Thursday 31 March 2011

This morning, I watched a bit more of THAT MITCHELL AND WEBB LOOK SERIES THREE and remembered quite a bit more…yes the CIA LAB had had a large hand in ‘thinking up the gags’ for the duo to improvise…my father found ‘almost everything offensive’…yes but the best comedy is…SATURDAY NIGHT LIVE was full of it…you have to know where to draw the line though and to ‘get at everybody’…don’t just target one particular group (MONTY PYTHON were ‘of their generation’ and tended to portray women stereotypically - something that they were embarrassed about decades later on - but not at all apologetic to Christians for THE LIFE OF BRIAN etc etc)…

In short, that is why I decided to do a HEATHER KEMPSON upon this blog…it is a ‘safe place on the board’…if you are going to be OFFENSIVE…then be OFFENSVE to EVERYBODY…the whole lot. Then you can tell people that you are NOT being ’discriminatory’ and if you are not being discriminatory (“I get at everybody”) - then you cannot be accused of ‘DISCRIMINATION’ and targeting one particular group of people and then be accused of a HATE CRIME in relation to the ‘comeback‘ from an ‘offended group’ from one particular section of society, minority division, or ’vulnerable person grouping’ - good eh? You have got to be ‘clever’ to be a ‘comedian’.

…and you know that the ROBOTS have no sense of humour. ‘Nothing is funny to them’ - life is far too serious for that.

After you have been serially raped and abused from childhood (and no, I am not using that as an ‘excuse’) - watched people and children being murdered….taught martial arts skills to kill within the ‘military’ and not just as ‘self-defence‘…you develop GALLOWS sense of HUMOUR and that is all I am going to say upon the subject.

Upon that note though…I can remember circa 1980...being in JAPAN…and in a wooden ‘hut’ with long low wooden benches and tables…a lot of very young JAPANESE males…and then four of us…Northern Europeans…ROZ, MCDONALD, SC and myself…we didn’t dare to look at each other…we were not allowed to talk (nobody in the room was)…we had a bowl of rice each (everybody guarded their own closely - or as quick as flash - it would be stolen)…we were all acting like ‘everybody in the room was potentially our worst enemy’ and in a sense, that was correct…because this was a martial arts school with a difference…when you were put into a fight…it was a ‘fight to the death’…other than that, you had training sessions…and you learnt at a rapid pace in order to learn EVERYTHING that the ‘master‘ taught…and then apply it within the next ‘fight to the death’ allocated to you…if you lost, you died…that is how we were taught these ‘top martial arts’ skills…by extreme necessity and appalling conditions.

ROZ and I remote-viewed it later on…I had no idea of who the ‘other three young Westerners were’ (ROZ, MCDONALD and SC were strangers to me - but ROZ slightly remembered them from ‘somewhere’ but she wasn’t sure where and how, as a teenager) and of course there was no ‘socialisation’…no talk allowed…we saw RIMINGTON come in to see the room of young people…and she laughed when she saw me there…her HENRY…of course, she always managed to survive…yet nobody could quite figure out how…I was always a ‘joke figure’ for some reason…naturally ATILLA had survived…no surprises there…MCDONALD was no surprise either but SC was ‘a little bit’…SC was the one that made RIMINGTON frown…she wasn’t quite clear…how he had got there…an enigma to her…not that he couldn’t fight but the ‘killer instinct’ hadn’t shown up before…

What was his name…a block upon it again…the military guy who talked about what was going down in CORNWALL…and that was JAMES CASBOLT (although I think that he might prefer to be called ‘Nick‘ - and I could be hopelessly wrong here but as far as I know - he married SUE WHALLEY's older sister)…GILL latched on to him immediately…he could remember so much more than we all could about all sorts of ‘black ops training‘…anyway, GILL had been put through the same training…and TOMLINSON…

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