Look at what GOOGLE brings up for CHELMNO EXTERMINATION CAMP - is this a sick joke?
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Extermination Camp Chelmno (Kulmhof) ... The extermination camp at Chelmno demands special attention, because during the German occupation only a very few people in Poland ever knew of its existence...
· weber.ucsd.edu/~lzamosc/gchelmno.html weber.ucsd.edu/~lzamosc/gchelmno.html
"No joke Emily" GILL tells me "that is how the top ill see the joos"
Thursday, 30 September 2010
This site flashed up for no apparent reason...all about PEST CONTROL.
Now my mother had talked about PEST CONTROL in relation to ringing around various YELLOW PAGES companies...and she related an odd one about a company who were always to busy to help her because they were out killing WASPS apparently...my mother summarised these companies as 'not knowing what they are talking about'...no degree of real knowledge about what they were doing or why...or the chemicals...until she finally got to one who sounded like they knew what they were doing in relation to bed-bugs and that apparently required putting everything into plastic bags and either heating or freezing the contents in order to kill all bugs and eggs...
This site flashed up for no apparent reason...all about PEST CONTROL.
Now my mother had talked about PEST CONTROL in relation to ringing around various YELLOW PAGES companies...and she related an odd one about a company who were always to busy to help her because they were out killing WASPS apparently...my mother summarised these companies as 'not knowing what they are talking about'...no degree of real knowledge about what they were doing or why...or the chemicals...until she finally got to one who sounded like they knew what they were doing in relation to bed-bugs and that apparently required putting everything into plastic bags and either heating or freezing the contents in order to kill all bugs and eggs...
The mind control signalling system also relies upon a high degree of one-to-one telepathy...and we were to find out that MARK R had been an adept at this. He would psyche a person out with 'taking a whisp of something from the air' in front of you, whilst telepathically telling you 'that is your soul'...
"I am small and agile and evil'...he also used to repeat something like this but it wasn't 'agile' but another word, beginning with 'a'...
Bizarrely enough we traced this to the family CHELMER for some reason...related to CHELMNO EXTERMINATION CAMP? MARK R appeared to have been programmed by the CHELMER family as a child...inducted into this system...and he had also become an 'adept' like OSBORNE...
I can remember RIMINGTON telling me never to go to CHELMSFORD for some reason -why?
CHP is CHELMER HOUSING PARTNERSHIP...was this a 'big clue'?
That jobcentre HQ that had given me so much grief...run by the SUE WALKERs of this world...that had been based in CHELMSFORD...what is it about CHELMSFORD then?
...or the name CHELMER...something to do with BAM...I am sure of that...
Also that place which is upon SHOTLEY peninsula...CHELMER something...I didn't cycle there because I 'knew' that it would be too dangerous...
"I am small and agile and evil'...he also used to repeat something like this but it wasn't 'agile' but another word, beginning with 'a'...
Bizarrely enough we traced this to the family CHELMER for some reason...related to CHELMNO EXTERMINATION CAMP? MARK R appeared to have been programmed by the CHELMER family as a child...inducted into this system...and he had also become an 'adept' like OSBORNE...
I can remember RIMINGTON telling me never to go to CHELMSFORD for some reason -why?
CHP is CHELMER HOUSING PARTNERSHIP...was this a 'big clue'?
That jobcentre HQ that had given me so much grief...run by the SUE WALKERs of this world...that had been based in CHELMSFORD...what is it about CHELMSFORD then?
...or the name CHELMER...something to do with BAM...I am sure of that...
Also that place which is upon SHOTLEY peninsula...CHELMER something...I didn't cycle there because I 'knew' that it would be too dangerous...
Yes, I meant the SILK ROUTE not 'road' but anyway - you got the gist...these are just notes and as I have said before...I am not bothered about 'accuracy' if it means I have to pull up another website and check things...I do not have time.
Anyway, the CHINESE had also made an intensive study of this 'sign language'...and they had become 'better at it' than the OSBORNE family for example...
I remember being in a room with the CRAZY COMPANY- MILIBAND was also present for some reason...we had learnt that this sign system was also used for 'sparring' to prove how good you were at MIND CONTROL...so ROZ and I were practising by the window...she got to 'I am possessed by the devil'...her head started to loll around and her eye began to twitch as she mouthed wordlessly at me and I burst out laughing (even though she was mimicking TOMLINSON perfectly - TOMLINSON doing it was really scary - ROZ doing the same thing was 'funny' for some reason)...and I lost the 'match' immediately...because that is what it had been, a sort of 'glorified conker fight' which you have to take seriously...
Anyway, for no good reason that I could see...MCDONALD told me that I would have to spar with GEORGE OSBORNE...I had learnt the Chinese 'added gestures' and so get going...I did so and duly beat him...caught him in the corridor....and the weirdest thing was that I caught his thoughts at the time 'I am not the chosen one' - he was relieved as he walked away...
The CRAZY COMPANY told me that this meant MASTER AND SLAVE...the 'chosen one' is the MASTER...OSBORNE was heavily under mind control himself but had got so good at the system that he had become unbeatable...but the added CHINESE gestures had 'topped' him...he simply felt relief for some reason...
Anyway, the CHINESE had also made an intensive study of this 'sign language'...and they had become 'better at it' than the OSBORNE family for example...
I remember being in a room with the CRAZY COMPANY- MILIBAND was also present for some reason...we had learnt that this sign system was also used for 'sparring' to prove how good you were at MIND CONTROL...so ROZ and I were practising by the window...she got to 'I am possessed by the devil'...her head started to loll around and her eye began to twitch as she mouthed wordlessly at me and I burst out laughing (even though she was mimicking TOMLINSON perfectly - TOMLINSON doing it was really scary - ROZ doing the same thing was 'funny' for some reason)...and I lost the 'match' immediately...because that is what it had been, a sort of 'glorified conker fight' which you have to take seriously...
Anyway, for no good reason that I could see...MCDONALD told me that I would have to spar with GEORGE OSBORNE...I had learnt the Chinese 'added gestures' and so get going...I did so and duly beat him...caught him in the corridor....and the weirdest thing was that I caught his thoughts at the time 'I am not the chosen one' - he was relieved as he walked away...
The CRAZY COMPANY told me that this meant MASTER AND SLAVE...the 'chosen one' is the MASTER...OSBORNE was heavily under mind control himself but had got so good at the system that he had become unbeatable...but the added CHINESE gestures had 'topped' him...he simply felt relief for some reason...
I remember asking MCDONALD for a definition of 'homosexual' in ISLAMIC CULTURE...was it simply someone who talked about it?
You see they had such a sophisticated 'language' which was never spoken...in order to have homsexual sex...a ritualised way of doing it with men and boys...but it was never ever talked about...and then in terms of complete and utter contradiction...they had laws against HOMOSEXUALITY per se and really tough ones...
It reminded me of the ISLAMIC formalised and ritualised prostitution - which had more laws/regulations than AMSTERDAM but unspoken ones...a hierarchical structure...all of the local population...knew who was a prostitute where they lived...and yet no Muslim was ever allowed to say that the trade 'existed' at all...and silly converts to ISLAM in this country go on about how the religion and society is so 'pure' because it doesn't have either prostitution or homosexuality...it does...big-time...but it is not spoken about...the 'trades' are conducted via sign language...and highly formalised/ritualised in terms of culture...
You see they had such a sophisticated 'language' which was never spoken...in order to have homsexual sex...a ritualised way of doing it with men and boys...but it was never ever talked about...and then in terms of complete and utter contradiction...they had laws against HOMOSEXUALITY per se and really tough ones...
It reminded me of the ISLAMIC formalised and ritualised prostitution - which had more laws/regulations than AMSTERDAM but unspoken ones...a hierarchical structure...all of the local population...knew who was a prostitute where they lived...and yet no Muslim was ever allowed to say that the trade 'existed' at all...and silly converts to ISLAM in this country go on about how the religion and society is so 'pure' because it doesn't have either prostitution or homosexuality...it does...big-time...but it is not spoken about...the 'trades' are conducted via sign language...and highly formalised/ritualised in terms of culture...
We also remote-viewed GILL being taught a few of these ISLAMIC gestures as a young teenager by his father - who told him that it was an international system...and that he could use them if he really got into trouble...however, his father didnt' teach him the lot and kept many of them back so that he could get his son under mind control in order to rape him...GILL found out via his 'early webcam' and learnt the gestures...he then began to get a grip on his father and mother...culminating with GILL and his sister's attempt to get control of TODDY and RIMINGTON.
TODDY knew the entire ISLAMIC mind control gesturing system...and children are enslaved by it from babyhood...
...some signals are so slight that they are barely noticeable...for example at the TEMPLAR CASTLE...i was in a child alter...probably about 8-10 years old...having an 'intelligent' conversation with CIPOLLA when TODDY came up...made a tiny gesture between thumb and first finger...so rapid...a split second...and then said HELLO BABY....whereupon I became a 'baby'...a toddler...he then told me to kiss him...and as a very young child would do, I simply bobbed my face up to him...he then picked me up (I was about 7 1/2 stones at the time)...I put my arms around his neck and wound my long legs around his waist as he hoisted me onto his hip and said' you're getting heavy baby'...I was to all intents and purposes a young toddler again...and CIPOLLA just watched...
TODDY knew the entire ISLAMIC mind control gesturing system...and children are enslaved by it from babyhood...
...some signals are so slight that they are barely noticeable...for example at the TEMPLAR CASTLE...i was in a child alter...probably about 8-10 years old...having an 'intelligent' conversation with CIPOLLA when TODDY came up...made a tiny gesture between thumb and first finger...so rapid...a split second...and then said HELLO BABY....whereupon I became a 'baby'...a toddler...he then told me to kiss him...and as a very young child would do, I simply bobbed my face up to him...he then picked me up (I was about 7 1/2 stones at the time)...I put my arms around his neck and wound my long legs around his waist as he hoisted me onto his hip and said' you're getting heavy baby'...I was to all intents and purposes a young toddler again...and CIPOLLA just watched...
Some really odd stuff that I am not sure about, came back this morning:
Firstly MILIBAND in a lecture ‘projector show’…I realised that GILL had disappeared…so I went to look for him…he was on the top floor in the frequency control desk room and doing something…I then realised that a lift was on its way up there with PUTIN and his men in it and so I ‘froze’ the lift…then ran up three flights to see what the ‘emergency’ was…
What was going on?
Secondly I had a really odd dream about how GILL had sent me the ROCKEFELLER/IRANIAN flag…I suppose it must have been their own personal ‘coat of arms’ in IRAN…and it was of a black eagle on ‘battlements’ supposedly but in fact symbolically with black on either side…and then MUSTARD above and then a sort of DARK RED sash across it…I then dreamt that I was escaping through a booby-trapped house…like a sort of ghost-house at the fair…and I avoided all of MARK R’s traps…so finally he flooded the bathroom that he had locked me in…the water rose like a massive wave and so I just lay back and enjoyed it, on the top of the wave…as it destroyed the house like a tidal wave, crashing out of the walls…
Last night a lot more came back about the IRANIAN GAOL…MCDONALD clued me in:
RIO, ‘the khaled’ head dalek, got sent there but BECKHAM had apparently ‘already seen sense’…RIO was the fastest runner in the playground…there were only 3 MALLARDS left and they spent most of their time chasing him around the playground…he lasted 4 weeks.
SCARLETT got sent there and lasted 3 days before he went into a coma.
RICHARD GORDON was a ‘novelty act’…he tried to act like the ‘great prophet’ and knelt to pray to ALLAH, bellowing out prayers in a very melodramatic fashion…the rest of the playground weren’t having any of it…they gathered around him making ‘monkey noises’ - then threw sand in his face and told him that ‘apes don’t worship ALLAH’…GORDON was of Afro-Carribean descent.
TOMLINSON…now that is where things got seriously freaky…he was eventually accepted as a BROTHER…and the ‘boss’ of the playground took him in his arms…asked him what nationality he was…TURKISH and smiled…no problems there…it didn’t matter what nationality he was…TOMLINSON was quite obviously ‘one of them’…
So no, we didn’t manage to deprogramme TOMLINSON in the above way and RIMINGTON got very worried indeed…
What did TOMLINSON do in order to gain acceptance?
Firstly…I would like to refer you back to 1980 and in the market place near to the HAGIA SOPHIA…TOMLINSON was watching a trio of men who we were told were the ‘wise holy fools’…clowns who were praying to ALLAH…they were making all sorts of weird gestures and faces…gesticulations…all very formal though and ritualised…the women and children were gathered around…laughing at this event…the men gathered…looked a bit more serious…it was a special day…a holy day…and this was a sort of ‘carnival event’…it occurred every year…
TOMLINSON told me that the show reminded him of his youth…he then made a sign - as if he were taking something invisible from his forehead and one of the actors picked it up…he jabbed a finger at TOMLINSON and then at a man in the front row of the crowd, who had been staring hard at TOMLINSON…
TOMLINSON told me that he had to go because he had a ‘contact’ and went off with this man…he disappeared for several hours - RI MINGTON had seen him go - alerted SCARLETT and it took that long to find TOMLINSON again…
Now, TOMLINSON was to do the same gesture in the playground to the ‘boss’…the CRAZY COMPANY then began their most extensive research project to date and that was a compilation of all ISLAMIC MIND CONTROL HAND GESTURES…
Apparently the above gesture ‘taking something invisible from the forehead’ meant:
TOMLINSON was giving himself up to the ‘brethren’ at large to be reprogrammed…
MCDONALD added that he was supposed to be taking an ‘invisible egg’ from in front of his forehead…whilst tipping his head slightly down in deference…
Anyway, the whole bizarre sequence, over several days…during which TOMLINSON let his body be used by anybody and everybody - so he was anally raped repeatedly…including giving fellatio when asked…the whole bizarre sequence ended with a ‘’signal’ that made ROZ laugh out loud:
TOMLINSON began to mouth words but soundlessly…almost as if he were gasping for air…he was moving his head around in circles…and his left eye was twitching…in short, he looked mentally ill…either that or having a stroke…however it was a formalised and ritualised gesture and it meant:
“I am possessed by the devil”
This was the ritualised step - which then got him onto the first rung of ISLAMIC masonry…the initiate…it was at this point that the ‘boss’ allowed him to come into the centre of the men, put his arms around him…and told him that he was now a BROTHER…he was ‘one of them’.
Anyway, the CRAZY COMPANY learnt all of the gestures/signalling…went to the CHINESE who knew of the system from the SILK ROAD Arab traders…and told us about the hybridisation of this highly sophisticated signalling system…the CHINESE mafia/traders had added their own signals to this INTERNATIONAL Islamic signalling system.
The CRAZY COMPANY then found out that GEORGE OSBORNE was an ‘adept’ in this signalling system…he had been inducted into it as a tiny child…as TOMLINSON had…because the OSBORNE family are simply the ‘most satanic’ in the Western world…
The system appears to be primarily a PAEDOPHILE one…a HOMOSEXUAL one…and all about MIND CONTROL…you are never allowed to talk about it…but if you did…you were then picked to be ‘one of the wise holy fools’ in the marketplace…where you would make all of the different signals….for the women to laugh at…because they have no idea…they are told that the ‘wise men’ are praying to ALLAH but they are not…they are acting out being ‘demonically possessed because of paedophile homosexual abuse’…and the ‘wise fools’ are told that they cannot talk about it ever again…and even if they did…nobody would ever believe them…it is a ritualised SHAMING process to be picked as a ‘wise fool’…
The whole system appeared to be an ancient one…the CHINESE told us that they had traced it back to the 1500s….perhaps earlier…but that is what they had found in terms of evidence…
So you can see how ‘modern’ the JOOS are as a religion and culture…in that they have their QUORUMS but no ritualised formula for abusing young boys…they simply tell the young boy that the quorum men are their ‘husbands’ and that they have to give sexual favours to any of their husbands who wants them…
The ISLAMIC mind control gesture system was highly sophisticated…a LANGUAGE in its own right…a sign language…
Firstly MILIBAND in a lecture ‘projector show’…I realised that GILL had disappeared…so I went to look for him…he was on the top floor in the frequency control desk room and doing something…I then realised that a lift was on its way up there with PUTIN and his men in it and so I ‘froze’ the lift…then ran up three flights to see what the ‘emergency’ was…
What was going on?
Secondly I had a really odd dream about how GILL had sent me the ROCKEFELLER/IRANIAN flag…I suppose it must have been their own personal ‘coat of arms’ in IRAN…and it was of a black eagle on ‘battlements’ supposedly but in fact symbolically with black on either side…and then MUSTARD above and then a sort of DARK RED sash across it…I then dreamt that I was escaping through a booby-trapped house…like a sort of ghost-house at the fair…and I avoided all of MARK R’s traps…so finally he flooded the bathroom that he had locked me in…the water rose like a massive wave and so I just lay back and enjoyed it, on the top of the wave…as it destroyed the house like a tidal wave, crashing out of the walls…
Last night a lot more came back about the IRANIAN GAOL…MCDONALD clued me in:
RIO, ‘the khaled’ head dalek, got sent there but BECKHAM had apparently ‘already seen sense’…RIO was the fastest runner in the playground…there were only 3 MALLARDS left and they spent most of their time chasing him around the playground…he lasted 4 weeks.
SCARLETT got sent there and lasted 3 days before he went into a coma.
RICHARD GORDON was a ‘novelty act’…he tried to act like the ‘great prophet’ and knelt to pray to ALLAH, bellowing out prayers in a very melodramatic fashion…the rest of the playground weren’t having any of it…they gathered around him making ‘monkey noises’ - then threw sand in his face and told him that ‘apes don’t worship ALLAH’…GORDON was of Afro-Carribean descent.
TOMLINSON…now that is where things got seriously freaky…he was eventually accepted as a BROTHER…and the ‘boss’ of the playground took him in his arms…asked him what nationality he was…TURKISH and smiled…no problems there…it didn’t matter what nationality he was…TOMLINSON was quite obviously ‘one of them’…
So no, we didn’t manage to deprogramme TOMLINSON in the above way and RIMINGTON got very worried indeed…
What did TOMLINSON do in order to gain acceptance?
Firstly…I would like to refer you back to 1980 and in the market place near to the HAGIA SOPHIA…TOMLINSON was watching a trio of men who we were told were the ‘wise holy fools’…clowns who were praying to ALLAH…they were making all sorts of weird gestures and faces…gesticulations…all very formal though and ritualised…the women and children were gathered around…laughing at this event…the men gathered…looked a bit more serious…it was a special day…a holy day…and this was a sort of ‘carnival event’…it occurred every year…
TOMLINSON told me that the show reminded him of his youth…he then made a sign - as if he were taking something invisible from his forehead and one of the actors picked it up…he jabbed a finger at TOMLINSON and then at a man in the front row of the crowd, who had been staring hard at TOMLINSON…
TOMLINSON told me that he had to go because he had a ‘contact’ and went off with this man…he disappeared for several hours - RI MINGTON had seen him go - alerted SCARLETT and it took that long to find TOMLINSON again…
Now, TOMLINSON was to do the same gesture in the playground to the ‘boss’…the CRAZY COMPANY then began their most extensive research project to date and that was a compilation of all ISLAMIC MIND CONTROL HAND GESTURES…
Apparently the above gesture ‘taking something invisible from the forehead’ meant:
TOMLINSON was giving himself up to the ‘brethren’ at large to be reprogrammed…
MCDONALD added that he was supposed to be taking an ‘invisible egg’ from in front of his forehead…whilst tipping his head slightly down in deference…
Anyway, the whole bizarre sequence, over several days…during which TOMLINSON let his body be used by anybody and everybody - so he was anally raped repeatedly…including giving fellatio when asked…the whole bizarre sequence ended with a ‘’signal’ that made ROZ laugh out loud:
TOMLINSON began to mouth words but soundlessly…almost as if he were gasping for air…he was moving his head around in circles…and his left eye was twitching…in short, he looked mentally ill…either that or having a stroke…however it was a formalised and ritualised gesture and it meant:
“I am possessed by the devil”
This was the ritualised step - which then got him onto the first rung of ISLAMIC masonry…the initiate…it was at this point that the ‘boss’ allowed him to come into the centre of the men, put his arms around him…and told him that he was now a BROTHER…he was ‘one of them’.
Anyway, the CRAZY COMPANY learnt all of the gestures/signalling…went to the CHINESE who knew of the system from the SILK ROAD Arab traders…and told us about the hybridisation of this highly sophisticated signalling system…the CHINESE mafia/traders had added their own signals to this INTERNATIONAL Islamic signalling system.
The CRAZY COMPANY then found out that GEORGE OSBORNE was an ‘adept’ in this signalling system…he had been inducted into it as a tiny child…as TOMLINSON had…because the OSBORNE family are simply the ‘most satanic’ in the Western world…
The system appears to be primarily a PAEDOPHILE one…a HOMOSEXUAL one…and all about MIND CONTROL…you are never allowed to talk about it…but if you did…you were then picked to be ‘one of the wise holy fools’ in the marketplace…where you would make all of the different signals….for the women to laugh at…because they have no idea…they are told that the ‘wise men’ are praying to ALLAH but they are not…they are acting out being ‘demonically possessed because of paedophile homosexual abuse’…and the ‘wise fools’ are told that they cannot talk about it ever again…and even if they did…nobody would ever believe them…it is a ritualised SHAMING process to be picked as a ‘wise fool’…
The whole system appeared to be an ancient one…the CHINESE told us that they had traced it back to the 1500s….perhaps earlier…but that is what they had found in terms of evidence…
So you can see how ‘modern’ the JOOS are as a religion and culture…in that they have their QUORUMS but no ritualised formula for abusing young boys…they simply tell the young boy that the quorum men are their ‘husbands’ and that they have to give sexual favours to any of their husbands who wants them…
The ISLAMIC mind control gesture system was highly sophisticated…a LANGUAGE in its own right…a sign language…
Anything else that I needed to add from today?
A trip to the library...GILL's father was there and looking ANGRY...and in my direction (I immediately figured 'it's about your son - I have overstepped a line and I feel defensive')...yes, this man - or his 'lookalike' had let in the new SATANIC ISLAMIC trainee recruit to that library...that arrogant and almost entirely stupid young man in MARK R's shoes...
When I look back upon the 'encounter' now, with the GILL father 'lookalike' - his father was one of the worst and brain-dead men of the lot...and so... Why should I be 'scared', 'subdued' by such a monster? Who had belted and whipped his son, on their middle-class lawn into oblivion...
Anyway, I walked into that library without a qualm in the world and out again....so the SATANIC ISLAMICS...as run by SCARLETT i might add...
They are still being pushed into 'position' - these extreme 'negative energy pregnant men society bastards'...still being made to continue the program...and these stupid young 'fockers' like it...I have no idea why...
The real mafias of this world - do not.
Take heed.
They know your insane OZ and ALICE IN WONDERLAND world that you little PETER PAN/SATANIC ISLAMIC PRINCESSES live in...they know your codes and your programs.
Better to 'come quietly' eh?
A trip to the library...GILL's father was there and looking ANGRY...and in my direction (I immediately figured 'it's about your son - I have overstepped a line and I feel defensive')...yes, this man - or his 'lookalike' had let in the new SATANIC ISLAMIC trainee recruit to that library...that arrogant and almost entirely stupid young man in MARK R's shoes...
When I look back upon the 'encounter' now, with the GILL father 'lookalike' - his father was one of the worst and brain-dead men of the lot...and so... Why should I be 'scared', 'subdued' by such a monster? Who had belted and whipped his son, on their middle-class lawn into oblivion...
Anyway, I walked into that library without a qualm in the world and out again....so the SATANIC ISLAMICS...as run by SCARLETT i might add...
They are still being pushed into 'position' - these extreme 'negative energy pregnant men society bastards'...still being made to continue the program...and these stupid young 'fockers' like it...I have no idea why...
The real mafias of this world - do not.
Take heed.
They know your insane OZ and ALICE IN WONDERLAND world that you little PETER PAN/SATANIC ISLAMIC PRINCESSES live in...they know your codes and your programs.
Better to 'come quietly' eh?
Anyway, NPOWER should now be thinking of ways to 'compensate me quietly'...and I remote-viewed the lot in relation to 'how much money I would get from them if I took the lot to court' MILLIONS...
...and how much it would take before they could 'resolve' the situation BEFORE it went to court, in terms of compensation...£100,000s...
It is now in their ballpark.
...and how much it would take before they could 'resolve' the situation BEFORE it went to court, in terms of compensation...£100,000s...
It is now in their ballpark.
Would you like to know the NPOWER letter and contents that I have just read through again (from yesterday)...with the 'RELAX...' headline....and my immediate associations are...DON'T DO IT, IF YOU WANT TO GO THROUGH WITH IT' pop-song that used to make me laugh and laugh...anyway, RELAX is a command at the top...so comforting...why don't more businesses adapt that sort of a tone?
Isn't that a bit like DAVID ICKE's 'don't react' idea...just stay calm and when you understand the situation 'ACT' as your own person...okay, that wasn't my way of life....because I was in a military 'zone' where everybody reacted like some 'computer game' and I had to be 'faster pulling the gun' as a top REMOTE-VIEWER than they did, to take out top ill cult bases...so it is hard for me to adopt a civilian 'perspective' let us put it that way...

Okay, NPOWER has recently decided to 'hit me with a bill for about £15 PER WEEK, for electricity during the summer months...although I have used far less electricity than during the winter months (I was charged about £3 for the winter months regarding electricity - and for appliances that I haven't changed the 'usage' of - apart from the lights - obviously I use less electricity in the summer months upon that score)...obviously - no lights on, for longer hours...my electrical appliances have stayed the same...I bought a toaster AFTER the time limits of the new 'electricity bill' and RIMINGTON had instructed the fools at NPOWER to turn up and ask me 'have you bought a new electrical appliance? A toaster - I see...that is what has caused the £15 a week charge...'
I remote-viewed one NPOWER employee laughing about that £15 a week charge for one person, living in a one-bedroomed flat:
'does she have a car/tractor turbo engine upon her living room floor to use up that much energy??' to which his 'wise' superior said 'you never can be sure...'
Isn't that a bit like DAVID ICKE's 'don't react' idea...just stay calm and when you understand the situation 'ACT' as your own person...okay, that wasn't my way of life....because I was in a military 'zone' where everybody reacted like some 'computer game' and I had to be 'faster pulling the gun' as a top REMOTE-VIEWER than they did, to take out top ill cult bases...so it is hard for me to adopt a civilian 'perspective' let us put it that way...

Okay, NPOWER has recently decided to 'hit me with a bill for about £15 PER WEEK, for electricity during the summer months...although I have used far less electricity than during the winter months (I was charged about £3 for the winter months regarding electricity - and for appliances that I haven't changed the 'usage' of - apart from the lights - obviously I use less electricity in the summer months upon that score)...obviously - no lights on, for longer hours...my electrical appliances have stayed the same...I bought a toaster AFTER the time limits of the new 'electricity bill' and RIMINGTON had instructed the fools at NPOWER to turn up and ask me 'have you bought a new electrical appliance? A toaster - I see...that is what has caused the £15 a week charge...'
I remote-viewed one NPOWER employee laughing about that £15 a week charge for one person, living in a one-bedroomed flat:
'does she have a car/tractor turbo engine upon her living room floor to use up that much energy??' to which his 'wise' superior said 'you never can be sure...'
14:36 was the time of the intercom bell...1H ES
ES is code for SHIN BEIT etc...
I-RODOLPH HESS perhaps...
Maybe if all else failed...MARK R was supposed to turn up here as 'supremo mind control programmer' and get me back under control...I have no idea.
Funny how MARK R told me that the ill cult had told him to identify with RUDOLPH HESS mournfully (at EAGLEHURST and referring to a book in the bookcase which stands before the tunnel to the underground cavern where people were sacrificed by the RA CULT) and yet both CAROLINE and I, identified him as a DR MENGELE...
ES is code for SHIN BEIT etc...
I-RODOLPH HESS perhaps...
Maybe if all else failed...MARK R was supposed to turn up here as 'supremo mind control programmer' and get me back under control...I have no idea.
Funny how MARK R told me that the ill cult had told him to identify with RUDOLPH HESS mournfully (at EAGLEHURST and referring to a book in the bookcase which stands before the tunnel to the underground cavern where people were sacrificed by the RA CULT) and yet both CAROLINE and I, identified him as a DR MENGELE...
BRIBING...I mistakenly used that word in relation to the last post...in terms of a person trying to 'bribe their way into this block' instead of 'talking their way into this block' and had to correct it...
The ill cult game is based upon EVERYBODY being turned against you...and you having 'nowhere to turn'...every friend, ex-friend...family...lovers...acquaintances...old school teachers....you name it...all turned against you...
That is the ill cult ROYAL/ROCKEFELLER/ROTHSCHILD/ARISTOCRACY game for you...and they used to love playing it upon their computers until now...those like DAVID BECKHAM and various pop-stars were roped into it this time...they got an 'access channel' upon their computers...this is all shades of what J G BALLARD tends to write about in terms of the super-elite playing games, sick SNUFF MOVIE games with those that they consider 'inferiors'...or less than that...just 'animals to be hunted'...
Wrong person to hunt then, eh?
A top remote-viewer with the power to write the 'script for the future'.
So this stage was all about CAROLINE/PRINCE OF MONACO betraying me?
Of course, they would have been asked for their 'stage' in this ill cult game...so what was it?
No idea as yet...
The ill cult game is based upon EVERYBODY being turned against you...and you having 'nowhere to turn'...every friend, ex-friend...family...lovers...acquaintances...old school teachers....you name it...all turned against you...
That is the ill cult ROYAL/ROCKEFELLER/ROTHSCHILD/ARISTOCRACY game for you...and they used to love playing it upon their computers until now...those like DAVID BECKHAM and various pop-stars were roped into it this time...they got an 'access channel' upon their computers...this is all shades of what J G BALLARD tends to write about in terms of the super-elite playing games, sick SNUFF MOVIE games with those that they consider 'inferiors'...or less than that...just 'animals to be hunted'...
Wrong person to hunt then, eh?
A top remote-viewer with the power to write the 'script for the future'.
So this stage was all about CAROLINE/PRINCE OF MONACO betraying me?
Of course, they would have been asked for their 'stage' in this ill cult game...so what was it?
No idea as yet...
My intercom has just rung. Naturally i shall not answer it. Anybody who knows me, should know by now that I do not answer it - unless I know that somebody that I trust is coming round upon a particular day and time. They also know that in this block - various people with 'police records' try to talk their way in - via that intercom system and so one doesn't answer it - so as not to be pestered by such people. Various other residents in this block who answer their telecom have been horribly pestered by such people...ringing their intercom day and night.
If you do not answer it - they think that nobody is 'resident' in the flat and then tend to ring other flat residents - those who are known to answer their call...
If you do not answer it - they think that nobody is 'resident' in the flat and then tend to ring other flat residents - those who are known to answer their call...
I remembered talking to the ‘Alsatians’ as in SCARLETT’s police about CAROLINE…how she was the only one to be trusted out of the lot…she would give them good information…if she could talk about the PRINCE OF MONACO, the French mafias…and most importantly MARK R - I left his photo with them and advised them upon a standalone computer for images…and gave them embedded codes which would infect their network, hidden in image coding…I told them that I had learnt a huge amount from CAROLINE about everything…and that she was the best of the lot - the wisest, kindest and most likely not to lie to them wittingly and that she wasn‘t malicious - the rest of us were vengeful and pisstakers (although the MARTINE ‘whoopee cushion event‘ has a question mark over it - MCDONALD says that he deserved it - GILL retorted ‘you fucking bastard‘…MCDONALD blew kisses in response etc)…and that they would gain a massive amount of information, if she were able to answer their questions…so they asked her for an informal question and answer discussion…and showed her the MARK R photo…she collapsed into tears and stammered ‘he’s…he’s a DR MENGELE’…
Anyway, today - as far as I know, the ‘lovely ladies’ of that police division had a surprise present from CAROLINE in relation to MUSTARD new clothes…carefully tailored by the PRINCE OF MONACO’s designers…yes, CAROLINE, bribing the police might be seen as an ‘offence’ but here it looks like spreading a little happiness…besides the colour MUSTARD is the colour of TRUTH as far as Arabic coding is concerned…the MUSTARD SEEDS…see previous notes.
MUSTARD sounds like a rubbish colour…because not many people like to eat mustard (or the thought of wearing it by association)…but it is the colour of non-metallic gold…and beautiful…the DALAI LAMA and his monks wear it…was it in 1988 when it became a fashionable colour and most chain-stores had clothes in that colour…but never again…it is difficult to find this colour nowadays…
The POLICE liked CAROLINE way and above the rest of us…SCARLETT was arranging these interviews between various ‘intelligence operatives’ and this SOCA force, prior to 2004…and they loved her blog…
“She was the most genuine person of the lot of you”.
A little bit more to add about the IRANIAN GAOL…the burning question:
Did the various mafia clans represented in that gaol - know that the new inmates were PRINCE WILLIAM and PRINCE HARRY?
MCDONALD told me ‘not’.
…however I can remember it a bit differently…’word’ was let out on the street that this would be the case and those confined within the prison walls were ‘duly informed’.
I might also add that CAROLINE’s advice to ‘take in the energy…let it flow in and out of you…or else you get stuck…get damaged…’ is something that I have never been able to fully do…although I recognise the efficacy of that one…in relation to leading a better and more fulfilling life.
For example, I really got ‘stuck’ in relation to GILL’s satanic prince alter…hell on Earth…what he had intended to do to me as ‘revenge’…and then the experience at the IRANIAN GAOL where I was watching him being ‘punished’ and ‘reformed’…using what I shall call ‘creative thinking’ to solve the problem of ill cult programming and in order to produce a desired result. A free-thinking individual, no longer controlled by ill cult ‘negative energy’ networks.
MICHELLE OBAMA had no such problems…she waltzed into that gaol with a calm smile upon her face…viewed her husband in the ‘playground’…and immediately convinced me that ‘this was the way to handle it’…she saw it as simply a means to an end…cure him of ill cult programming…get him back on track and off ill cult tracks…and ensure that he became the FIRST BLACK PRESIDENT of the USA. His most valued ambition as a young, innocent child with high-minded values.
MICHELLE OBAMA didn’t appear to mind at all. The ‘circumstances’ of his ‘short sharp shock deprogramming’ were amusing but serious - she could see that it would work and it did.
Besides, it only took 3 weeks, for her husband to begin to ‘see sense’ and to escape the mind control that he had been under…so she was perfectly right in her assumption.
Anyway, today - as far as I know, the ‘lovely ladies’ of that police division had a surprise present from CAROLINE in relation to MUSTARD new clothes…carefully tailored by the PRINCE OF MONACO’s designers…yes, CAROLINE, bribing the police might be seen as an ‘offence’ but here it looks like spreading a little happiness…besides the colour MUSTARD is the colour of TRUTH as far as Arabic coding is concerned…the MUSTARD SEEDS…see previous notes.
MUSTARD sounds like a rubbish colour…because not many people like to eat mustard (or the thought of wearing it by association)…but it is the colour of non-metallic gold…and beautiful…the DALAI LAMA and his monks wear it…was it in 1988 when it became a fashionable colour and most chain-stores had clothes in that colour…but never again…it is difficult to find this colour nowadays…
The POLICE liked CAROLINE way and above the rest of us…SCARLETT was arranging these interviews between various ‘intelligence operatives’ and this SOCA force, prior to 2004…and they loved her blog…
“She was the most genuine person of the lot of you”.
A little bit more to add about the IRANIAN GAOL…the burning question:
Did the various mafia clans represented in that gaol - know that the new inmates were PRINCE WILLIAM and PRINCE HARRY?
MCDONALD told me ‘not’.
…however I can remember it a bit differently…’word’ was let out on the street that this would be the case and those confined within the prison walls were ‘duly informed’.
I might also add that CAROLINE’s advice to ‘take in the energy…let it flow in and out of you…or else you get stuck…get damaged…’ is something that I have never been able to fully do…although I recognise the efficacy of that one…in relation to leading a better and more fulfilling life.
For example, I really got ‘stuck’ in relation to GILL’s satanic prince alter…hell on Earth…what he had intended to do to me as ‘revenge’…and then the experience at the IRANIAN GAOL where I was watching him being ‘punished’ and ‘reformed’…using what I shall call ‘creative thinking’ to solve the problem of ill cult programming and in order to produce a desired result. A free-thinking individual, no longer controlled by ill cult ‘negative energy’ networks.
MICHELLE OBAMA had no such problems…she waltzed into that gaol with a calm smile upon her face…viewed her husband in the ‘playground’…and immediately convinced me that ‘this was the way to handle it’…she saw it as simply a means to an end…cure him of ill cult programming…get him back on track and off ill cult tracks…and ensure that he became the FIRST BLACK PRESIDENT of the USA. His most valued ambition as a young, innocent child with high-minded values.
MICHELLE OBAMA didn’t appear to mind at all. The ‘circumstances’ of his ‘short sharp shock deprogramming’ were amusing but serious - she could see that it would work and it did.
Besides, it only took 3 weeks, for her husband to begin to ‘see sense’ and to escape the mind control that he had been under…so she was perfectly right in her assumption.
I have just remembered some really quite dramatic CCTV footage that MCDONALD was to show me, of that IRANIAN GAOL, later on....and it concerned PRINCE WILLIAM and PRINCE HARRY. Put simply this is what happened:
PRINCE WILLIAM got jumped on immediately…the BLOND…the whole playground lined up to rape him…they formed a circle around him…a mobbing that involved everybody in the playground…HARRY tried to save his brother and got thrown against a wall…he lost conscious and went into a coma…the alarmbells sounded and the playground was cleared as quickly as possible.
So it wasn’t safe to let the PRINCES out into the playground after that one…and I suppose that they didn’t get the benefit of the full experience…but they were kept in their cages behind bars for the duration…like every other prisoner and made to write a thesis entitled THE SEVEN PILLARS OF WISDOM…MCDONALD found PRINCE WILLIAM’s thesis ‘particularly eloquent’…
So you got through quite a few ill cult men, at the IRANIAN GAOL then?
PRINCE WILLIAM got jumped on immediately…the BLOND…the whole playground lined up to rape him…they formed a circle around him…a mobbing that involved everybody in the playground…HARRY tried to save his brother and got thrown against a wall…he lost conscious and went into a coma…the alarmbells sounded and the playground was cleared as quickly as possible.
So it wasn’t safe to let the PRINCES out into the playground after that one…and I suppose that they didn’t get the benefit of the full experience…but they were kept in their cages behind bars for the duration…like every other prisoner and made to write a thesis entitled THE SEVEN PILLARS OF WISDOM…MCDONALD found PRINCE WILLIAM’s thesis ‘particularly eloquent’…
So you got through quite a few ill cult men, at the IRANIAN GAOL then?
Wednesday, 29 September 2010
During a bath…I began to remember more, in detail of that IRANIAN GAOL experience:
Contrary to the ‘regiment’ network who are saying ‘bloody ISRAELIS’…yes BI do try to blame the joos whenever possible…but it wasn’t them…in point of fact, the decision to send OBAMA and GILL to that GAOL had been taken by Catholic Italian mob bosses in NY…naturally they didn’t want OBAMA to become President without deprogramming him from his satanic Islamic alter…so wrong on all accounts…not joos and not Israelis behind that one…the JESUITS are back on top in the USA…and that’s the way they like it…
The BRITISH MEDIA propagandists tend to polarise ISRAEL as 100% jooish - who are fighting and killing the Palestinians…although anybody who has made an sort of study of ISRAEL will know that it is made up of very different religious/ethnic groups…and that ARAB CHRISTIANS/MUSLIMS are employed in the Israeli military, the MOSSAD and the POLICE…but MR ICKE’s site as run by BI, would prefer not to see it that way…
Anyway, the MOB BOSSES cautioned MCDONALD not to tell the MOSSAD what we were up to at that IRANIAN GAOL because they didn’t want possible interference from what I shall call the BEK contingent…MCDONALD was told to tell the MOSSAD that the CRAZY COMPANY were on an FBI ‘behavioural sciences’ research project…and that is what GILL and OBAMA had also been told, before the doors of the GAOL closed behind them, let us say…
You see GILL and OBAMA were both programmed BEKS - jooish islamics…that sort of thing…and therefore the MOSSAD/ISRAELI INTELLIGENCE was kept relatively in the dark until now…
I remember the CCTV of OBAMA telling GILL before they were allowed out into the ‘playground’ that he was on his own…OBAMA figured that he would have a better chance of survival if he pretended that he didn’t know who GILL was…GILL agreed…
I call it the playground because at the time, I was in my HENRY alter…and I used to sit like a cat, with my nose to the window pane…watching the ‘playground’ down below at break-time, lunch-time etc…because that is what it looked like to me…little boys in gangs…ganging up on each other…striking deals…the whole caboodle…it was fascinating…
MCDONALD and SC had both picked their ‘favourite characters’ after a week of this…we had the files of the inmates and quickly worked out what was going on…in terms of ‘100 camel deals’ being struck…yes, I am joking but it was a rural area…and a lot of the men came from village family backgrounds…SC used to argue that his favourite always won in terms of being the more successful at bartering…MCDONALD argued something about brokering…his top man, had far more skilled gang members who scouted the ‘playground’…far more ‘range’…
Anyway, I used to worry about GILL and watch the whole thing as often as I could until MCDONALD would say something like ‘aren’t you coming to lunch?‘ - it was like a soap opera after a while…everybody had their own favourite characters and would update others upon what was going on… MCDONALD must have got ROZ to remote-view the lot and knew that GILL and OBAMA wouldn’t actually die from the experience…even though they were both eventually carried off the playground on stretchers…OBAMA survived a bit longer…
That first day…that was probably the most interesting of the lot…as GILL and OBAMA walked into the playground…not ‘together’ I might add…OBAMA kept low…walking to the side…hardly moving at all…trying to remain as ‘low profile’ as he possibly could…
GILLY BOY however, made the mistake of using what he knew…the international ISLAMIC mind control system of hand gestures…OBAMA knew it too but didn’t make the mistake of trying to use it in order to recruit a ‘gang’…
GILLY BOY went up to a man standing alone…and began to make these little hand gestures and suddenly EVERY EYE in the playground was upon him…yes, most of these guys were well aware of what the gestures meant and one could detect an instant aggression…a sort of ‘who is this smart Alec then’…as the various gangs began to circle and then move towards him…
One group took such offence to GILLY BOY that the 4 of them used to MALLARD DUCK him, almost every playtime…
GILLY BOY then pleaded with MCDONALD from behind the bars of his cell, for antibiotics because he figured that he must have picked up every STD going…and the answer was NO…you are living the Islamic life for real and none of the other inmates get medical attention along those lines…so you don’t either…that’s the system…like it or lump it.
OBAMA used to get the most appalling racial abuse hurled at him…every ‘play-time’.
Contrary to the ‘regiment’ network who are saying ‘bloody ISRAELIS’…yes BI do try to blame the joos whenever possible…but it wasn’t them…in point of fact, the decision to send OBAMA and GILL to that GAOL had been taken by Catholic Italian mob bosses in NY…naturally they didn’t want OBAMA to become President without deprogramming him from his satanic Islamic alter…so wrong on all accounts…not joos and not Israelis behind that one…the JESUITS are back on top in the USA…and that’s the way they like it…
The BRITISH MEDIA propagandists tend to polarise ISRAEL as 100% jooish - who are fighting and killing the Palestinians…although anybody who has made an sort of study of ISRAEL will know that it is made up of very different religious/ethnic groups…and that ARAB CHRISTIANS/MUSLIMS are employed in the Israeli military, the MOSSAD and the POLICE…but MR ICKE’s site as run by BI, would prefer not to see it that way…
Anyway, the MOB BOSSES cautioned MCDONALD not to tell the MOSSAD what we were up to at that IRANIAN GAOL because they didn’t want possible interference from what I shall call the BEK contingent…MCDONALD was told to tell the MOSSAD that the CRAZY COMPANY were on an FBI ‘behavioural sciences’ research project…and that is what GILL and OBAMA had also been told, before the doors of the GAOL closed behind them, let us say…
You see GILL and OBAMA were both programmed BEKS - jooish islamics…that sort of thing…and therefore the MOSSAD/ISRAELI INTELLIGENCE was kept relatively in the dark until now…
I remember the CCTV of OBAMA telling GILL before they were allowed out into the ‘playground’ that he was on his own…OBAMA figured that he would have a better chance of survival if he pretended that he didn’t know who GILL was…GILL agreed…
I call it the playground because at the time, I was in my HENRY alter…and I used to sit like a cat, with my nose to the window pane…watching the ‘playground’ down below at break-time, lunch-time etc…because that is what it looked like to me…little boys in gangs…ganging up on each other…striking deals…the whole caboodle…it was fascinating…
MCDONALD and SC had both picked their ‘favourite characters’ after a week of this…we had the files of the inmates and quickly worked out what was going on…in terms of ‘100 camel deals’ being struck…yes, I am joking but it was a rural area…and a lot of the men came from village family backgrounds…SC used to argue that his favourite always won in terms of being the more successful at bartering…MCDONALD argued something about brokering…his top man, had far more skilled gang members who scouted the ‘playground’…far more ‘range’…
Anyway, I used to worry about GILL and watch the whole thing as often as I could until MCDONALD would say something like ‘aren’t you coming to lunch?‘ - it was like a soap opera after a while…everybody had their own favourite characters and would update others upon what was going on… MCDONALD must have got ROZ to remote-view the lot and knew that GILL and OBAMA wouldn’t actually die from the experience…even though they were both eventually carried off the playground on stretchers…OBAMA survived a bit longer…
That first day…that was probably the most interesting of the lot…as GILL and OBAMA walked into the playground…not ‘together’ I might add…OBAMA kept low…walking to the side…hardly moving at all…trying to remain as ‘low profile’ as he possibly could…
GILLY BOY however, made the mistake of using what he knew…the international ISLAMIC mind control system of hand gestures…OBAMA knew it too but didn’t make the mistake of trying to use it in order to recruit a ‘gang’…
GILLY BOY went up to a man standing alone…and began to make these little hand gestures and suddenly EVERY EYE in the playground was upon him…yes, most of these guys were well aware of what the gestures meant and one could detect an instant aggression…a sort of ‘who is this smart Alec then’…as the various gangs began to circle and then move towards him…
One group took such offence to GILLY BOY that the 4 of them used to MALLARD DUCK him, almost every playtime…
GILLY BOY then pleaded with MCDONALD from behind the bars of his cell, for antibiotics because he figured that he must have picked up every STD going…and the answer was NO…you are living the Islamic life for real and none of the other inmates get medical attention along those lines…so you don’t either…that’s the system…like it or lump it.
OBAMA used to get the most appalling racial abuse hurled at him…every ‘play-time’.
Funnily enough...we did a search and found that former head of the ISLAMIC SOCIETY who had been at ESSEX at the same time as me...the one who had told me that I would be sent to a re-education camp in order to learn how to be a proper mother/wife and that I would be debarred from any other formal education...such as reading books for example...
Anyway, we found 'funny guy' living in IRAN...and the odd thing was that he had rather changed his tune...instead of fighting to oppress women...his WESTERN self had been so shocked by the treatment of them in IRAN that he had begun to campaign for the EDUCATION of women...allowing them to learn how to read and write...that sort of thing, within his local community...
Anyway, we found 'funny guy' living in IRAN...and the odd thing was that he had rather changed his tune...instead of fighting to oppress women...his WESTERN self had been so shocked by the treatment of them in IRAN that he had begun to campaign for the EDUCATION of women...allowing them to learn how to read and write...that sort of thing, within his local community...
ROZ interviewed each of them separately first - to ‘coach’ them in writing their theses. The main point of this was to get them to be as truthful and honest about their experiences as possible in order to help them to deprogram from their fantasy world surrounding being an ‘Islamic Prince‘.
It was also to collect data upon the different warring tribes of warlord clans (and their hierarchies) within the prison - because believe it or not, PRISON is the best place to collect this type of data…most of the men had been picked up for running street gun battles with each other…they weren’t often held for long…they were out again soon…to be picked up again and so on…
This is REAL Islamic culture - no frills and no faking it - Islam is NOT a religion of peace.
Those who are now claiming that MOHAMMED was a healer…are perfectly correct…but that is just a ‘new spin’ upon a religion that was heading towards PREGNANT MEN society…Islam as it stands - is as misogynistic a religion as it is possible to be…it rests upon the oppression of women.
That is what GILL and OBAMA had picked up about it…and GILL was hoping to make me a ‘slave concubine wife’ again, as a result…ISLAM tends to attract Western men with the following characteristics:
Repressed homosexual with violent tendencies.
Naturally that also involves ill cult programming…and the ‘MOTHER PSYCHO’ alter is the main one…although this is a large bundle of shattered alters and associated programming…the ‘ANTHONY PERKINS’ alter…the little boy taught to beat up his mother…the SATANIC PRINCESS such as MARTINE…Arabian knights…A lad insane…ALADDIN programming…and the GREEN GENIE DELTA assassin…yassassin/hashish programming…
So the idea was to make this ‘bundle of alters’ confront the reality of WARLORD Islam…a shattering experience…whereby a breakthrough is then possible…
ROZ got them to write and re-write until she had got their full cooperation…as much honesty as possible…then she got them to write a summary and conclusion…that was the hardest part of all for the pair of them.
MCDONALD then interviewed them one by one…and the basic gist of this interview rested upon:
“This is REAL” - hand upon their thesis.
“…and this is FANTASY - FICTION” - hand upon THE SEVEN PILLARS OF WISDOM novel.
It was also to collect data upon the different warring tribes of warlord clans (and their hierarchies) within the prison - because believe it or not, PRISON is the best place to collect this type of data…most of the men had been picked up for running street gun battles with each other…they weren’t often held for long…they were out again soon…to be picked up again and so on…
This is REAL Islamic culture - no frills and no faking it - Islam is NOT a religion of peace.
Those who are now claiming that MOHAMMED was a healer…are perfectly correct…but that is just a ‘new spin’ upon a religion that was heading towards PREGNANT MEN society…Islam as it stands - is as misogynistic a religion as it is possible to be…it rests upon the oppression of women.
That is what GILL and OBAMA had picked up about it…and GILL was hoping to make me a ‘slave concubine wife’ again, as a result…ISLAM tends to attract Western men with the following characteristics:
Repressed homosexual with violent tendencies.
Naturally that also involves ill cult programming…and the ‘MOTHER PSYCHO’ alter is the main one…although this is a large bundle of shattered alters and associated programming…the ‘ANTHONY PERKINS’ alter…the little boy taught to beat up his mother…the SATANIC PRINCESS such as MARTINE…Arabian knights…A lad insane…ALADDIN programming…and the GREEN GENIE DELTA assassin…yassassin/hashish programming…
So the idea was to make this ‘bundle of alters’ confront the reality of WARLORD Islam…a shattering experience…whereby a breakthrough is then possible…
ROZ got them to write and re-write until she had got their full cooperation…as much honesty as possible…then she got them to write a summary and conclusion…that was the hardest part of all for the pair of them.
MCDONALD then interviewed them one by one…and the basic gist of this interview rested upon:
“This is REAL” - hand upon their thesis.
“…and this is FANTASY - FICTION” - hand upon THE SEVEN PILLARS OF WISDOM novel.
I can remember now...what happened in 2004...because that is when the 'shock tactics' treatment was begun...and an early candidate for it was RICHARD GORDON...see previous notes upon my time working at ACORN VILLAGES LTD...and GORDON switching alters into BLACK ENERGY satanic islamic prince mode...yes, he ended up at that IRANIAN GAOL too...got taken away by stretcher in the end...survived to give an oral account (dyslexic) of what he had learnt from his 'holiday'...and became a lot 'wiser' as a result...
So this effective treatment for these satanic islamic prince networks has now been going on for 6 years...
"Correct" says MCDONALD.
I see...so yesterday was all about pulling up and making a point of exposing one of the last remaining networks?
So those guys can all expect a 'knock on the door' at some point...well, I cannot say that I didn't warn them...
So this effective treatment for these satanic islamic prince networks has now been going on for 6 years...
"Correct" says MCDONALD.
I see...so yesterday was all about pulling up and making a point of exposing one of the last remaining networks?
So those guys can all expect a 'knock on the door' at some point...well, I cannot say that I didn't warn them...
So in answer to that small network of PRAYER MAT SATANISTS that was activated by GILL and OBAMA yesterday:
Beware the CIA 'knock' on your door.
Do you really want the short, sharp shock treatment?
Apparently it is really effective in getting rid of satanic islamic alters...shutting them down completely...although there were some fatalities, according to MCDONALD. Yes, of course there would be...because the guards do not 'interfere' with the playground activities - both GILL and OBAMA had to be removed upon stretchers in the end (and no, GILL didn't get the 'medical services' that he kept bellowing for, during his 'sojourn' - you see the rest of the inmates don't and he wasn't a 'special case') - you have to live life the ISLAMIC way and get used to it...you simply have to sink or swim...and if you think that you are up to it...please keep on doin' what you're doin'...because you will end up writing a thesis upon the SEVEN PILLARS OF WISDOM (if you survive that far)...
This is a wake-up call to all ROCKFELLER satanic islamics in the UK.
Beware the CIA 'knock' on your door.
Do you really want the short, sharp shock treatment?
Apparently it is really effective in getting rid of satanic islamic alters...shutting them down completely...although there were some fatalities, according to MCDONALD. Yes, of course there would be...because the guards do not 'interfere' with the playground activities - both GILL and OBAMA had to be removed upon stretchers in the end (and no, GILL didn't get the 'medical services' that he kept bellowing for, during his 'sojourn' - you see the rest of the inmates don't and he wasn't a 'special case') - you have to live life the ISLAMIC way and get used to it...you simply have to sink or swim...and if you think that you are up to it...please keep on doin' what you're doin'...because you will end up writing a thesis upon the SEVEN PILLARS OF WISDOM (if you survive that far)...
This is a wake-up call to all ROCKFELLER satanic islamics in the UK.
I suggested to MCDONALD that all UK Foreign Office applicants should be put through the same 'induction/training course' to weed out any LAWRENCE OF ARABIA fantasists...these country really doesn't need them...zero tolerance.
MCDONALD countered that maybe we should advertise it as such:
That sort of thing.
MCDONALD countered that maybe we should advertise it as such:
That sort of thing.
Yes, I can remember this new BLOG OF NOTE...MCDONALD came in with that freaky story of the guy who appeared to be cutting boughs with his 'mind'...
...and yes, this blog is all about that IRANIAN GAOL...MCDONALD took a photo of one of the doors (see 9/02/2010 Things that have faces but don't really have faces. Posted by Gwen | Labels: Stuff that's crap-your-pants scary, Stupid faces)
... and also that WASH BASIN...freaky...like that door and the 'eyes' as in windows, above it...
So yes MI5 network...this was all about scaring the crap out of the pair of those two 'wicked little boys'...scaring some sense into them...getting rid of their damaging fantasy world about ISLAM...
...and yes, they did need quite a bit of medical attention afterwards and 'reconstructive surgery'...
...and as far as I know - that put paid to their sad little fantasies in relation to making me a 'concubine slave' again...
Yes, I can remember this new BLOG OF NOTE...MCDONALD came in with that freaky story of the guy who appeared to be cutting boughs with his 'mind'...
...and yes, this blog is all about that IRANIAN GAOL...MCDONALD took a photo of one of the doors (see 9/02/2010 Things that have faces but don't really have faces. Posted by Gwen | Labels: Stuff that's crap-your-pants scary, Stupid faces)
... and also that WASH BASIN...freaky...like that door and the 'eyes' as in windows, above it...
So yes MI5 network...this was all about scaring the crap out of the pair of those two 'wicked little boys'...scaring some sense into them...getting rid of their damaging fantasy world about ISLAM...
...and yes, they did need quite a bit of medical attention afterwards and 'reconstructive surgery'...
...and as far as I know - that put paid to their sad little fantasies in relation to making me a 'concubine slave' again...
I remember watching the exercise yard with MCDONALD...this was indeed a 'different world'...of warring warlords...the guards had guns...a sort of 'firebell' rang when the men had to vacate the exercise yard...nobody dared to intervene during 'exercise time'...and sometimes dead bodies had to be removed afterwards...a different world indeed...no guard would have dared to walk in there...so no 'fights' or mobbings were stopped...Islamic warlord culture for you...the REAL THING.
MCDONALD and CO gave GILL and OBAMA a fighting chance...we made sure that their Arabic was up to it - before we put them in there.
"They're jumping on him again" I remarked to MCDONALD as I saw GILL being mobbed again by 4 men...
MCDONALD replied that this was because he looked 'Western' whereas OBAMA looked 'African' and the Islamics didn't like that either...
Anyway, GILL and OBAMA were told that their 'mission' was to learn everything that they could about IRANIAN ISLAMIC SOCIETY and from the grassroots up. GILL only lasted 2 1/2 weeks...OBAMA lasted 3...a stronger character.
Once let out - they were quarantined and made to write a 'thesis' under the heading of:
THE SEVEN PILLARS OF WISDOM (what they had learnt during their sojourn in an Iranian gaol)
ROZ marked the essays.
OBAMA was 'never quite the same' after that one - no more the jokey 'smooth-talker'...he began to take life and his 'root system' beliefs a bit more seriously...nothing should be taken for granted and did he really want to fight for an Islamic NWO if he was going to be placed at the 'grassroots' of it all - or would he prefer a WESTERN style of government and culture?
MCDONALD and CO gave GILL and OBAMA a fighting chance...we made sure that their Arabic was up to it - before we put them in there.
"They're jumping on him again" I remarked to MCDONALD as I saw GILL being mobbed again by 4 men...
MCDONALD replied that this was because he looked 'Western' whereas OBAMA looked 'African' and the Islamics didn't like that either...
Anyway, GILL and OBAMA were told that their 'mission' was to learn everything that they could about IRANIAN ISLAMIC SOCIETY and from the grassroots up. GILL only lasted 2 1/2 weeks...OBAMA lasted 3...a stronger character.
Once let out - they were quarantined and made to write a 'thesis' under the heading of:
THE SEVEN PILLARS OF WISDOM (what they had learnt during their sojourn in an Iranian gaol)
ROZ marked the essays.
OBAMA was 'never quite the same' after that one - no more the jokey 'smooth-talker'...he began to take life and his 'root system' beliefs a bit more seriously...nothing should be taken for granted and did he really want to fight for an Islamic NWO if he was going to be placed at the 'grassroots' of it all - or would he prefer a WESTERN style of government and culture?
PAT ANDREW must have had an inkling in 2004 - when she painted what she described as an IRANIAN GAOL in her mural, upon the wall of the MEETING PLACE whilst working for ACORN VILLAGES LTD and laughed:
"Oh dear, I do hope TONY doesn't end up there..."
I wasn't sure what she was talking about...she had ostensibly painted a panoramic view of MANNINGTREE town and estuary...with this strange little building in the distance...and a large MALLARD DUCK beside it...
"Oh dear, I do hope TONY doesn't end up there..."
I wasn't sure what she was talking about...she had ostensibly painted a panoramic view of MANNINGTREE town and estuary...with this strange little building in the distance...and a large MALLARD DUCK beside it...
So let me backtrack to the ignominious position of OBAMA and GILL...deciding that I was to be made a 'slave concubine' again...because I would say nasty stuff about GILL in the future and upon the web...
MCDONALD and i 'watched' GILL going back to that FBI office in order to write his new FBI programs...I went into GILL's head - turned on 'sleepwalker' mode and wrote the files for him...
We then decided that the SHORT SHARP SHOCK treatment was necessary for both GILL and OBAMA...but what?
What would cure them of their ISLAMIC PRINCE/SLAVE-DRIVER alter?
Naturally I referred MCDONALD back to his 'drop them in BOSNIA without a passport or money' for a real taste of ISLAMIC SOCIETY at a grassroots level...that worked on all ill cult satanic islamics from the UK and in a matter of weeks...most didn't last out that long...suitably reformed characters after that one.
MCDONALD figured that GILL and OBAMA were too far gone...and so he then came up with a new idea...based upon what we knew about their characters:
Firstly that they had been programmed by FOREIGN OFFICE 'CAMELS' who were nothing but a bunch of S/M closet gays...who were 'hopelessly romantic' about THE SEVEN PILLARS OF WISDOM and 'being LAWRENCE OF ARABIA'...and that is the type of fantasy that these 'little boys'...GILL and OBAMA were hankering after...that ISLAMIC PRINCE/LAWRENCE OF ARABIA experience...
So we gave it to them.
It cured them.
MCDONALD and i 'watched' GILL going back to that FBI office in order to write his new FBI programs...I went into GILL's head - turned on 'sleepwalker' mode and wrote the files for him...
We then decided that the SHORT SHARP SHOCK treatment was necessary for both GILL and OBAMA...but what?
What would cure them of their ISLAMIC PRINCE/SLAVE-DRIVER alter?
Naturally I referred MCDONALD back to his 'drop them in BOSNIA without a passport or money' for a real taste of ISLAMIC SOCIETY at a grassroots level...that worked on all ill cult satanic islamics from the UK and in a matter of weeks...most didn't last out that long...suitably reformed characters after that one.
MCDONALD figured that GILL and OBAMA were too far gone...and so he then came up with a new idea...based upon what we knew about their characters:
Firstly that they had been programmed by FOREIGN OFFICE 'CAMELS' who were nothing but a bunch of S/M closet gays...who were 'hopelessly romantic' about THE SEVEN PILLARS OF WISDOM and 'being LAWRENCE OF ARABIA'...and that is the type of fantasy that these 'little boys'...GILL and OBAMA were hankering after...that ISLAMIC PRINCE/LAWRENCE OF ARABIA experience...
So we gave it to them.
It cured them.
RIMINGTON was born circa 1936 - she was about the same age as my mother - very roughly...TODDY figured that he was older than my parents who were 30 years old...he figured that he was 40 and told me so, as a young child (but then he often lied but he also often told me the truth, as 'HENRY')...if RIMINGTON had been his generation, she would be in her 90s by now...with so many 'nip and tucks'...not to mention 'facial burns'...how could one know?
The pair of them became the 'ishes' that SPRINGMEIR talks of....those programmers who would share 'a little' of what they had done to you...the ISH people of DR SEUSS...
RIMINGTON didn't know enough about TODDY and the FBI...not from the early 1960s....see drugged icecream cone notes...
Nor did I...
FBI...drugging and mind control dept - NAZI SCIENTISTS run by the BRITISH ROYAL FAMILY.TODDY was part of it...and handed over...forcibly handed over to GILL and OBAMA who stilll wanted to 'play' at SLAVE-DRIVING and at destroying this world...a SATANIST'S objective...that simple.
A nightmarish organisation - that was left in the 'not capable hands' of GILL and OBAMA...yes, it sounds bad...
The pair of them became the 'ishes' that SPRINGMEIR talks of....those programmers who would share 'a little' of what they had done to you...the ISH people of DR SEUSS...
RIMINGTON didn't know enough about TODDY and the FBI...not from the early 1960s....see drugged icecream cone notes...
Nor did I...
FBI...drugging and mind control dept - NAZI SCIENTISTS run by the BRITISH ROYAL FAMILY.TODDY was part of it...and handed over...forcibly handed over to GILL and OBAMA who stilll wanted to 'play' at SLAVE-DRIVING and at destroying this world...a SATANIST'S objective...that simple.
A nightmarish organisation - that was left in the 'not capable hands' of GILL and OBAMA...yes, it sounds bad...
A working class house-wife with little education, broke the ENIGMA code…
How was she rewarded for doing so?
She lost her job - she had no idea why…she was given a’pay-off’ the equivalent of half a WEEK’s low wage and sent home. She returned home, depressed and non-the-wiser…her husband couldn’t believe what had happened. Where else would she get another (very low paid) women’s job in WWII?
An MI6 bastard took ‘all of the glory’ for her INTELLIGENT MIND in terms of working it all out.
So WHO is going to make a film about that one then?
Not ‘romantic’ at all, is it?
PISS on that HOLLYWOOD movie - it pretended that it was…you LIARS…ill cult liars.
Okay - what medal did that guy pin on his CHEST afterwards? How did he dare to pretend?
A working class house-wife with little education, broke the ENIGMA code…
How was she rewarded for doing so?
She lost her job - she had no idea why…she was given a’pay-off’ the equivalent of half a WEEK’s low wage and sent home. She returned home, depressed and non-the-wiser…her husband couldn’t believe what had happened. Where else would she get another (very low paid) women’s job in WWII?
An MI6 bastard took ‘all of the glory’ for her INTELLIGENT MIND in terms of working it all out.
So WHO is going to make a film about that one then?
Not ‘romantic’ at all, is it?
PISS on that HOLLYWOOD movie - it pretended that it was…you LIARS…ill cult liars.
Okay - what medal did that guy pin on his CHEST afterwards? How did he dare to pretend?
Okay, so I wouldn't quite understand it....I don't know if I would like it...if GILL had then turned into a CHRISTIAN PASTOR...to be honest, I would rather like it...but anyway, I can see why he was 'taking the piss' by using MARK R's input upon his SPRINGMEIER blogs/books...and RATCLIFFE ones...a 'good Christian alter' obviously 'wasn't him'...but where else could he find a decent religion? ISLAM was fucked and he knew it...the most abusive religion on Earth - the DALEK religion (who were behind the whole 'PREGNANT MEN' horror)...and the JOOS ate babies as a matter of course and had a HUMAN BODY PARTS market...and not just for 'replacing internal organs'...they ate each other...and anybody else's organs that they figured would give them some added 'spiritual power'...
...and the JESUITS...the CATHOLICS who are 'always your friend'...were they any more 'enlightened than anybody else'?
SONIA hated the CATHOLIC CHURCH...and for very good reasons, within her youth...
Can we now tie our bunch of 'roses' and colours to this mast...in 2010...has the CATHOLIC CHURCH and the VATICAN really reformed....or is it the same old PAEDOPHILE/CLOSET HOMSEXUAL/BLOOD LUST/EATING BABIES CULT that it always was?
...and the JESUITS...the CATHOLICS who are 'always your friend'...were they any more 'enlightened than anybody else'?
SONIA hated the CATHOLIC CHURCH...and for very good reasons, within her youth...
Can we now tie our bunch of 'roses' and colours to this mast...in 2010...has the CATHOLIC CHURCH and the VATICAN really reformed....or is it the same old PAEDOPHILE/CLOSET HOMSEXUAL/BLOOD LUST/EATING BABIES CULT that it always was?
I want a MAN WITH GOOD SENSE, MORALITY AND VALUES...not a 'nasty little boy slave-driver' - get it GILL?
The whole 'islamic satanist pray mat idiot' is wearing as thin, as that OLD MAT that I burnt in your garden...yes, it was a shock to your young child alter...and yes, certain networks were laughing about that one...
I know that you were not allowed to grow up with 'good values' but you had them anyway...you knew right from wrong...so why not 'get well' and stop being ill?
MCDONALD told me upon his network:
"Call yourself a good 'mother'? Would you douse a child's SNUFFLY (for US readers - this means a 'comfort blanket' or 'piece of rag' that children liked to hold up to their nose - or is this solely a BRITISH phenomenon...i seem to remember that the US had a different term for it but I cannot remember what...)...would you douse a child's 'SNUFFLY' in gasoline and then set fire to it, in the middle of the lawn, whilst the child was watching from his bedroom?
Yes, MCDONALD I can see your point - but this was no ordinary SNUFFLY - was it?
The YOUNG GILL had been put on that mat - and electrified - as a BABY.
It was a 'constant feature' in his life - there on in...
Not so much a 'comfort' eh?
More a SATANIC DEVICE of mind control that had to be got rid of and sometimes, the SHORT, SHARP SHOCK treatment is far more effective...I learnt to swim that way, with my mother throwing me into the deep end of a busy swimming pool and walking away...I learnt to swim in SECONDS and got to the edge...whilst the LIFE GUARD told me to get to the stairs...pulled me out and then 'got' my mother and gave her a real telling off...
I knew that the 'shock' wouldn't kill GILL...I was hoping that the BURNING of that satanic symbol would 'put him on the right course'...a dramatic and symbolic image...
The whole 'islamic satanist pray mat idiot' is wearing as thin, as that OLD MAT that I burnt in your garden...yes, it was a shock to your young child alter...and yes, certain networks were laughing about that one...
I know that you were not allowed to grow up with 'good values' but you had them anyway...you knew right from wrong...so why not 'get well' and stop being ill?
MCDONALD told me upon his network:
"Call yourself a good 'mother'? Would you douse a child's SNUFFLY (for US readers - this means a 'comfort blanket' or 'piece of rag' that children liked to hold up to their nose - or is this solely a BRITISH phenomenon...i seem to remember that the US had a different term for it but I cannot remember what...)...would you douse a child's 'SNUFFLY' in gasoline and then set fire to it, in the middle of the lawn, whilst the child was watching from his bedroom?
Yes, MCDONALD I can see your point - but this was no ordinary SNUFFLY - was it?
The YOUNG GILL had been put on that mat - and electrified - as a BABY.
It was a 'constant feature' in his life - there on in...
Not so much a 'comfort' eh?
More a SATANIC DEVICE of mind control that had to be got rid of and sometimes, the SHORT, SHARP SHOCK treatment is far more effective...I learnt to swim that way, with my mother throwing me into the deep end of a busy swimming pool and walking away...I learnt to swim in SECONDS and got to the edge...whilst the LIFE GUARD told me to get to the stairs...pulled me out and then 'got' my mother and gave her a real telling off...
I knew that the 'shock' wouldn't kill GILL...I was hoping that the BURNING of that satanic symbol would 'put him on the right course'...a dramatic and symbolic image...
This afternoon…I went to the library to return books and then pick up a few more…from the programming section in the children’s department…and then picked up a new video called THE FALL directed by ‘TARSEM’…and I have ‘seen’ this movie upon the other side of the mirror but cannot properly remember until I watch it again…
I then saw a new recruit being inducted into the library staff system…he had typical SATANISTS’ shoes…he looked like a tall MARK R and was eyeballing me in an extremely arrogant way…I had no idea why until I realised that he looked like MARK R and then thought ‘MARKR would have chosen him’ and then looked down at those ‘coffin shaped toed’ black shoes - very narrow toes - almost like a ballerina ‘toe-block‘ at the end…a giveaway sign…SATANISTS’S shoes…you would hardly be able to fit your big toe and second toe down to the ‘toe of the shoe’…I suppose that makes your feet look a bit longer, a bigger size (hung up about taking ‘girlie sized shoes‘?)…and sometimes these shoes curl up, like Arabian slippers, at the toe - because the toe bit isn’t useful…which makes these men look like complete pricks, I might add…grow up - get some proper ‘manly’ walking shoes - that type of thing.
So ‘bad vibes’ at the library but from nobody else but him…I also noticed that somebody had left a GREY metallic sort of apparatus, for moving books around…in the area near to the spiralling stairs…the main programming area of the lot…representing the top ill, symbolically…there are 4 RED POSTS in there…a WHITE DESK …and a GREY-BLUE computer swivel chair…to all intents and purposes, it looks like an unofficial store cupboard because this area is dark (closed off from the main library) - no lighting…you couldn’t work there…so you just walk past the objects upon your way to the next floor…up the stairs.
Before going to the library, I went to the recycling point near to MORRISSONS to check if I could recycle MAGAZINES/BOOKS…and you can…good news…I opened the BOOKS recycling bin to see if it was full or not (would it be worth taking a large number of my old books, which I will never look at again down there?)…it was half-full and two things were stuck on the metal tray that downloads into the main box:
THE NATIONAL GALLERY: PRINTS AND POSTERS 1998 - their own publication, printed by the WHITE DOVE press (that would be a reference to ‘LO’/SHIN BEIT/AMADEUS/ROCKEFELLERS - geddit?)
I had been thinking about which place to recycle books in…near MORRISONS or SAINSBURYS…and I ‘knew’ that I had to do it…for some reason…upon finding those two books (the NATIONAL GALLERY one is actually a thin, ¾ of an A4 page size, catalogue) and taking them home…I realised that somebody had dumped them because they had been used as programming objects extensively…particularly that NATIONAL GALLERY catalogue…1998...find a copy if you can…it is full of ill cult programming images…carefully chosen from the gallery…and that HENRY had cleverly written the program…to make me wake up and remember where they would be, just in time…as well as making sure that the person who dumped them…didn’t fully push them ‘down the shute’ so to speak…
Anyway, pushing my bike back from the pier (I always go to view the sea - restorative and relaxing - every day if I can)…and up that amusement arcade road…two insolent young teenagers on bikes were behind me…laughing at me…they didn’t quite dare to shout loudly but they were shouting in an ISLAMIC way: “get out of the way BITCH”…even though they were cycling upon the pavement and should have been picked up by the POLICE who oddly enough - are never around when an offence is being committed…and when I am being harassed…CYCLING ON THE PAVEMENT is an offence, isn't it?
I knew what part of the FBI program had been activated and by who…this was a micro chipped slave network of young men who were weak-minded, inclined to evil and stupid enough to continue with their demonic alters…despite the ill cult ‘going down’ in a big way…
One of those men, dies young in a car accident…the other doesn’t have a ‘good life’ - let’s put it that way. ZERO TOLERANCE.
I made the SAS sign…and smiled at the pair of them as they passed me, jeering and laughing…not that I had contacted the SAS or that they will have any part in what happens to the pair of them…but it was enough to freak the Semitic looking teenager out - who, later on - was to tell his ENGLISH looking friend that they had been ‘cursed’…he had ‘felt’ it…he was freaked out…amended his ways a bit…yes, I ‘saw’ it all…
So what was today - really all about?
Rewind back to GILL and OBAMA looking at the FBI program…and the tapes involved…GILL telling OBAMA as he read through it all…that I would say such terrible things about him that I didn’t deserve anything but to be made his ‘slave concubine’ again…OBAMA agreed and thought up some nasty stuff…
Various women upon the networks are saying things around ‘we thought as much’…and the implied question ‘why didn’t you see that coming?’
I have always liked to err upon the side of ‘optimism’ and that ‘people can change’ in life…
However with those programmed SLAVE-DRIVERS like GILL and OBAMA…and they didn’t need any encouragement to ‘snap’ into that alter because they ‘enjoyed’ it…one cannot expect such weak-minded characters…inclined to evil, from the beginning…to be able to control themselves and reform…in short, you have to do it for them…teach them a good lesson.
Pity MICHELLE OBAMA - she has to be the PARAGON OF VIRTUE - keep her husband in line (as GEORGE BUSH’s wife did before her) and SHOWCASE the perfect AMERICAN family values to an entire nation…the most influential nation upon Earth….(even if your husband acts like he ‘doesn’t care’ and has to be PROVERBIALLY whipped into line)…
Okay - back to GILL and OBAMA realising that they had ‘all of the power’ and were behaving in very selfish ‘little boy’ ways…after all I had done for the pair of them…they were still acting like cruel, stupid ‘tiny minds’…SLAVE-DRIVERS…
“That much is obvious (they would have done)” certain women are telling me…
Yes, I was obviously hoping for too much, wasn’t I?
Men often tell their wives the cruellest thing of all “I don’t want you to MOTHER me” when a woman loves him so deeply that he is like ‘family’…her own children, to her…
What they are saying is: “I want a knickers down, ‘ready’ whore in the bedroom - plus all of the other stuff, like cleaning the house so that it is as bright as a new pin, without a MOTHER figure, who reminds me of MORALITY and the proper way to do things’…
What they really want is a cleaner, a nanny and a whore, basically…and if you are married to something like that…divorce him and tell him to employ three women - a nanny, cleaner and ‘live-in prostitute‘…because you are not wasting your time, anymore…
Women, when they love…cannot really divorce the maternal aspect from the sex…sex and love…sex and love and feeling maternal about your husband, go hand in hand…
Yes, some of them then begin to treat their husband like one of the kids…and if he is behaving like one of the kids…which some men, often do…fair’s fair…summary of my parents’ marriage…but the odd thing is that my father ‘likes it that way’…most men who are behaving like children, don’t. They get very annoyed, when they are treated like a ‘bad-tempered child’ by their long-suffering wife (who doesn‘t know what else to do, most of the time…)
Anyway, after ‘remote-viewing’ how the pair of them would behave, after they had been given ‘control’…HENRY screwed them.
Let them think that they ‘run the system’ for a while…see what they do…how much they want to dig a hole for themselves and then let them know this:
Suddenly they couldn’t change certain files…no access…their own futures for example…upon further investigation, GILL found out that he could get a copy on NOTEPAD…but READ ONLY…yes, they could read their own futures but they couldn’t change a thing…rough justice?
A ‘learning lesson’ for the pair of them.
So today was all about GILL and OBAMA trying to start up ‘demonic networks’ within their most promising ‘weak-minded young male’ candidates and failing to do so.
HENRY didn’t trust GILL an inch…he joined with MCDONALD on that one - taking the piss out of GILL whenever and wherever he could…
HENRY loved MARTINE…and HENRY wanted to protect her…but that was it…probably why GILL is still alive.
The MI5 network are telling me ‘this is all about scaring the crap out of them..’
In a word, YES.
The pair of them need to be ‘carefully managed’ for the rest of their known lives.
They appeared to be 'retrievable' because they had done so much to get out of the control of the ill cult - their motives were questionable but their strength in doing so and managing it - cannot go unrewarded...on the other hand...and so on...
I then saw a new recruit being inducted into the library staff system…he had typical SATANISTS’ shoes…he looked like a tall MARK R and was eyeballing me in an extremely arrogant way…I had no idea why until I realised that he looked like MARK R and then thought ‘MARKR would have chosen him’ and then looked down at those ‘coffin shaped toed’ black shoes - very narrow toes - almost like a ballerina ‘toe-block‘ at the end…a giveaway sign…SATANISTS’S shoes…you would hardly be able to fit your big toe and second toe down to the ‘toe of the shoe’…I suppose that makes your feet look a bit longer, a bigger size (hung up about taking ‘girlie sized shoes‘?)…and sometimes these shoes curl up, like Arabian slippers, at the toe - because the toe bit isn’t useful…which makes these men look like complete pricks, I might add…grow up - get some proper ‘manly’ walking shoes - that type of thing.
So ‘bad vibes’ at the library but from nobody else but him…I also noticed that somebody had left a GREY metallic sort of apparatus, for moving books around…in the area near to the spiralling stairs…the main programming area of the lot…representing the top ill, symbolically…there are 4 RED POSTS in there…a WHITE DESK …and a GREY-BLUE computer swivel chair…to all intents and purposes, it looks like an unofficial store cupboard because this area is dark (closed off from the main library) - no lighting…you couldn’t work there…so you just walk past the objects upon your way to the next floor…up the stairs.
Before going to the library, I went to the recycling point near to MORRISSONS to check if I could recycle MAGAZINES/BOOKS…and you can…good news…I opened the BOOKS recycling bin to see if it was full or not (would it be worth taking a large number of my old books, which I will never look at again down there?)…it was half-full and two things were stuck on the metal tray that downloads into the main box:
THE NATIONAL GALLERY: PRINTS AND POSTERS 1998 - their own publication, printed by the WHITE DOVE press (that would be a reference to ‘LO’/SHIN BEIT/AMADEUS/ROCKEFELLERS - geddit?)
I had been thinking about which place to recycle books in…near MORRISONS or SAINSBURYS…and I ‘knew’ that I had to do it…for some reason…upon finding those two books (the NATIONAL GALLERY one is actually a thin, ¾ of an A4 page size, catalogue) and taking them home…I realised that somebody had dumped them because they had been used as programming objects extensively…particularly that NATIONAL GALLERY catalogue…1998...find a copy if you can…it is full of ill cult programming images…carefully chosen from the gallery…and that HENRY had cleverly written the program…to make me wake up and remember where they would be, just in time…as well as making sure that the person who dumped them…didn’t fully push them ‘down the shute’ so to speak…
Anyway, pushing my bike back from the pier (I always go to view the sea - restorative and relaxing - every day if I can)…and up that amusement arcade road…two insolent young teenagers on bikes were behind me…laughing at me…they didn’t quite dare to shout loudly but they were shouting in an ISLAMIC way: “get out of the way BITCH”…even though they were cycling upon the pavement and should have been picked up by the POLICE who oddly enough - are never around when an offence is being committed…and when I am being harassed…CYCLING ON THE PAVEMENT is an offence, isn't it?
I knew what part of the FBI program had been activated and by who…this was a micro chipped slave network of young men who were weak-minded, inclined to evil and stupid enough to continue with their demonic alters…despite the ill cult ‘going down’ in a big way…
One of those men, dies young in a car accident…the other doesn’t have a ‘good life’ - let’s put it that way. ZERO TOLERANCE.
I made the SAS sign…and smiled at the pair of them as they passed me, jeering and laughing…not that I had contacted the SAS or that they will have any part in what happens to the pair of them…but it was enough to freak the Semitic looking teenager out - who, later on - was to tell his ENGLISH looking friend that they had been ‘cursed’…he had ‘felt’ it…he was freaked out…amended his ways a bit…yes, I ‘saw’ it all…
So what was today - really all about?
Rewind back to GILL and OBAMA looking at the FBI program…and the tapes involved…GILL telling OBAMA as he read through it all…that I would say such terrible things about him that I didn’t deserve anything but to be made his ‘slave concubine’ again…OBAMA agreed and thought up some nasty stuff…
Various women upon the networks are saying things around ‘we thought as much’…and the implied question ‘why didn’t you see that coming?’
I have always liked to err upon the side of ‘optimism’ and that ‘people can change’ in life…
However with those programmed SLAVE-DRIVERS like GILL and OBAMA…and they didn’t need any encouragement to ‘snap’ into that alter because they ‘enjoyed’ it…one cannot expect such weak-minded characters…inclined to evil, from the beginning…to be able to control themselves and reform…in short, you have to do it for them…teach them a good lesson.
Pity MICHELLE OBAMA - she has to be the PARAGON OF VIRTUE - keep her husband in line (as GEORGE BUSH’s wife did before her) and SHOWCASE the perfect AMERICAN family values to an entire nation…the most influential nation upon Earth….(even if your husband acts like he ‘doesn’t care’ and has to be PROVERBIALLY whipped into line)…
Okay - back to GILL and OBAMA realising that they had ‘all of the power’ and were behaving in very selfish ‘little boy’ ways…after all I had done for the pair of them…they were still acting like cruel, stupid ‘tiny minds’…SLAVE-DRIVERS…
“That much is obvious (they would have done)” certain women are telling me…
Yes, I was obviously hoping for too much, wasn’t I?
Men often tell their wives the cruellest thing of all “I don’t want you to MOTHER me” when a woman loves him so deeply that he is like ‘family’…her own children, to her…
What they are saying is: “I want a knickers down, ‘ready’ whore in the bedroom - plus all of the other stuff, like cleaning the house so that it is as bright as a new pin, without a MOTHER figure, who reminds me of MORALITY and the proper way to do things’…
What they really want is a cleaner, a nanny and a whore, basically…and if you are married to something like that…divorce him and tell him to employ three women - a nanny, cleaner and ‘live-in prostitute‘…because you are not wasting your time, anymore…
Women, when they love…cannot really divorce the maternal aspect from the sex…sex and love…sex and love and feeling maternal about your husband, go hand in hand…
Yes, some of them then begin to treat their husband like one of the kids…and if he is behaving like one of the kids…which some men, often do…fair’s fair…summary of my parents’ marriage…but the odd thing is that my father ‘likes it that way’…most men who are behaving like children, don’t. They get very annoyed, when they are treated like a ‘bad-tempered child’ by their long-suffering wife (who doesn‘t know what else to do, most of the time…)
Anyway, after ‘remote-viewing’ how the pair of them would behave, after they had been given ‘control’…HENRY screwed them.
Let them think that they ‘run the system’ for a while…see what they do…how much they want to dig a hole for themselves and then let them know this:
Suddenly they couldn’t change certain files…no access…their own futures for example…upon further investigation, GILL found out that he could get a copy on NOTEPAD…but READ ONLY…yes, they could read their own futures but they couldn’t change a thing…rough justice?
A ‘learning lesson’ for the pair of them.
So today was all about GILL and OBAMA trying to start up ‘demonic networks’ within their most promising ‘weak-minded young male’ candidates and failing to do so.
HENRY didn’t trust GILL an inch…he joined with MCDONALD on that one - taking the piss out of GILL whenever and wherever he could…
HENRY loved MARTINE…and HENRY wanted to protect her…but that was it…probably why GILL is still alive.
The MI5 network are telling me ‘this is all about scaring the crap out of them..’
In a word, YES.
The pair of them need to be ‘carefully managed’ for the rest of their known lives.
They appeared to be 'retrievable' because they had done so much to get out of the control of the ill cult - their motives were questionable but their strength in doing so and managing it - cannot go unrewarded...on the other hand...and so on...
This is a truly evil book...like the rest of them found upon the programmer's bit of the shelf in the children's section...
Somebody wants to take it out after me...and so I have to return it almost immediately...
Look at the clown's face at the beginning and end of the book...TOMLINSON told me what this meant:
Now I understand the whole 'FULL MOON - HALF-MOON' nonsense...FULL MOON - EMPTY MOON...
This is a truly evil book...like the rest of them found upon the programmer's bit of the shelf in the children's section...
Somebody wants to take it out after me...and so I have to return it almost immediately...
Look at the clown's face at the beginning and end of the book...TOMLINSON told me what this meant:
Now I understand the whole 'FULL MOON - HALF-MOON' nonsense...FULL MOON - EMPTY MOON...
MCDONALD and SC were given these books to complete - everywhere we went in the world...I hated them and so was perfectly all right about it...if they got stuck we would help...then ROZ decided that we should know about this sort of stuff too and so we told them we would do it for the next country...but we took so long working it out that MCDONALD told us to stop wasting time...they were much better at this sort of thing...so we let them do it.
MCDONALD and SC were given these books to complete - everywhere we went in the world...I hated them and so was perfectly all right about it...if they got stuck we would help...then ROZ decided that we should know about this sort of stuff too and so we told them we would do it for the next country...but we took so long working it out that MCDONALD told us to stop wasting time...they were much better at this sort of thing...so we let them do it.
GILL's sister was to recognise this one and to tell us that she and GILL had been extensively programmed with this one...
I recently viewed OBAMA GIRL saves OBAMA from OSAMA...and remembered suggesting the military camouflage bikini...which was to make OBAMA GIRL a favourite of the army...and their TOP pin-up girl...yes, it appeals to a VIZ sense of humour, doesn't it MCDONALD? Did we do a camouflage thong for men?
GILL's sister was to recognise this one and to tell us that she and GILL had been extensively programmed with this one...
I recently viewed OBAMA GIRL saves OBAMA from OSAMA...and remembered suggesting the military camouflage bikini...which was to make OBAMA GIRL a favourite of the army...and their TOP pin-up girl...yes, it appeals to a VIZ sense of humour, doesn't it MCDONALD? Did we do a camouflage thong for men?
I am now in the library and about to return a few books:
This was written for GILL and others who felt 'left out' at XMAS as children...
...and to remind me of the MOVING XMAS TREE that SUSAN ALCOCK and her brother had constructed with 'leads'...they sat behind it as their mother came in through the front door and saw it through the living room door...MOVING and going AAAAUUUUUGGGH...she screamed, had a panic attack and as far as I know...XMAS TREES were banned from that point on...
GILL had been put into a 9 year old alter whilst recounting this one and had become passionately fond of the ALCOCKS as a result...they were obviously on his radio network...
TOMLINSON = CHRIST-MAS TREE to be burnt...work it out
This was written for GILL and others who felt 'left out' at XMAS as children...
...and to remind me of the MOVING XMAS TREE that SUSAN ALCOCK and her brother had constructed with 'leads'...they sat behind it as their mother came in through the front door and saw it through the living room door...MOVING and going AAAAUUUUUGGGH...she screamed, had a panic attack and as far as I know...XMAS TREES were banned from that point on...
GILL had been put into a 9 year old alter whilst recounting this one and had become passionately fond of the ALCOCKS as a result...they were obviously on his radio network...
TOMLINSON = CHRIST-MAS TREE to be burnt...work it out
A few more notes that I really should have added earlier:
Firstly that MCDONALD had told me, in the CIA LAB that from his personal experience…this film was the closest you could get, in relation to what the CIA is about and how it operates…
You can see from the dialogue…as written collaboratively by those from GREEN TOWER…that there are all sorts of ‘silly phrases’…such as putting your dancing shoes on - references to catching fish - said in a ‘meaningful way‘…that mimic what intelligence people are like…they really do speak like that…
Secondly you can see what MCDONALD experienced at UNIVERSITY in the US…he was inducted into SKULL AND BONES…he was writing about his own life but had decided to set the story, a couple of decades earlier because they had decided to write about CUBA and the BAY OF PIGS…how ‘intelligence’ has seen you coming a mile off…from the day that you were born…and they will ‘recruit’ you come what may, if you are from ‘one of those families’…you have no choice in the matter at all, really…and they will ‘fix you up’ with a girl/boy…your first love…everything is planned…it is HIDEOUS in this way…you are ‘groomed’ from the word go.
I was given the task of thinking up the ‘LOYALTY story’ for our ‘hero’ to tell at his induction to SKULL AND BONES…and they accepted that one…and I also thought up the lines for ROBERT DE NIRO’s character, when he smiles and says that because he is a CATHOLIC…he cannot recruit CATHOLICS into his organisation…too ‘suspicious’…now that was a reminder to myself to talk about the following:
THE ‘SOI’/SOJ (Society of Jesus)
SOYA-BEAN (MI6’s joke name for their boss at that point JOHN SAWER…although he is now dead…but MI6 hasn’t publicly disclosed that one yet, although GREEN TOWER has already outed his photo upon the internet - see previous notes as to the ‘cycling’ website with SAWER and his mate about to take part in a race)…
As far as I know…this was a struggle for power…and that the JESUITS/CATHOLIC CHURCH won it against the combined forces of JOOS/ISLAMICS in the USA.
Anyway because I have always been upon the FBI/LOEHRMANN department side of things(drugging/mind control/micro-chipped networks and remote-viewing), in relation to US INTELLIGENCE and always on ‘black ops’ as they put it…I never really got a taste of the ‘day to day’ agenda of a typical CIA operative and so I didn‘t have much of an idea of a ‘day in the life‘ of a CIA operative, never mind how their careers ran, in the longterm…but MCDONALD, GILL and OBAMA knew the lot…and they put as much as they could, into the script for THE GOOD SHEPHERD.
Additionally, I was watching the COLOUR-CODING quite hard…and the film opens with everything in ‘muted blue’…almost GREYISH-BLUE…but by the end of the film - you have DULL DARK TURQUOISE all over the place…and the heroine played by ANGELINA JOLIE…has on a dress (I remember that she HATED it, on set)…which is that very same GREYISH-GREEN as the prayer mats…indubitably ‘intentional’ I would have said…but why?
CUBA was TODDY’s favourite country…or so he told us at the CIA LAB when he came to call…although when I was young…his favourite country was TURKEY…
I have to mention here that I began to remote-view TODDY and MARK R extensively on my own…and alerted RIMINGTON to what they were really all about…TODDY had come in to spy upon us…he had no real intention of helping any rebel group…he just wanted to ‘rule the world’ and so did MARK R - an utterly poisonous duo and they despised us all too, for being ‘dupes‘…keeping us all ‘sweet’ was part of their tactical game…which is why RIMINGTON and SCARLETT then decided to take rapid action, in the UK…
Why the BAY OF PIGS as the focal point…BOP…I have as yet to work that one out…
Additionally the idea that the USSR was without power - isn’t quite true…until we had taken out the ROTHSCHILD PARAMILITARY bases…but the Russian defector tells the truth about crumbling power systems…the whole thing teetering on the brink of collapse…how the ill cult liked to keep RUSSIA and bordering countries…
MCDONALD came up with the ‘crazy idea’ of CRICKETS being offloaded out of planes to destroy crops in CUBA…this was in fact a reference to what TADCO were doing (not ‘crickets‘ but chemicals)…in order to get a foothold in CUBA…see previous notes.
So quite a few themes here to be ‘outed’ and of course the BLACK ARTS of BI, was the main thing…in relation to the horrific ‘MOTHER’ programming of little boys as ‘little girls’…
The lecturer who belongs that the GERMAN CULTURAL society…who then turns out to be a member of BI who teaches the BLACK ARTS…we are simply talking about the NAZIS of MI6 here…German cultural appreciation society/MI6 NAZIS…same difference…
The SO guy was modelled upon DAVID MILIBAND and this SPECIAL OPERATIONS guy mimics what MILIBAND actually said about ‘intelligence work’…how he found it ‘romantic’ for some reason but was scared that he would end up lonely and alone - and nobody could quite fathom that one out…which is why this was all included in the script…
Also MILIBAND’s connection to PUTIN…obviously stated…in terms of helping the imposter RUSSIAN informant to escape, later on (he doesn’t) with a present of a ULYSSES novel and a hidden passport within cover…and no, the likeness to JONATHAN EVANS of this ‘imposter informant’ didn’t go unmissed in certain circles…it was a warning shot to EVANS for some reason…EVANS is very softly spoken…even lisps a bit…rather like MARK R used to do…unlike MARK R though he can go ballistic like a FIRE ENGINE if you ‘press his buttons’ and then ‘macho man’ roars…
I watched some of the scenes being made…I can remember MARK R wanting me to adlib a scene for him…the BONESMAN DINNER film set, MARK R told me that I had to go and chat up GILL on the sofa - after a couple of glasses of champagne…and get him to dance…I have no idea why…but they wrote down my ad-lib…and then used it as a starting point, for how that character should be…
I was then shown the film upon its completion and it was used as programming materials…I had to re-enact the scene where ANGELINA JOLIE’s character is being helped to a boat…traumatised…after having found out that her husband was unfaithful…
GILL was being held back upon the beach yelling in fury…’don’t believe a word, this isn’t real, EMILY this isn’t real!’ …I was too drugged to care either way…and I had just been shown a video of him fucking another woman…so not in a ‘good mood’…I would guess that I was in a ‘teenage alter’ at the time…(the ill cult used to do this to us quite a bit - see previous notes upon my child alter’s song ‘he‘s a stoat but I love him‘ and GILL would be carried away kicking and screaming by the ROYAL‘s public school boy friends - as he tried to fight through them in order get to me, on stage)…
The upshot of the above programming would be to make me feel like an ‘unloved wife’ I suppose…
…and I would guess that everybody else was ‘treated’ to the same process, in some way or another…
A few more notes that I really should have added earlier:
Firstly that MCDONALD had told me, in the CIA LAB that from his personal experience…this film was the closest you could get, in relation to what the CIA is about and how it operates…
You can see from the dialogue…as written collaboratively by those from GREEN TOWER…that there are all sorts of ‘silly phrases’…such as putting your dancing shoes on - references to catching fish - said in a ‘meaningful way‘…that mimic what intelligence people are like…they really do speak like that…
Secondly you can see what MCDONALD experienced at UNIVERSITY in the US…he was inducted into SKULL AND BONES…he was writing about his own life but had decided to set the story, a couple of decades earlier because they had decided to write about CUBA and the BAY OF PIGS…how ‘intelligence’ has seen you coming a mile off…from the day that you were born…and they will ‘recruit’ you come what may, if you are from ‘one of those families’…you have no choice in the matter at all, really…and they will ‘fix you up’ with a girl/boy…your first love…everything is planned…it is HIDEOUS in this way…you are ‘groomed’ from the word go.
I was given the task of thinking up the ‘LOYALTY story’ for our ‘hero’ to tell at his induction to SKULL AND BONES…and they accepted that one…and I also thought up the lines for ROBERT DE NIRO’s character, when he smiles and says that because he is a CATHOLIC…he cannot recruit CATHOLICS into his organisation…too ‘suspicious’…now that was a reminder to myself to talk about the following:
THE ‘SOI’/SOJ (Society of Jesus)
SOYA-BEAN (MI6’s joke name for their boss at that point JOHN SAWER…although he is now dead…but MI6 hasn’t publicly disclosed that one yet, although GREEN TOWER has already outed his photo upon the internet - see previous notes as to the ‘cycling’ website with SAWER and his mate about to take part in a race)…
As far as I know…this was a struggle for power…and that the JESUITS/CATHOLIC CHURCH won it against the combined forces of JOOS/ISLAMICS in the USA.
Anyway because I have always been upon the FBI/LOEHRMANN department side of things(drugging/mind control/micro-chipped networks and remote-viewing), in relation to US INTELLIGENCE and always on ‘black ops’ as they put it…I never really got a taste of the ‘day to day’ agenda of a typical CIA operative and so I didn‘t have much of an idea of a ‘day in the life‘ of a CIA operative, never mind how their careers ran, in the longterm…but MCDONALD, GILL and OBAMA knew the lot…and they put as much as they could, into the script for THE GOOD SHEPHERD.
Additionally, I was watching the COLOUR-CODING quite hard…and the film opens with everything in ‘muted blue’…almost GREYISH-BLUE…but by the end of the film - you have DULL DARK TURQUOISE all over the place…and the heroine played by ANGELINA JOLIE…has on a dress (I remember that she HATED it, on set)…which is that very same GREYISH-GREEN as the prayer mats…indubitably ‘intentional’ I would have said…but why?
CUBA was TODDY’s favourite country…or so he told us at the CIA LAB when he came to call…although when I was young…his favourite country was TURKEY…
I have to mention here that I began to remote-view TODDY and MARK R extensively on my own…and alerted RIMINGTON to what they were really all about…TODDY had come in to spy upon us…he had no real intention of helping any rebel group…he just wanted to ‘rule the world’ and so did MARK R - an utterly poisonous duo and they despised us all too, for being ‘dupes‘…keeping us all ‘sweet’ was part of their tactical game…which is why RIMINGTON and SCARLETT then decided to take rapid action, in the UK…
Why the BAY OF PIGS as the focal point…BOP…I have as yet to work that one out…
Additionally the idea that the USSR was without power - isn’t quite true…until we had taken out the ROTHSCHILD PARAMILITARY bases…but the Russian defector tells the truth about crumbling power systems…the whole thing teetering on the brink of collapse…how the ill cult liked to keep RUSSIA and bordering countries…
MCDONALD came up with the ‘crazy idea’ of CRICKETS being offloaded out of planes to destroy crops in CUBA…this was in fact a reference to what TADCO were doing (not ‘crickets‘ but chemicals)…in order to get a foothold in CUBA…see previous notes.
So quite a few themes here to be ‘outed’ and of course the BLACK ARTS of BI, was the main thing…in relation to the horrific ‘MOTHER’ programming of little boys as ‘little girls’…
The lecturer who belongs that the GERMAN CULTURAL society…who then turns out to be a member of BI who teaches the BLACK ARTS…we are simply talking about the NAZIS of MI6 here…German cultural appreciation society/MI6 NAZIS…same difference…
The SO guy was modelled upon DAVID MILIBAND and this SPECIAL OPERATIONS guy mimics what MILIBAND actually said about ‘intelligence work’…how he found it ‘romantic’ for some reason but was scared that he would end up lonely and alone - and nobody could quite fathom that one out…which is why this was all included in the script…
Also MILIBAND’s connection to PUTIN…obviously stated…in terms of helping the imposter RUSSIAN informant to escape, later on (he doesn’t) with a present of a ULYSSES novel and a hidden passport within cover…and no, the likeness to JONATHAN EVANS of this ‘imposter informant’ didn’t go unmissed in certain circles…it was a warning shot to EVANS for some reason…EVANS is very softly spoken…even lisps a bit…rather like MARK R used to do…unlike MARK R though he can go ballistic like a FIRE ENGINE if you ‘press his buttons’ and then ‘macho man’ roars…
I watched some of the scenes being made…I can remember MARK R wanting me to adlib a scene for him…the BONESMAN DINNER film set, MARK R told me that I had to go and chat up GILL on the sofa - after a couple of glasses of champagne…and get him to dance…I have no idea why…but they wrote down my ad-lib…and then used it as a starting point, for how that character should be…
I was then shown the film upon its completion and it was used as programming materials…I had to re-enact the scene where ANGELINA JOLIE’s character is being helped to a boat…traumatised…after having found out that her husband was unfaithful…
GILL was being held back upon the beach yelling in fury…’don’t believe a word, this isn’t real, EMILY this isn’t real!’ …I was too drugged to care either way…and I had just been shown a video of him fucking another woman…so not in a ‘good mood’…I would guess that I was in a ‘teenage alter’ at the time…(the ill cult used to do this to us quite a bit - see previous notes upon my child alter’s song ‘he‘s a stoat but I love him‘ and GILL would be carried away kicking and screaming by the ROYAL‘s public school boy friends - as he tried to fight through them in order get to me, on stage)…
The upshot of the above programming would be to make me feel like an ‘unloved wife’ I suppose…
…and I would guess that everybody else was ‘treated’ to the same process, in some way or another…
Tuesday, 28 September 2010
I sense NICHOLAS HULBRUSCH behind this one...i can remember some of the stories that he told...about shock/horror/embarrassment in his earlier life...yes, I am sure I told him quite a few back, too...
...and its all about MOTHERS...
I sense NICHOLAS HULBRUSCH behind this one...i can remember some of the stories that he told...about shock/horror/embarrassment in his earlier life...yes, I am sure I told him quite a few back, too...
...and its all about MOTHERS...
That episode with PATRICK and EMMA PEEL...who encounter 'mother' who is an MOD type of chap in a country house...the suggestion being that he is head of MI5...
That MOD type of chap in a wheelchair, who flicks the rug off his legs to reveal, high-heels, fishnets and suspenders...
I would guess that the film/TV world has been covertly aware of the 'MOTHER' 'psycho' alter...for some time now...
...and then we have 'THE GOOD SHEPHERD' and MISS BUTTERCUP on stage...our 'hero' of the CIA (aka 'MOTHER' according to RUSSIAN intelligence) on a night-out with his local amateur dramatics society...but the stage production values are a bit higher than that, aren't they?
That episode with PATRICK and EMMA PEEL...who encounter 'mother' who is an MOD type of chap in a country house...the suggestion being that he is head of MI5...
That MOD type of chap in a wheelchair, who flicks the rug off his legs to reveal, high-heels, fishnets and suspenders...
I would guess that the film/TV world has been covertly aware of the 'MOTHER' 'psycho' alter...for some time now...
...and then we have 'THE GOOD SHEPHERD' and MISS BUTTERCUP on stage...our 'hero' of the CIA (aka 'MOTHER' according to RUSSIAN intelligence) on a night-out with his local amateur dramatics society...but the stage production values are a bit higher than that, aren't they?
It is funny isn't it?
To think that the CIA was actually 'scared' of MI6 in 2004 and why some of us were seriously worried, others a bit light-headed after the NOTTINGHAM 'event', at GREEN TOWER at this point in time...(2004 - because that is when the NOTTINGHAM UNIVERSITY explosion must have occurred...or perhaps late 2003)...but the fact is that they were scared...scared of ROYAL POWER...because the BRITISH ROYAL family has the most money and possessions and land....in the entire world...and they have been playing the game EMPIRE for centuries...imagine how enormous their contacts/networks/links are, worldwide...
To think that the CIA was actually 'scared' of MI6 in 2004 and why some of us were seriously worried, others a bit light-headed after the NOTTINGHAM 'event', at GREEN TOWER at this point in time...(2004 - because that is when the NOTTINGHAM UNIVERSITY explosion must have occurred...or perhaps late 2003)...but the fact is that they were scared...scared of ROYAL POWER...because the BRITISH ROYAL family has the most money and possessions and land....in the entire world...and they have been playing the game EMPIRE for centuries...imagine how enormous their contacts/networks/links are, worldwide...
Yes, the 13TH OCTOBER is a date that sticks in my mind and not just because my 'assured tenancy' is supposed to start upon the 14TH OCTOBER...
I can remember that RIMINGTON figured that they could come out of the woodwork by the second week of OCTOBER...but I remember thinking that she was being far too optimistic...they were all only really safe by the time we had got to 2011...wait until JANUARY 2011...
GILL was supposed to come over to MI6 and help them out at this point...go home - it is a TRAP...get out of the UK and return to the US immediately...do not do any work for them today - you have been warned.
I can remember that RIMINGTON figured that they could come out of the woodwork by the second week of OCTOBER...but I remember thinking that she was being far too optimistic...they were all only really safe by the time we had got to 2011...wait until JANUARY 2011...
GILL was supposed to come over to MI6 and help them out at this point...go home - it is a TRAP...get out of the UK and return to the US immediately...do not do any work for them today - you have been warned.
A new reply from NPOWER this morning:
URN 97621294-Miss GydeTuesday, 28 September, 2010 12:14From: "Executive.Complaints@npower.com"Add sender to ContactsTo: emily_gyde@yahoo.co.uk
Good morning Miss Gyde,
Further to the email which you received from my colleague Miss Smith on 3 September 2010, I can confirm the following information:
Your enquiry is currently being reviewed by our Head of Customer Relations. Rest assure that as soon as the investigation is completed, a letter will be issued outlining our final decision. Should this not be issued by 12 October 2010, then I will provide a further update at that time.
Please accept my apologies for any upset that you feel has been caused and trust that this information has clarified the current situation.
Kind regards,
David Riseborough
Executive Complaints Team
Residential Operations
Tel :0845 0730861 (ext 1198353)
Office Hours: Monday-Thursday 9am-5pm; Friday 9am-4.30pm
URN 97621294-Miss GydeTuesday, 28 September, 2010 12:14From: "Executive.Complaints@npower.com"
Good morning Miss Gyde,
Further to the email which you received from my colleague Miss Smith on 3 September 2010, I can confirm the following information:
Your enquiry is currently being reviewed by our Head of Customer Relations. Rest assure that as soon as the investigation is completed, a letter will be issued outlining our final decision. Should this not be issued by 12 October 2010, then I will provide a further update at that time.
Please accept my apologies for any upset that you feel has been caused and trust that this information has clarified the current situation.
Kind regards,
David Riseborough
Executive Complaints Team
Residential Operations
Tel :0845 0730861 (ext 1198353)
Office Hours: Monday-Thursday 9am-5pm; Friday 9am-4.30pm
On a lighter note and I think that this is a good example for everybody...OBAMA told us how he had chased the GARBAGE TRUCK down the street(with a sack containing his prayer mat in the back of it) - then run back home...and upon the advice of his wife, found out where the depot was...to then drive there and demand to go through the garbage...he opened quite a few sacks...until 'consciousness' began to dawn upon him...why was he so worried about a dusty old mat? What was wrong with him? Why was he acting like a mad man?
He then began to wake up and remember...
He then began to wake up and remember...
Last night I got some more memories back, regarding what had happened at NOTTINGHAM….firstly that they had all been gassed with carbon-monoxide before the explosion, TOMLINSON included because I had put him into ‘memory dump‘ - it had been decided that he was far too dangerous and out of control to live…RIMINGTON then met SCARLETT who gave her some new ID and she left the country rapido…
Anyway, GILL, ROZ, SC and MCDONALD all reviewed the above at the CIA LAB…MARK R had lasted for quite some time with his pointer stick in front of his projector…we were interested in the fact that some people could last out for a very long time in low oxygen levels whereas others got a glazed look and then went unconscious almost immediately…a painless way to die. MARK R said ’I feel a little queer’ and eventually sat down and put his head in his hands, wondering why nobody was offering to help him…the front row had that ‘glazed look’ in the darkness…he then toppled off his seat…those who could still move went to help him…TOMLINSON then turned on the light…AMADEUS toppled off his backseat row…yes, he had come up to listen to the ‘’updates upon mind control lecture‘…TOMLINSON went outside to check the heating systems…he then returned to say that they were ‘okay’ to be told by a woman that they had obviously all been drugged and it wasn’t anything to do with the heating…and then BANG…
So that was the end of the ‘top tier of MI6 mind control programmers’ in this country.
MCDONALD was a bit upset about one of the participants upon this course dying…until he watched a few CCTV files and realised that he had made the ‘wrong character’ assessment…
What I find oddest of all is that it is that COLETTE had seen GILL and I ‘get’ MARK R in NZ and upon that skiing resort…
We also have what appeared to be a successful ‘but never happened in the end’ plan by IRISH MARK and SONIA (as well as HARGREAVES and co) to ‘get’ MARK R in that MI6 liftshaft…
Yet the evidence all now points to RIMINGTON/SCARLETT ‘getting’ MARK R at NOTTINGHAM UNIV…during the holiday period when university buildings are often rented out…simply because of that photograph of AMADEUS/DAVID ROCKEFELLER which turned up ‘out of the blue’ as it were…but in fact because of careful planning of the future…
You see how this was a ‘battle of the script-writers’ in many ways…any of the things above could and would have happened…in precisely the same detail as they were seen by remote-viewers, to happen…it just depended upon who could write and over-write the future, in the ‘higher dimensions’…
Now - what happened to me, back in NY and with OBAMA and GILL at CIA HQ? Firstly GILL could write these FBI scripts and so he would have been a very useful ‘aide’ to OBAMA…who still appeared to be ‘head of the CIA’ at that point in time…or at any rate, head of a department…
Now that those remaining at GREEN TOWER were ‘top of the heap’ as far as they could see…what did they do next?
Firstly I do not think that OBAMA would have been happy with MCDONALD’s idea of how he would ‘sleep-walk’ through the Presidency and then collect his ‘lump sum’ and protection for his family at the end…I do not think that he would have willingly opted for ‘sleeping cat on the TV’…just a hunch.
I can remember the pair of them talking about the program and saying things like ‘we can erase all of that’…stop large chunks of the program from taking place…so I do not think it likely that GILL turned up in ISRAEL…but an actor who looked slightly like him to ‘do the part’…and then they played around a bit with that oil painting of ST JOHN being attacked by a DISNEY type black crow…
Upon the note of grey-green SATANIC PRAYER MATS…MR D’AJANI found a whole load of them in a cupboard at the MODERN IMPERIAL…so he and his assistant quickly put them into bags and then burnt them in the desert…MARK R had obviously left them there for various people…for a ‘group session’ of some description…
Back to NY and trying to get that silly corset on…because I wasn’t allowed a bra - yes, really…sometimes you do not question though…GILL was trying to do it up at the back…and it was too tight…I got furious with him and told him that it was far too tight and to take it off…then something happened…his mind went BLACK…a massive influx of negative energy…I tranced out quickly and traced the network…back to TURKEY…one of TODDY’s bases…and TOMLINSON knew of it too…they had contacted GILL who was part of their network and were trying to control him…so I tried to regain control of him…it was a real battle…a ‘hideous strength’ that I had not encountered before…but I had a program to get the coordinates and telepathically passed them on to MCDONALD…telling him to ‘take it out now’…he had a military program which could do just that…I saw the ‘rats run’ from the building though…some had escaped just before it had blown up…so I had to find their ID…I contacted the MOSSAD who told me that it wasn’t a good idea to involve them…too many ‘informants’ I.e. those of BEK culture…and in point of fact…the building that was blown up was a SYNAGOGUE…so I then went into PRINCE WILLIAM’s head who was at his computer system at the time…I took control of his mind to find that on his computer…was an ID list of these men…the ROYALS were running this base, of the very worst DELTA ‘black energy’ mind control slaves…I made him send the ID file to MCDONALD…who then instructed the CIA to take them all out…most were picked up at airports…
He then got back to the MOSSAD for them to check ‘what lay beneath’ that synagogue…the best thing that they could do, was to use their instruments to disintegrate that terrible energy…
So that morning…we had two unhappy, unsettled men upon our hands…GILL traumatised by the burning of his satanic pray mat…and MCDONALD as traumatised orthodox ‘satanic’ joo, who had just taken out a synagogue…
…and the sad fact of it all was…that all roads led back to the BRITISH ROYAL family…
PRINCE WILLIAM and HARRY had these 'DELTA BLACK ENERGY' mind control slaves bases...upon their computer and they were 'playing' at TERRORISM as if it were a computer game...sickening.
I do not know what happened next but I can only hope that we obtained a list and took the lot out...
Anyway, GILL, ROZ, SC and MCDONALD all reviewed the above at the CIA LAB…MARK R had lasted for quite some time with his pointer stick in front of his projector…we were interested in the fact that some people could last out for a very long time in low oxygen levels whereas others got a glazed look and then went unconscious almost immediately…a painless way to die. MARK R said ’I feel a little queer’ and eventually sat down and put his head in his hands, wondering why nobody was offering to help him…the front row had that ‘glazed look’ in the darkness…he then toppled off his seat…those who could still move went to help him…TOMLINSON then turned on the light…AMADEUS toppled off his backseat row…yes, he had come up to listen to the ‘’updates upon mind control lecture‘…TOMLINSON went outside to check the heating systems…he then returned to say that they were ‘okay’ to be told by a woman that they had obviously all been drugged and it wasn’t anything to do with the heating…and then BANG…
So that was the end of the ‘top tier of MI6 mind control programmers’ in this country.
MCDONALD was a bit upset about one of the participants upon this course dying…until he watched a few CCTV files and realised that he had made the ‘wrong character’ assessment…
What I find oddest of all is that it is that COLETTE had seen GILL and I ‘get’ MARK R in NZ and upon that skiing resort…
We also have what appeared to be a successful ‘but never happened in the end’ plan by IRISH MARK and SONIA (as well as HARGREAVES and co) to ‘get’ MARK R in that MI6 liftshaft…
Yet the evidence all now points to RIMINGTON/SCARLETT ‘getting’ MARK R at NOTTINGHAM UNIV…during the holiday period when university buildings are often rented out…simply because of that photograph of AMADEUS/DAVID ROCKEFELLER which turned up ‘out of the blue’ as it were…but in fact because of careful planning of the future…
You see how this was a ‘battle of the script-writers’ in many ways…any of the things above could and would have happened…in precisely the same detail as they were seen by remote-viewers, to happen…it just depended upon who could write and over-write the future, in the ‘higher dimensions’…
Now - what happened to me, back in NY and with OBAMA and GILL at CIA HQ? Firstly GILL could write these FBI scripts and so he would have been a very useful ‘aide’ to OBAMA…who still appeared to be ‘head of the CIA’ at that point in time…or at any rate, head of a department…
Now that those remaining at GREEN TOWER were ‘top of the heap’ as far as they could see…what did they do next?
Firstly I do not think that OBAMA would have been happy with MCDONALD’s idea of how he would ‘sleep-walk’ through the Presidency and then collect his ‘lump sum’ and protection for his family at the end…I do not think that he would have willingly opted for ‘sleeping cat on the TV’…just a hunch.
I can remember the pair of them talking about the program and saying things like ‘we can erase all of that’…stop large chunks of the program from taking place…so I do not think it likely that GILL turned up in ISRAEL…but an actor who looked slightly like him to ‘do the part’…and then they played around a bit with that oil painting of ST JOHN being attacked by a DISNEY type black crow…
Upon the note of grey-green SATANIC PRAYER MATS…MR D’AJANI found a whole load of them in a cupboard at the MODERN IMPERIAL…so he and his assistant quickly put them into bags and then burnt them in the desert…MARK R had obviously left them there for various people…for a ‘group session’ of some description…
Back to NY and trying to get that silly corset on…because I wasn’t allowed a bra - yes, really…sometimes you do not question though…GILL was trying to do it up at the back…and it was too tight…I got furious with him and told him that it was far too tight and to take it off…then something happened…his mind went BLACK…a massive influx of negative energy…I tranced out quickly and traced the network…back to TURKEY…one of TODDY’s bases…and TOMLINSON knew of it too…they had contacted GILL who was part of their network and were trying to control him…so I tried to regain control of him…it was a real battle…a ‘hideous strength’ that I had not encountered before…but I had a program to get the coordinates and telepathically passed them on to MCDONALD…telling him to ‘take it out now’…he had a military program which could do just that…I saw the ‘rats run’ from the building though…some had escaped just before it had blown up…so I had to find their ID…I contacted the MOSSAD who told me that it wasn’t a good idea to involve them…too many ‘informants’ I.e. those of BEK culture…and in point of fact…the building that was blown up was a SYNAGOGUE…so I then went into PRINCE WILLIAM’s head who was at his computer system at the time…I took control of his mind to find that on his computer…was an ID list of these men…the ROYALS were running this base, of the very worst DELTA ‘black energy’ mind control slaves…I made him send the ID file to MCDONALD…who then instructed the CIA to take them all out…most were picked up at airports…
He then got back to the MOSSAD for them to check ‘what lay beneath’ that synagogue…the best thing that they could do, was to use their instruments to disintegrate that terrible energy…
So that morning…we had two unhappy, unsettled men upon our hands…GILL traumatised by the burning of his satanic pray mat…and MCDONALD as traumatised orthodox ‘satanic’ joo, who had just taken out a synagogue…
…and the sad fact of it all was…that all roads led back to the BRITISH ROYAL family…
PRINCE WILLIAM and HARRY had these 'DELTA BLACK ENERGY' mind control slaves bases...upon their computer and they were 'playing' at TERRORISM as if it were a computer game...sickening.
I do not know what happened next but I can only hope that we obtained a list and took the lot out...
Okay I keep on saying/writing CYBORG instead of CYBERMAN:
So here is a picture of CYBERMEN and a DALEK:

Okay, children, remember that MOTHER says that the CYBERMEN are far more scary than the DALEKS...
...and MOTHER would be what eh?
THE GOOD SHEPHERD movie makes a laughing stock of the term 'MOTHER'...our 'hero' is termed 'MOTHER' after he has learnt the DARK ARTS of BRITISH INTELLIGENCE...
Well, not exactly but near enough eh?
Yes, I can see how the multi-fractured personality of little boys who grew up as girls...and bounced their balls...and so on...MOTHER was an 'alter' that nobody could understand...never mind defeat...MOTHER SUPERIOR...ANTHONY PERKINs...PSYCHO...
So MI6 kept on winning the 'intelligence game' again and again - didn't they?
Nobody could really 'get' what was going on...until MARK R got me to find out about CATHOLIC files....LOEHRMANN FILES at that top secret FBI base...the drugging and mind control department...and then the cap or lid blew right off...I do not know how or why...
So here is a picture of CYBERMEN and a DALEK:

Okay, children, remember that MOTHER says that the CYBERMEN are far more scary than the DALEKS...
...and MOTHER would be what eh?
THE GOOD SHEPHERD movie makes a laughing stock of the term 'MOTHER'...our 'hero' is termed 'MOTHER' after he has learnt the DARK ARTS of BRITISH INTELLIGENCE...
Well, not exactly but near enough eh?
Yes, I can see how the multi-fractured personality of little boys who grew up as girls...and bounced their balls...and so on...MOTHER was an 'alter' that nobody could understand...never mind defeat...MOTHER SUPERIOR...ANTHONY PERKINs...PSYCHO...
So MI6 kept on winning the 'intelligence game' again and again - didn't they?
Nobody could really 'get' what was going on...until MARK R got me to find out about CATHOLIC files....LOEHRMANN FILES at that top secret FBI base...the drugging and mind control department...and then the cap or lid blew right off...I do not know how or why...
Yes DALEKS like GILL were far more entertaining than the CYBORGS...and GILL is quite right...MOSSAD programmers like 'HANS' with their 'MOSHE DAYAN' looks and their robotic 'cleanliness' were really, really scary...far more scary than your average DALEK...even the KHALED of the DALEKS at the TEMPLAR CASTLE...aka programmed RIO FERDINAND...he was a 'nice guy' at base...but a guy programmed to be the 'most excellent robot' in every way...
So one should now turn to the TODDYS of this world...those like TOMLINSON who were the DR WHOs of the piece...
I was taught that as DR WHOs assistant - that I wasn't supposed to be 'against' DR WHO's foes...I was supposed to 'tighten the screws'...as in the case of TODDY taking a spanner and tightening the NUTS upon the miniature DALEK that tiny GILL was seated in and having a whale of a time...pedalling like mad...working the controls...and using the 'voice box'...to sound like a dalek...
I thought it all incredibly stupid and so I was very reticent about having to pretend to 'tighten the screws' upon the outside of GILL's dalek get-up...although he was 'off his head' inside...emitting 'I am a DALEK...I am a DALEK'...and then 'I am a SATANIC ISLAMIC DALEK'...once TODDY had got him 'word perfect'...
So one should now turn to the TODDYS of this world...those like TOMLINSON who were the DR WHOs of the piece...
I was taught that as DR WHOs assistant - that I wasn't supposed to be 'against' DR WHO's foes...I was supposed to 'tighten the screws'...as in the case of TODDY taking a spanner and tightening the NUTS upon the miniature DALEK that tiny GILL was seated in and having a whale of a time...pedalling like mad...working the controls...and using the 'voice box'...to sound like a dalek...
I thought it all incredibly stupid and so I was very reticent about having to pretend to 'tighten the screws' upon the outside of GILL's dalek get-up...although he was 'off his head' inside...emitting 'I am a DALEK...I am a DALEK'...and then 'I am a SATANIC ISLAMIC DALEK'...once TODDY had got him 'word perfect'...
Not that I want to say that any 'tall, dark man' who is ISLAMIC is a 'cuckoo' of this ROTHSCHILD line...I am simply pointing out that this is what they looked like in the main and they kept their family 'separate' from everybody else's...until I had got to a point in the dimensions where I understood and could utilise 'knowledge' more than they could...they spotted me...although they couldn't trace me...once I could 'get them' via GILL leading me to them - I did. End of story.
THE GOOD SHEPHERD exceeded all expectations, flawless acting/direction etc…what can I say in passing but not sure about the script but then GREEN TOWER wrote it…and was that the CIA corridor that I walked down, wrapped in a sheet…see the ending of the movie…and the ‘birth of the CIA’ as we know it in relation to the opening of their new HQ building…mainly because OBAMA had told me that it was the same corridor…different lighting arrangement then…the MIB hadn’t given me time to find some of GILL’s clothes (I didn‘t have any - just one set of clothes, with gasoline spilled on them I might add - unless they dressed me up for a job but then they took the clothes back immediately afterwards)…just come with us, sort of thing…so I thought, what the hell…isn’t this crazy?
I must have looked a bit biblical…either that or somebody picked up from a toga party…at about 11am in the morning…
However, I can remember now - I did manage to smuggle an orangish red top from one of these ’dressing up sessions/operations’ and back to the UK - I then put it into my wardrobe in the MANNINGTREE flat…when RIMINGTON called, she spotted it immediately and removed it…what a memory for detail (and what wasn‘t mine)…anyway, I suppose that I was trying to trigger myself to wake up by doing the above…but it didn’t work…I just didn’t know where the top had come from…it fitted but not something that I would normally buy etc etc…
So if you find ‘strange clothes’ in your wardrobe/closet as SPRINGMEIER warned…as far as I can remember, he had given a list of tell-tale signs…I would hold an item, concentrate HARD and ponder the images that come up…
I should add a note here about ACCENTS and the POLISH who had decided to spill the beans upon MARK R at HOTELU ASYSTENCKI…
I had asked ADAM at reception for some suggestions…one of my classes had asked to hear an authentic AMERICAN accent upon tape because my accent was BRITISH and they wanted to get a wider exposure to spoken English accents…so I asked ADAM if there were any Americans living in the hotel at that point…DAN had left…he told me that there was one a very interesting case because ADAM couldn’t understand him when he spoke at all…he told me that most POLES couldn’t understand this man, when he spoke, at all…and they were all quite used to AMERICAN accents…normally they could understand US accents and from all over the USA but not from this guy…and he gave me MARK R’s room number upon the 4th floor…where the RUSSIANS used to hide out…MR PUTIN and his people…
So I went up there….knocked on MARK R’s door and he opened it a little bit…cowering and whispering behind it:
“How did you find me?”
I took this all in my stride…I had no idea who he was…and no idea why he had said that…but I was a busy teacher…I had lessons to plan and I wanted to make a tape of an authentic US accent…people were crazy in my line of ‘business’…I met crazies everyday and so the line ‘how did you find me’…water off a duck’s back…
I explained to MARKR that in fact, I had never met him before and my purpose in knocking upon his door…he then replied:
“You’d better come in”…
Anyway, I returned the next week, as agreed, with a tape-recorder…and MARK R was fully up on ALL US accents…he did a whole ½ hour on tape about the varying accents and gave imitations of them…so clued up…and so ‘word perfect’ that I can now see what a joke the whole thing was…he obviously hadn’t been born in the USA…and was trying to cover up fast…
My class were relatively interested in the whole thing…and asked for the tape to copy it, after the class…naturally I gave it to them…they made a copy and then returned it to me.
POLISH INTELLIGENCE at work? It looks likely, doesn’t it?
So what can one say…but sometimes non-native speakers can weed out a ‘phoney accent’ in a foreign language…for different reasons, maybe…but real ones…
The POLES had got MARK R’s number, I would have thought…their main idea being…he doesn’t sound like he is from a particular state/social group etc like other US TESOL teachers…
I suppose that MARK R had a ‘generic’ US accent…rather like a news reporter, I suppose…if you listen to BBC reporters…and try to mimic them…it is in fact really quite hard, unless they have a ‘dialect’ which is easier to copy…and you cannot place the typical BBC accent, pronunciation rhythm and stress as being from a particular geographical location…but the POLES were used to this BBC accent and so it wasn’t a problem (very clear English - easy to understand, they used to say)…perhaps they hadn’t got a grip on FOX NEWS then…partly owned by a SAUDI PRINCE (40%)…or would that be a ROCKEFELLER?
What can I say about MARK R but this?
I met him first at about 12 years old…second year of LANGLEY SENIORS upon that SS UGANDA trip around the Norwegian fjords….from TILBURY DOCKS, I might add…where QUEEN ELIZABETH I gave her fictional ‘rallying speech’ to the troops…yes, ROZ and I had found that one out…one of the courtiers had invented the speech and then ‘let it be found’ decades later…history in the ‘re-writing’ as it were…and one has to ask why?
MARK R was speaking like an AMERICAN upon that cruise…so were MCDONALD and SC…they were the only ‘Americans’ on board ship and generally disliked because of MARK R who used to shout out rude and coarse remarks in an American accent and then laugh loudly…the trio were generally avoided.
Why were they on that trip at all? I thought that it was only open to English schools…and so they must have been attached to one, at the time.
However, roll on the years and get to the CIA LAB…with MCDONALD having no memories before the age of 11...no memories of having been born and living with his ENGLISH family until the age of 11...his three other brothers, the BROOKS FAMILY…
MCDONALD was a HOAG cuckoo…his mother had been impregnated by GENERAL HOAG during one of those ‘TIMER CUCKOO’ events….where the guy raced around the country…in SPRINGtime to impregnate the 3 women that he was supposed to…insane yes, implausible, no…simply because it happened…part of the whole hideous mind control program….and the ROYAL GENOME PROJECT.
MCDONALD was then told that prior to the age of 11, he had grown up on a US farm…a RED-NECK family…and that he had then been taken back by his REAL FATHER and adopted into the whole TASCHMANN BROTHERS ‘unit’…
During the time of the Norwegian fjords trip….MCDONALD would have been 2 years older than myself…so about 14 years old…so would MARK R and SC…
MCDONALD would have believed that he was an AMERICAN through and through…but what about the other two?
Secondly, ROZ and I remote-viewed MARK R in SOLIHULL…getting a big crush on GILL…raping him under control as an ‘under-age teenager’…the POLICE being involved but GILL wouldn’t actually admit to a rape or subsequent ‘medical inspection’ so the whole thing got dropped…and then GILL turning to me for advice…’just use the sign of the CROSS upon him’…so GILL hid out down STREETSBROOK ROAD to ‘get’ MARK R…but the sign of the CROSS didn’t work on MARK R who retorted ‘my family invented it’ and then got GILL back under control again…
What is one to make of any of it?
Was MARK R really BRITISH all along?
I mean to say - when I look at GREEN TOWER…obviously I didn’t know a lot of people who were working there…but those that I did know…all had BRITISH educations (OBAMA’s first English accent was BRITISH - his AMERICAN accent is…acquired…let us put it that way)…
…and it is not so odd…when I think back to those times…the BRITISH PRINCES thought that they controlled GREEN TOWER…once they had realised that MARK R and AMADEUS did…a battle of epic proportions was begun and MCDONALD was enlisted to help them out…but then the betrayals began…not least the PRINCES along the lines of ‘we don’t really want a tripartite - you are our lackey, MCDONALD’ sort of thing…and SCARLETT…all I can think of is the IRAQ dossier which had really set him ‘on fire’ in terms of motivation to take SAWER down…and the top MI6 mind control programmers…
What did I care?
They were all ‘in-fighting SATANISTS’ who ate babies…
The more they fought…the more they were ‘taken out’ - the better…(and MCDONALD had showed me how to ‘blow up a building or a base’ in relation to the pipes and so forth and the right explosives to do it…I had the knowledge of how to control an entire building/area…and how to get a mind control slave in there to do it - and that meant anybody e.g. the top person in the building/base or the sentinels - I could use almost anybody I liked by that point - I had found a way to hack everybody‘s ‘system root files‘ …so taking out the top ROTHSCHILDS was relatively easy - by hacking and controlling a ‘sentinel‘ or two, in order to ‘get things done‘)…
The BLACKNESS of energy in that ROTHSCHILD conference was quite overwhelming…imagine that you can look through the main walls of the building as if they were glass…and then instead of ‘human auras’ you see BLACK SHADOWS all huddled together in that conference room…so close together that it looked like ONE BLACK MASS…that is what the ROTHSCHILDS were like…and all Arabs…not jooish looking at all…in terms of what we understand as Northern European joo or Sephardic one…tall, dark men…and ISLAM was their preferred religion of choice…to hide their SATANISM under…the MAYOR AMSCHEL thing, is a complete and utter myth…just another series of actors…and I might add, MR PUTIN looks like this ‘class of actor’…this acting troupe down the ages, who have ‘covered’ for the real ROTHSCHILD family…
I would guess that PUTIN’s programming is along the lines of ‘you genetically belong to the most powerful family in the world - the ROTHSCHILDS - look at this oil painting…you can see your own features within it…you are ‘one of us’…’
MAYOR AMSCHEL was a puppet who sat for that oil painting.
PUTIN was a puppet - pushed forward by the real ROTHSCHILDS.
See previous notes upon ELIZABETH I and her wicked courtiers…she was wicked and mad, herself - which didn’t help matters…but one needs to be more scared of those ‘in control’…
I must have looked a bit biblical…either that or somebody picked up from a toga party…at about 11am in the morning…
However, I can remember now - I did manage to smuggle an orangish red top from one of these ’dressing up sessions/operations’ and back to the UK - I then put it into my wardrobe in the MANNINGTREE flat…when RIMINGTON called, she spotted it immediately and removed it…what a memory for detail (and what wasn‘t mine)…anyway, I suppose that I was trying to trigger myself to wake up by doing the above…but it didn’t work…I just didn’t know where the top had come from…it fitted but not something that I would normally buy etc etc…
So if you find ‘strange clothes’ in your wardrobe/closet as SPRINGMEIER warned…as far as I can remember, he had given a list of tell-tale signs…I would hold an item, concentrate HARD and ponder the images that come up…
I should add a note here about ACCENTS and the POLISH who had decided to spill the beans upon MARK R at HOTELU ASYSTENCKI…
I had asked ADAM at reception for some suggestions…one of my classes had asked to hear an authentic AMERICAN accent upon tape because my accent was BRITISH and they wanted to get a wider exposure to spoken English accents…so I asked ADAM if there were any Americans living in the hotel at that point…DAN had left…he told me that there was one a very interesting case because ADAM couldn’t understand him when he spoke at all…he told me that most POLES couldn’t understand this man, when he spoke, at all…and they were all quite used to AMERICAN accents…normally they could understand US accents and from all over the USA but not from this guy…and he gave me MARK R’s room number upon the 4th floor…where the RUSSIANS used to hide out…MR PUTIN and his people…
So I went up there….knocked on MARK R’s door and he opened it a little bit…cowering and whispering behind it:
“How did you find me?”
I took this all in my stride…I had no idea who he was…and no idea why he had said that…but I was a busy teacher…I had lessons to plan and I wanted to make a tape of an authentic US accent…people were crazy in my line of ‘business’…I met crazies everyday and so the line ‘how did you find me’…water off a duck’s back…
I explained to MARKR that in fact, I had never met him before and my purpose in knocking upon his door…he then replied:
“You’d better come in”…
Anyway, I returned the next week, as agreed, with a tape-recorder…and MARK R was fully up on ALL US accents…he did a whole ½ hour on tape about the varying accents and gave imitations of them…so clued up…and so ‘word perfect’ that I can now see what a joke the whole thing was…he obviously hadn’t been born in the USA…and was trying to cover up fast…
My class were relatively interested in the whole thing…and asked for the tape to copy it, after the class…naturally I gave it to them…they made a copy and then returned it to me.
POLISH INTELLIGENCE at work? It looks likely, doesn’t it?
So what can one say…but sometimes non-native speakers can weed out a ‘phoney accent’ in a foreign language…for different reasons, maybe…but real ones…
The POLES had got MARK R’s number, I would have thought…their main idea being…he doesn’t sound like he is from a particular state/social group etc like other US TESOL teachers…
I suppose that MARK R had a ‘generic’ US accent…rather like a news reporter, I suppose…if you listen to BBC reporters…and try to mimic them…it is in fact really quite hard, unless they have a ‘dialect’ which is easier to copy…and you cannot place the typical BBC accent, pronunciation rhythm and stress as being from a particular geographical location…but the POLES were used to this BBC accent and so it wasn’t a problem (very clear English - easy to understand, they used to say)…perhaps they hadn’t got a grip on FOX NEWS then…partly owned by a SAUDI PRINCE (40%)…or would that be a ROCKEFELLER?
What can I say about MARK R but this?
I met him first at about 12 years old…second year of LANGLEY SENIORS upon that SS UGANDA trip around the Norwegian fjords….from TILBURY DOCKS, I might add…where QUEEN ELIZABETH I gave her fictional ‘rallying speech’ to the troops…yes, ROZ and I had found that one out…one of the courtiers had invented the speech and then ‘let it be found’ decades later…history in the ‘re-writing’ as it were…and one has to ask why?
MARK R was speaking like an AMERICAN upon that cruise…so were MCDONALD and SC…they were the only ‘Americans’ on board ship and generally disliked because of MARK R who used to shout out rude and coarse remarks in an American accent and then laugh loudly…the trio were generally avoided.
Why were they on that trip at all? I thought that it was only open to English schools…and so they must have been attached to one, at the time.
However, roll on the years and get to the CIA LAB…with MCDONALD having no memories before the age of 11...no memories of having been born and living with his ENGLISH family until the age of 11...his three other brothers, the BROOKS FAMILY…
MCDONALD was a HOAG cuckoo…his mother had been impregnated by GENERAL HOAG during one of those ‘TIMER CUCKOO’ events….where the guy raced around the country…in SPRINGtime to impregnate the 3 women that he was supposed to…insane yes, implausible, no…simply because it happened…part of the whole hideous mind control program….and the ROYAL GENOME PROJECT.
MCDONALD was then told that prior to the age of 11, he had grown up on a US farm…a RED-NECK family…and that he had then been taken back by his REAL FATHER and adopted into the whole TASCHMANN BROTHERS ‘unit’…
During the time of the Norwegian fjords trip….MCDONALD would have been 2 years older than myself…so about 14 years old…so would MARK R and SC…
MCDONALD would have believed that he was an AMERICAN through and through…but what about the other two?
Secondly, ROZ and I remote-viewed MARK R in SOLIHULL…getting a big crush on GILL…raping him under control as an ‘under-age teenager’…the POLICE being involved but GILL wouldn’t actually admit to a rape or subsequent ‘medical inspection’ so the whole thing got dropped…and then GILL turning to me for advice…’just use the sign of the CROSS upon him’…so GILL hid out down STREETSBROOK ROAD to ‘get’ MARK R…but the sign of the CROSS didn’t work on MARK R who retorted ‘my family invented it’ and then got GILL back under control again…
What is one to make of any of it?
Was MARK R really BRITISH all along?
I mean to say - when I look at GREEN TOWER…obviously I didn’t know a lot of people who were working there…but those that I did know…all had BRITISH educations (OBAMA’s first English accent was BRITISH - his AMERICAN accent is…acquired…let us put it that way)…
…and it is not so odd…when I think back to those times…the BRITISH PRINCES thought that they controlled GREEN TOWER…once they had realised that MARK R and AMADEUS did…a battle of epic proportions was begun and MCDONALD was enlisted to help them out…but then the betrayals began…not least the PRINCES along the lines of ‘we don’t really want a tripartite - you are our lackey, MCDONALD’ sort of thing…and SCARLETT…all I can think of is the IRAQ dossier which had really set him ‘on fire’ in terms of motivation to take SAWER down…and the top MI6 mind control programmers…
What did I care?
They were all ‘in-fighting SATANISTS’ who ate babies…
The more they fought…the more they were ‘taken out’ - the better…(and MCDONALD had showed me how to ‘blow up a building or a base’ in relation to the pipes and so forth and the right explosives to do it…I had the knowledge of how to control an entire building/area…and how to get a mind control slave in there to do it - and that meant anybody e.g. the top person in the building/base or the sentinels - I could use almost anybody I liked by that point - I had found a way to hack everybody‘s ‘system root files‘ …so taking out the top ROTHSCHILDS was relatively easy - by hacking and controlling a ‘sentinel‘ or two, in order to ‘get things done‘)…
The BLACKNESS of energy in that ROTHSCHILD conference was quite overwhelming…imagine that you can look through the main walls of the building as if they were glass…and then instead of ‘human auras’ you see BLACK SHADOWS all huddled together in that conference room…so close together that it looked like ONE BLACK MASS…that is what the ROTHSCHILDS were like…and all Arabs…not jooish looking at all…in terms of what we understand as Northern European joo or Sephardic one…tall, dark men…and ISLAM was their preferred religion of choice…to hide their SATANISM under…the MAYOR AMSCHEL thing, is a complete and utter myth…just another series of actors…and I might add, MR PUTIN looks like this ‘class of actor’…this acting troupe down the ages, who have ‘covered’ for the real ROTHSCHILD family…
I would guess that PUTIN’s programming is along the lines of ‘you genetically belong to the most powerful family in the world - the ROTHSCHILDS - look at this oil painting…you can see your own features within it…you are ‘one of us’…’
MAYOR AMSCHEL was a puppet who sat for that oil painting.
PUTIN was a puppet - pushed forward by the real ROTHSCHILDS.
See previous notes upon ELIZABETH I and her wicked courtiers…she was wicked and mad, herself - which didn’t help matters…but one needs to be more scared of those ‘in control’…
"MI5 warns Britain facing double terrorism threatAttack by dissident republicans a 'strong possibility', in addition to continuing risk of al-Qaida-inspired terrorism"
Well yes that depends upon how many FOREIGN OFICE prayer mats that MCDONALD managed to clear up doesn't it?
If we are talking about the REAL AL QUAEDA here and not some 'copycat' organisation...
"Last week MI5 head's, Jonathan Evans, opened a speech in London by warning of the growing threat to the UK mainland from Irish-related terrorism."
However, they are looking in the right location if they want to pick up TOMLINSON's terrorist gang - although I thought that the DERRY police had cleared that one up already...but TADO copycats might be sending others through the same channels...because the TADCO family no longer exist, as far as I know...
"MI5 warns Britain facing double terrorism threatAttack by dissident republicans a 'strong possibility', in addition to continuing risk of al-Qaida-inspired terrorism"
Well yes that depends upon how many FOREIGN OFICE prayer mats that MCDONALD managed to clear up doesn't it?
If we are talking about the REAL AL QUAEDA here and not some 'copycat' organisation...
"Last week MI5 head's, Jonathan Evans, opened a speech in London by warning of the growing threat to the UK mainland from Irish-related terrorism."
However, they are looking in the right location if they want to pick up TOMLINSON's terrorist gang - although I thought that the DERRY police had cleared that one up already...but TADO copycats might be sending others through the same channels...because the TADCO family no longer exist, as far as I know...
I can remember now, what happened...
TOMLINSON was so furious by my criticisms of MR ICKE's site in relation to repeatedly banging on about Israeli abuse of Palestinians whilst neglecting far worse cases of abuse around the world and by ISLAMICS...so I was flown to this place...where TOMLINSON murdered those people in front of my eyes...with his gang...he was working for TADCO at the time...and the idea was then to blame it upon some government officials - who were holding TADCO up...TOMLINSON had gone completely insane by this point in time...screaming abuse at me...he liked killing...he enjoyed it...he told me that I was now 'to blame' for the murders that he had committed...I had forced him to do it...then he beat me up...a SATANIC ISLAMIC who had really gone off the rails...but then I suppose the GREY/GREEN colour triggered him...it wouldn't have mattered if you burnt his prayer mat...he could use somebody's cardigan...irretrievable...too far gone...
TOMLINSON was so furious by my criticisms of MR ICKE's site in relation to repeatedly banging on about Israeli abuse of Palestinians whilst neglecting far worse cases of abuse around the world and by ISLAMICS...so I was flown to this place...where TOMLINSON murdered those people in front of my eyes...with his gang...he was working for TADCO at the time...and the idea was then to blame it upon some government officials - who were holding TADCO up...TOMLINSON had gone completely insane by this point in time...screaming abuse at me...he liked killing...he enjoyed it...he told me that I was now 'to blame' for the murders that he had committed...I had forced him to do it...then he beat me up...a SATANIC ISLAMIC who had really gone off the rails...but then I suppose the GREY/GREEN colour triggered him...it wouldn't have mattered if you burnt his prayer mat...he could use somebody's cardigan...irretrievable...too far gone...
I seem to remember TOMLINSON putting this article together...it is apparently a piece of news that MAINSTREAM MEDIA will not touch...
Okay I wouldn't trust TOMLINSON as far as I could throw him but if this article is anywhere near the truth then it needs to be OUTED.
In fact, once I had clicked on the article, read it and then tried to search for MATO GROSSO upon a NORTON search...I then found a 'discover ireland' site trying to download...trying to put up their URL...so I clicked back again...what does that say to me? TOMLINSON's mafia in IRELAND...trying to harm my laptop again...so they will probably be behind the violence in MATO GROSSO?
Anyway, here is the WIKI entry:
I seem to remember TOMLINSON putting this article together...it is apparently a piece of news that MAINSTREAM MEDIA will not touch...
Okay I wouldn't trust TOMLINSON as far as I could throw him but if this article is anywhere near the truth then it needs to be OUTED.
In fact, once I had clicked on the article, read it and then tried to search for MATO GROSSO upon a NORTON search...I then found a 'discover ireland' site trying to download...trying to put up their URL...so I clicked back again...what does that say to me? TOMLINSON's mafia in IRELAND...trying to harm my laptop again...so they will probably be behind the violence in MATO GROSSO?
Anyway, here is the WIKI entry:
I remember now...and this is an odd one...the 'top English Lit student' at EXETER UNIVERSITY circa 1990...her name was SUZANNAH...starting an MA COURSE upon autobiographies...and me wondering what on Earth that could be about?
Yes, you could certainly write reams on them...a massive subject area...but why on earth would you want to do so? Yes it is a very interesting subject...but is there anything really 'relevant' or 'interesting' that you could say - which would be more interesting or relevant than what the actual subject matter contained?
I mean - unless you knew about the whole SHA system of PI slave-writer abuse...you would be on very shaky terrain...not to mention the ROCKEFELLER system of re-writing history...
Yes, you could certainly write reams on them...a massive subject area...but why on earth would you want to do so? Yes it is a very interesting subject...but is there anything really 'relevant' or 'interesting' that you could say - which would be more interesting or relevant than what the actual subject matter contained?
I mean - unless you knew about the whole SHA system of PI slave-writer abuse...you would be on very shaky terrain...not to mention the ROCKEFELLER system of re-writing history...
THE SUN IS UP appear to be pisstaking MARTIN GILL as a 'ladee, he's a ladee' yet again...when will the ill give over?
I might add that i was coaxed to write that short scene where 'OZZIE' talks to his father about his autobiography...and this can go two ways:
Firstly TOMLINSON had decided that he was the 'TV presenter' ...and GILL was to tell me later on 'don't be stupid - that's me'
Secondly, I wondered if the ill had tried to 'screw' things as much as they normally do...it DOES make more sense for OZZIE to have been TOMLINSON...because he was so insane about running the RA CULT etc...it was his whole life - whereas it wasn't GILL's...
However, I suppose that the temptation to encourage JOHN MALKOVICH to do GILL impersonations proved too great...and so the roles were switched...
Anyway, I had read a bit of a started but then 'lack of interest' prevailed 'autobiography' by GILL who lost interest quite quickly and gave up...I had read a bit and it wasn't exactly 'truthful' now was it?
However, I do not wish GILL to think that I am in any way writing his 'biography' here...feel free to write your own...yes, the ill were that obsessive about you...and my life was interwined to a high degree and that is why I have been writing so much about him...but feel free to point out any mistakes...
In relation to AUTOBIOGRAPHIES and LIES, LIES ALL DAMN LIES...I think that TOMLINSON's wins an Olympic award...besides it was written by ANDREW MARR...how 'fake' is that?
THE SUN IS UP appear to be pisstaking MARTIN GILL as a 'ladee, he's a ladee' yet again...when will the ill give over?
I might add that i was coaxed to write that short scene where 'OZZIE' talks to his father about his autobiography...and this can go two ways:
Firstly TOMLINSON had decided that he was the 'TV presenter' ...and GILL was to tell me later on 'don't be stupid - that's me'
Secondly, I wondered if the ill had tried to 'screw' things as much as they normally do...it DOES make more sense for OZZIE to have been TOMLINSON...because he was so insane about running the RA CULT etc...it was his whole life - whereas it wasn't GILL's...
However, I suppose that the temptation to encourage JOHN MALKOVICH to do GILL impersonations proved too great...and so the roles were switched...
Anyway, I had read a bit of a started but then 'lack of interest' prevailed 'autobiography' by GILL who lost interest quite quickly and gave up...I had read a bit and it wasn't exactly 'truthful' now was it?
However, I do not wish GILL to think that I am in any way writing his 'biography' here...feel free to write your own...yes, the ill were that obsessive about you...and my life was interwined to a high degree and that is why I have been writing so much about him...but feel free to point out any mistakes...
In relation to AUTOBIOGRAPHIES and LIES, LIES ALL DAMN LIES...I think that TOMLINSON's wins an Olympic award...besides it was written by ANDREW MARR...how 'fake' is that?
In my inbox this morning...I won't bother to open any of them:
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There was an article in the SUNDAY TIMES - September 11th...about CARLA BRUNI...and a forthcoming biography...by a woman who appears to be a bit of a bitch to put it mildly...or 'just making money off somebody else's back' which is what biographers tend to do...unless there has been some agreement beforehand...
Anyway, I read briefly what this biographer had to say...and she professed to have 'not known' about the tempestuous 'Italian' nature of BRUNI and her life before she started to research her subject...so that is the FIRST LIE to begin with...because that would have been the main reason for wanting to write it...juicy subject matter...so this biographer lies and lies very badly...pretty stupid woman I would say...why not be honest when it is blatantly obvious that you are lying..unless you are that stupid that you can't tell or don't care...
I read excerpts about BRUNI...and began to realise that it read like an 'intelligence operative's life'...yes, she obviously wasn't the 'good little girl with her head down' was she? Nor was I...although to meet me...you would have thought that I was a rather meek and downtrodden ex-EFL teacher a few years ago...
I then read about the 'extensive plastic surgery' that BRUNI had received a few years ago...and thought:
"...she looks exactly as she did at that PARIS school...so the surgery hasn't changed her looks...some people like to change their looks radically...but BRUNI hasn't...she looks like the 8 year old school girl (or younger) that she once was, at that school...one of the older girls in that class...much taller than me but not Senior School age"
...and that is how I had primarily identified her...by her face...the same 'girl'...the same features, the same eyes, colour and length of hair...the lot...not many girls/women look like CARLA BRUNI...that much is certain.
I then wondered...if I had similar plastic surgery...a nip and tuck under my chin...a bit of a lift to get rid of my jowls which are beginning to show and around the eyes, pull it all up a bit...would I look like that 8 year old school-girl that TODDY had taken a photo of in BLACKHEATH? The fantasy is there...how lovely it would be to go back to your own youth...have your young face back...
I then wondered about CARLA BRUNI...once she had got what I shall call her '8 year old face' back...did she look into the mirror and remember that SCHOOL? I am sure that she would have been memory-wiped afterwards...but what if she had woken up, because of it?
Anyway, I read briefly what this biographer had to say...and she professed to have 'not known' about the tempestuous 'Italian' nature of BRUNI and her life before she started to research her subject...so that is the FIRST LIE to begin with...because that would have been the main reason for wanting to write it...juicy subject matter...so this biographer lies and lies very badly...pretty stupid woman I would say...why not be honest when it is blatantly obvious that you are lying..unless you are that stupid that you can't tell or don't care...
I read excerpts about BRUNI...and began to realise that it read like an 'intelligence operative's life'...yes, she obviously wasn't the 'good little girl with her head down' was she? Nor was I...although to meet me...you would have thought that I was a rather meek and downtrodden ex-EFL teacher a few years ago...
I then read about the 'extensive plastic surgery' that BRUNI had received a few years ago...and thought:
"...she looks exactly as she did at that PARIS school...so the surgery hasn't changed her looks...some people like to change their looks radically...but BRUNI hasn't...she looks like the 8 year old school girl (or younger) that she once was, at that school...one of the older girls in that class...much taller than me but not Senior School age"
...and that is how I had primarily identified her...by her face...the same 'girl'...the same features, the same eyes, colour and length of hair...the lot...not many girls/women look like CARLA BRUNI...that much is certain.
I then wondered...if I had similar plastic surgery...a nip and tuck under my chin...a bit of a lift to get rid of my jowls which are beginning to show and around the eyes, pull it all up a bit...would I look like that 8 year old school-girl that TODDY had taken a photo of in BLACKHEATH? The fantasy is there...how lovely it would be to go back to your own youth...have your young face back...
I then wondered about CARLA BRUNI...once she had got what I shall call her '8 year old face' back...did she look into the mirror and remember that SCHOOL? I am sure that she would have been memory-wiped afterwards...but what if she had woken up, because of it?
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