Thursday 31 March 2011

…and if they are flooding the streets with CRACK now…you wouldn’t like to imagine what the ill are doing to people in ‘test centres’…


More is coming back…the TASCHMANNS had taught MR PUTIN how to use their ‘red ray gun’ for want of a better word…it didn’t ‘hurt’…he simply stood behind me at the window and turned it on…and I ‘saw’ a RED SKY…but I have no idea why…

Secondly, PRINCE WILLIAM knew to ‘get down’ immediately upon seeing the RED SKY…by instinct I suppose…army training - besides it was about 11am in the morning…and then he got his notepad out…I knew he had one, he kept a tiny one in a top pocket - so I told him to make a note…and was it a biro - yes it was and not a pencil…I can remember I was surprised that it wasn’t something more expensive…anyway, he wrote RED FLASH ACROSS THE SKY…then we began to get up…after MEMORY DUMP in relation to ‘how come we are on the ground?’…’look at my notepad it says RED FLASH - oh I remember’…and that is how we remembered, almost immediately afterwards and got through that one…so yes, of course nobody else in the building had seen it…the servants were all questioned…anybody who had been near to a window or looking out of one, at the time…

“keep a notebook on you at all times” the ARMY network is saying…make a note of anything odd…


Watch THAT MITCHELL AND WEBB look for the ‘event’ sketch…that was our coded trigger to remember what happened before and after you saw a ‘red sky’…


THAT MITCHELL AND WEBB argument around CHEESE sketch…




I knew that the video wasn’t all right…AMADEUS was up to something…I can remember now…

…he was talking with others at GREEN TOWER…the MOB…MARK R…whoever…they had purposively made the LEAD SINGER look like TOMLINSON because ROZ and MCDONALD were devoted to him…hence the emotional reaction….

Whereas for my own part - I had a very different emotional reaction…because at that point in time it had become a FATHER/DAUGHTER relationship, with me screaming “NOOOOOO!!!!….” at TOMLINSON and then attempting to make a run for it…so that was my basic reaction to the video…’should I turn and run now?’

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