Wednesday 30 March 2011

...and I can see how TOMLINSON supported the 'horror' below...yes he did suffer from terrible migraines (probably because of a microchipped brain - I managed to get the one that would have killed him out - see previous notes - put in by MARK R but who knows what else the ill might have put into his brain?)...

TOMLINSON hated everybody...a deep fear and mistrust...a sense of complete and utter betrayal...he wanted to KILL EVERYBODY like an enraged little boy...who has lost all hope...

His real father PRINCE PHILIP also wanted to do the same...but had a slightly more 'psychic intuition' in relation to what was driving him...that quote about wanting to come back as a VIRUS that would kill off mass populations...rather says it all - in relation to the BLACK SEA 'virus'...

You see, in theory - it is entirely possible to have 'highly intelligent' species who are is simply that no scientist had ever encountered such a species before...

If true - and SCARLETT's people were working upon the idea that it was true...the threat was real but 'microscopic'...and it was a PARASITE which tended to kill off its within the brain of the to take it over...etc etc...

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