Anyway, PARADE LOCKS must have been called in to do something about the LOCK upon that door but I have no idea what or rather why…
Secondly, luckily the CHEEP CHEAP alarm warning has gone off in this flat…but the LIGHT in the corridor isn’t working…and you have to lock your front door in COMPLETE DARKNESS because of the firedoor down the corridor which blocks all light down it…
Thirdly, here is a photo of the ZZ door…the one that the CRABS all raced through - see previous notes in relation to the all of theTEMPLARS projecting CRAB…who by the time that they had got round the GENERATOR ROOM…had changed back into ‘human form’ as in started to project HUMAN BEING once again…
I still do not get the ‘ins and outs of that one’ but I guess that TODDY figured that it was important within their rehabilitation…after their GIRL CHILD ALTERS had grown up…
So yes, that WOODEN DOOR with two wooden Zs upon it…one on top of the other…this was a big clue to the ZZ of the BEE DNA…a double Z rather than two different sets of chromosomes such as X and Y (although one can guess that the ill cult probably played around with X and Y too - they were fascinated by DNA)…and therefore all one can say is that BEES have a dormant or active Z factor DNA depending upon whether they have ‘two lots‘ of Z or not, as the case may be…human beings are far more complicated.
The other association here is X,Y files at BI...they were for 'potential terrorists'...can you believe it? BI had files on people who were 'XY' identified...whatever that meant...and it summons up the idea of 'normal chromosomes for normal men and women'...normal male and female genes...identified as potential TERRORISTS to the ill cult state of affairs...
“The penis thing” says GILL…yes the ‘penis’ or proboscis of the DRONE…that reminds me of the STING for some reason…are they related? I have no idea…time to look up that one for yourselves…
Yes, I had thought that a QUEEN BEE had stung me as a child…because it was so large…does the queen have a sting…I have no idea…I suppose it depends upon which HIVE or rather ‘type’ of bee, you are looking at…there are so many variations…
All I can say is that this was a ‘right ROYAL’ bee…large BLACK AND YELLOW stripes in ‘fur‘…as it began to slowly crawl up my thumb, as a toddler…I began to stroke it with a finger…because I suppose it was like a ‘tiny cat’ to me…and that is when it stung me…pure pain, shock and horror…
When I look back at what I can remember…of course my TODDLER thumb was much smaller than my thumbs today…the bee was pretty much the size of my thumb in width - as it clung on to it - a ‘sleepy bee‘…so it was a big one but not that big…probably a honey bee…and I was viewing it ‘microscopically’…I can remember that one…inspecting it carefully…and then the ’horror’ stung me, instead of flying away…I had no idea at all, of what it was…
The above is the route, that the TEMPLAR 'crab brains' took...from the ZZ door to projecting HUMAN BEING again...from the backyard of MAGNET HOUSE and then through the ZZ WOOD door...then through the ZIONIST 'back of the TRAVELODGE/OLD CITY of JERUSALEM area....past the WHITE DOOR...past the GENERATOR ROOM...past the ILLUMINATI can see the 'wavy bit of GREEN GRASS enclosure'....and significantly, the MI6 GARDEN is behind it...behind the RED BRICK wall...TODDY knew what to do...however 'mad' it might have sounded, at the time...
I now get the full implications of COLETTE's advice to me 'don't think of yourself as an island - you are part of the continent and not just Europe - the whole map of that gigantic continent' true.
You see - that was the 'way in' to understanding the mercantile class in GALWAY - THE 13 TRIBES...they had come from 'everywhere under the sun'...and the one thing that united them was SATANISM and SLAVE-DRIVING.
Little or nothing to do with IRELAND and the IRISH...they didn't identify as GAELIC apart from 'public appearances'...and nothing to do with the JESUITS...or the true Catholic faith...which they proceeded to infiltrate and turn upside down...
That is what happened to IRELAND.
The POTATO FAMINE was just a 'blind' to something far, far worse....
IRELAND had become 'egg incubator land' for the LIZARD class of human being - see notes on MAGDALENE institutes for girls and women.
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