Saturday, 26 March 2011

ROZ and I exclaimed in horror over this one:

QUEEN gets gang-banged by DRONE male bees.

DRONES are useless - they sit around doing nothing.

After they have had sex with her - they are driven from the hive and die off soon.

DRONES are born from 'unfertilised eggs' - weirdly enough...unlike female worker bees who are born from fertilised eggs. Isn't that a horrible thought...the analogy to the human reproduction cycle is that of a woman's period, opposed to a newborn baby...the drone is the equivalent to a woman's period.

FISHWICK used to joke that he, TODDY, my father and SCARLETT etc...were all DRONES...he used to tell us that as children in BLACKHEATH...

So my next question is: how did you manage to escape having 'sex with the queen' - whoever he or she might have been?

Although it is more complicated than that...i get it now...

...and that is why the ROTHSCHILD told me that the QUEEN BEE was in fact a MAN in the ill all makes sense:

You have the QUEEN BEE...she has a chromozone that we shall call 'Z' for want of a better title.

A DRONE who carries a 'A' chromosone - has sex with her.

She lays a FERTILISED egg - it carries both Z and A chromosones.

She then lays an unfertilised egg - it only has Z chromosone - her own 'unique chromosone' and it develops into a MALE bee...(the one which has a 'penis' so to speak)

So go figure...the QUEEN is a MALE.

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