Tuesday, 1 March 2011

...SUSAN BOYLE...she was an exceptionally evil SATANIC PRINCESS...in 'autistic mode' at the TEMPLAR CASTLE...and TODDY had warned me to deal with her or else....it was difficult to know what to do....but as a 'frequency control desk' SINGER....as I had been as a child, courtesy of my Swiss grandmother 'teaching me all of the notes'...it wasn't hard....

I simply did the 'CROSS' in front of her...she trusted me to do it...she knew that i was trying to free her, from the trapped hell that she was in...and she hit the notes....easily....something that she hadn't known before....

...and then I simply told her to 'go off and get them to teach you' (flashing her images of where that room was in the TEMPLAR CASTLE and how to get there)....she knew where...the room where the singing and piano lessons went on...

So she went there...and had that VOICE cultivated into the different tones....the tones that make all of the difference, when you listen to it...

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