ; if you do this too early you can sue me (just kidding; there will be no use for Money and Lawyers in the Millennium); if there is a better set up for the start of Great Tribulation I’m all ears.
12/21/2012 is unique in other significant ways that could never repeat and not just because the digits add to 11, Gen 11 describes the Tower of Babel, the role of John the Baptist in Mat 11, Jesus overthrowing the Money Changers tables in Mark 11, the Lord’s Prayer in Luke 11, Jesus ending His ministry among the Jews in John 11, John the Baptist’s Water Baptism in Acts 11, or 42 months of Great Tribulation in Rev 11. may refer to the Beast of Rev 13, in addition Abram and Lot separate over Sodom and Gomorrah in Gen 13, Jesus illustrated the Mysteries of His Kingdom with parables in Mat 13, describes the Great Tribulation in Mark 13 (being hated of all men in 13:13), explains the Strait Gate in Luke 13 ( is quite a gate between life and cyanide in formaldehyde eh?) and the significance of the Last Supper Passover in John 13 (explaining He is I Am in 13:13) and Paul warned Christians to avoid Congregations, the source of these errors in Acts 13; all that is by coincidence NOT! Acts 5:30; 10:39; 13:29 Gal 3:13; 1 Pet 2:24; John 19:17 all say in the KJV Jesus was Crucified by being nailed and hung upon the Tree. The charge “And if a man have committed a sin worthy of death, and he be to be put to death, and thou hang him on a tree: His body shall not remain all night upon the tree, but thou shalt in any wise bury him that day; for he that is hanged is accursed of God; that thy land be not defiled, which the LORD thy God giveth thee for an inheritance” Deut 21:22 When the Prime Meridian was moved from Paris to London, the Pyramid of the Sun and Moon in Teotihuacan became the Witness of the Sun passing through the Galaxy center “Sacred Tree” during the day, beginning at 11:11 UTC; local sunrise, and completing it’s journey before nightfall. Just coincidence? Don’t bet on it. Acts 13:28-29 “And though they found no cause of death in him, yet desired they Pilate that he should be slain. And when they had fulfilled all that was written of him, they took him down from the tree, and laid him in a sepulcher. But God raised him from the dead…” Acts 13:28 on the Roman 10th Month full moon on the 28th coinciding with “all that was written of him” is coincidental but again I wouldn’t bet on it; the Holy Ghost departed from the Cross while Jesus was on it and His last words were “Why hast thou forsaken me”; He spoke that in Aramaean perhaps because Shem’s 5th Son was Aram and this date will be the start of the Age of the 5th Sun. Just a few too many coincidences from my point of view. Look at the individual verses in relation to 2012 Christmas Week Acts 13:21, the Solstice “they desired a king and God gave them Saul…” recall the Moon rises in Aries “Supreme” here. Acts 13:23-24 Saul is removed; David takes his place; Jesus is of his seed and John the Baptist preaches baptism based on repentance; the moon rise transitions from Aries to Taurus, opposite the way the Sun did after the Flood going from Taurus to Aries. Taurus represents Zeus and that’s who will be delivered to Man as a Christmas present. Acts 13:25 John tells people he is not Jesus “I am not he” notice the Moon is now rising in Gemini “Twins”. Occultists the world over worship John the Baptist rather than Jesus Christ. Acts 26-28 Men and women of the stock of Abraham (Arabs, Jews, Muslims, Christians) are sent the message to fear God as they that dwell in Jerusalem did not know Jesus filled every prophecy of Him to the letter and killed him for no cause. Notice the Moon rise is still in Gemini and the Moon waxes full. Is this not the work of meticulous planning and a gigantic sign post set by God to Wake Up?
Dan 9:27 is the Covenant Week not a mythical 7 year Tribulation; there is no Israeli “Peace Treaty” or pre-Tribulation Rapture; the “Covenant with Many” is spiritual death for everyone not in Covenant with Jesus Christ. Mid-week is Christ-Mass ie rejection of Christ in favor of an Alternative Christ “Twin”; call him Zeus “Dyaus” or “Dies Solis” or “Sol Invictus” he rules the day from that point on. Rev 6:14 “Heaven departed as a scroll when it is rolled together” Notice “departed” means this was a forgone conclusion to an ordained event; earth axis precession set this in motion to coincide with an earth age of 6000 years.
Ages of the patriarchs yields Creation to Flood at 1656 years, 2 2160 year/astrological house precession cycles Aries to Pisces, and Pisces to Aquarius=4320 years + 1656=5976 years but one must add the time to Sargon of Akkad (2334-2279 BC); my guess is his name stems from the transition from Taurus to Aries at his birth; the point is Earth by this method of calculation is about 6000 years old. Dendrochronology “Tree Ring” analysis of the White Mountain, Calif Bristle Cone Pine dubbed “Methuselah” has 4789 annular rings; no older living thing has been found. Australian astronomer George Dodwell collected measurements of axis tilt spanning 4000 years and concluded the tilt began 2345 BC coincident with mountain uplift during the Flood. Carbon 14-Carbon 12 “Radiocarbon Dating” has a predictable spike as Flood waters shielded from solar radiation scrubbed Carbon-14 from the atmosphere and Uranium-Lead Decay “Radiometric Dating” has anomalies like squashed or missing “Radio-Halos” indicating the rocks formed quickly rather than over millions of years; the point is, the same result will come up; the Flood happened about 4300 years ago and Earth is about 6000 years old.
8 is an Hourglass; Gen 8 Noah is one of 8 to survive the Flood and Gen 8 begins the Trumpet Warnings of the Great Tribulation. If 12/21/2012 isn’t the Hat Trick propose another date. There is no Black Hole at the Galactic Center but from the looks of things the Age of Grace will go down the drain on that date nonetheless.
Sargon “Legitimate King” II tossed the death mask ”Monna Lisa” into a well in about 700BC; Leonardo da Vinci (Leo of Vinci, Tuscany=Etruscan) painted Mona Lisa 500 years ago. Mona can mean Noble, Aryan, Truth, Mount, Moon or Sin; Lisa means Elizabeth the mother of John the Baptist. Leonardo hid (Yeah sure) a CE or B in the Left “Sinister” Eye, 72 across the bridge of the nose and LV in the Right Eye. A wacky story of the secret Vandenburg (a stretch perhaps but Burg means Mount ie Mount of Lake Van=Mt Ararat where Noah’s Ark rests) AFB Apollo XX (no doubt referring to the Millennium described in Rev 20 and the final battle of Gog and Magog; XX is Moonshine after all) mission to the supposedly crashed alien spacecraft containing a 6 fingered female human/alien looking astronaut “Monna Lisa” on the moon’s dark side (obviously BS; one does not haul a Saturn V rocket to California and nobody has ever set foot on the moon anyway; Gemini/ Apollo astronauts were chosen for their Masonic ability to keep secrets and lie in public not just because they were good at being Spam in a Can) came out in November 2010. Recall Giants often had 6 fingers and or 6 toes from incest eg Canaanites, Og, sons of Anak. Sorry folks, no aliens were involved. LV=55 CE=Common Era; 11 Feb 55CE Britannicus is murdered just 3 months after his father Claudius’ murder by his 1/2 brother Nero 1 day before assuming the title Caesar at his 14th birthday; he was 13. Nero went on to burn Rome, fiddling on the roof as he blamed Christians. His lifelong ambition was to destroy Rome as Troy had been. This is not political; I haven’t voted in 10 years but Obama’s Audacity of Hope is very likely the same. Is it a CE or B? I say both; sorry but a CE does not look like a B no matter how one looks at it. NASA’s other recent lies came out in November, supposedly using the WISE Infrared Telescope to find Formaldehyde (Embalming Fluid) in the Galactic Center of the Milky Way (Mayan Sacred Tree), Hydrogen Cyanide (Zyklon B) in Orion and Isocyanic Acid (HCNO is considered by Big Bang/Black Hole/Evolution enthusiasts to be the basic non-living building blocks of Organic “Living” chemistry) in Sagittarius. 72 across the bridge may refer to 72 years/degree of earth precession from Pisces to Aquarius; it was about 72 years ago that Hitler, financed by George Bush Sr’s father Prescott also a Skull & Bones Theosophist like Stalin and Hitler began his pillage of Poland to start WWII; in true Dialectic fashion he blamed Stalin’s Communists just like the Bush Jr and Obama liars like to blame Osama bin Laden. There is no doubt da Vinci was an occultist; the significance of this is the preservation in the womb of the Sacred Tree ie Kaballah or the Mother Goddess; death on one side (Pisces), new life on the other (Aquarius). Zyklon=Cyclone a weather warning? I think so. B “Blausaure” is “Blue Acid” Blood Agent like Cyanide Gas or Blue Plague intentionally created during the Deepwater Horizon disaster on Hitler’s birthday and UN “Earth Day” (Corexit + Benzene=Blood Agent). Mona=Noble; Aryan=Noble Caste; Mount, Moon and Sin are other meanings; Lisa=Elizabeth, the mother of John the Baptist; Knights of St John the Divine aka SMOM (Sovereign Military Order of Malta) are tricky eh? At the Cathedral of St John the Divine in NYC a statue of the Sun and Moon sits on a Crab (Cancer=June-July) as it cuts Satan’s head off; just a guess folks, but it looks like WWIII, Civil War, and Economic meltdown may precede this summer’s blockbuster arrival of Satan as false fulfillment of the 5th Trumpet; it is 18 months before 12/21/2102 when the Sun passes the Dark Rift between Sagittarius and Orion after all. What am I saying? Time to establish a marriage contract between you and Jesus or pray to Aesculapius that Yarmulke shields you from His Wrath.
A lot of material here so a recap may be in order. First, I am not a Prophet nor making guesses about the future, nor Judging anyone for any reason; I’m reading Scripture, applying it to signs of the times and sounding a Trumpet. Gog and Magog is a gathering 1000 years away at the end of the Millennium. Armageddon means Mount of Slaughter; both of these events will need to be faked in order to present a plausible Alternative Christ/Messiah. The date of this presentation will in all likelihood be 12/21/2012 or the weeks leading up to this date; a covenant with whoever he is will result in Heaven departing (Rev 6:14), the mid-point of Daniel’s “70th Week” would be Christ-Mass. The 5th Trumpet (Rev 9:11) precedes the 2nd Coming by 18 months, 1 day, 1 hour so I would expect June 24th 2011 “Feast of St John the Baptist” to be a significant “Blue Beam” event. The occult (Hidden Hand) have meticulously altered Passover (John’s Birth; Jesus’ Crucifixion) and Tabernacles (Jesus’ Birth) to Christmas (Mid-winter solstice +3) and June 24th (mid-summer solstice +3) Gnostics hide their worship of the Serpent ie Satan/Lucifer behind the buzzwords “Freedom” and “Liberty” and behind the façade of the greatest man of the Old Testament, John the Baptist and their idea of the greatest of the New Testament, John the Evangelist in one mystical figure called St John the Divine. John wrote Revelation; they reject the influence of the Holy Ghost so in their minds Revelation is subject to alteration; Wholistic World Vision wrote Chapt 23 as an example of this misguided hubris. Should 12/21/2012 prove to be the start of Great Tribulation, it will be the greatest day for those in Covenant with God and the worst day for everyone else. Prior to next summer would be WWIII, a battle of Zionist (Israel-Britain-US) forces against Muslim (Shiite-Sunni-Wahabbist-Kurdish) centered in Iran, the Mede=Persian Aryan Ram. Prescott Bush was an assistant of Nikola Tesla who said “The outcome of future wars will be determined by Electricians”; I expect this war to be driven by Scalar EM weapons ie anonymous weapons symbolic of Sagittarius the Archer (lightning fast, fired from afar, killing indiscriminately). The stated goal (Georgia Guide Stones) is drastic population reduction, so I expect disease “Blue Plague” to run its course similar to 1918 Spanish Flu (Spanish=Sephardic; Flu=Occult Infestation). If you establish a relationship with the KING OF KINGS AND LORD OF LORDS and this does not come to pass Sue me with the Lawyers who manage to escape “Woe unto you, lawyers!” Luke 11:52. The Chaldean Magick “Hat Trick” is a Pledge, Turn, Prestige; “Timing is Everything”. The Rabbit is the consort of Adramellech aka Marduk, Attis or Molech; her name is Anammelech; that’s the Dark Rift; that’s Easter and the Sun is her Divine Child. The Hermetic Axiom “As Above, So Below” may be completed Christmas 2012, but I’ll stick with “Alpha and Omega”.
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